grattan / covid19.model.sa2

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A model of the COVID-19 pandemic stratified by SA2.


Basic usage:

S <- simulate_sa2(days_to_simulate = 5)

The default return value is a list of three components:

(Other return types are available via returner but these are subject to change.)

Modelling different epidemiological assumptions

To model different epidemiological assumptions -- such as the the duration of the incubation period, how likely transmission is in certain places, and
the severity of cases -- supply a list of parameters to EpiPars.

The function set_epipars() returns a list of the required parameters with reasonable defaults.

S <- simulate_sa2(EpiPars = set_epipars())

# Assume longer average incubation, 8 days
S_long_incubation <- 
  simulate_sa2(EpiPars = set_epipars(incubation_mean = 8))

# Assume everyone in the household gets infected the following day
# if any member does
S_high_household_transmission <- 
  simulate_sa2(EpiPars = set_epipars(q_household = 1))

# Assume no-one is naturally resistant
S_no_natural_resist <-
  simulate_sa2(EpiPars = set_epipars(resistance_threshold = 1000))

Policy parameters

Like EpiPars use set_policypars to supply a list of PolicyPars, to change the assumptions about policies that restrict interaction.

# Open all schools
S_schools <- 
  simulate_sa2(PolicyPars = set_policypars(schools_open = TRUE))

## Isolate everyone over 65
S_ages_lockdown <-
  simulate_sa2(PolicyPars = set_policypars(age_based_lockdown = 65:100))


Two arguments are available to improve the performance of the model, as well as corresponding options.

