gravitl / netmaker-docs

The documentation for Netmaker, a WireGuard-based overlay network platform
10 stars 22 forks source link

Welcome to the Netmaker documentation!

Where is the netmaker documentation hosted?

We encourage contributions! Follow the below documentation to build and make changes/additions to the documentation.

How to build the Netmaker documentation

  1. Install dependencies: make, python3, pip, sphinx, sphinx-material theme
    (debian instructions, varies by OS)

apt-get install make
apt-get install python3-sphinx apt-get install python3-pip pip install git+ pip install markupsafe

1. Clone the repo  
`git clone`

2. Cd to root of repo and build  
`cd netmaker-docs && make html`

3. Open _build/html/index.html in your browser

# How to contribute to the Netmaker documentation  

Be sure to follow the sphinx documentation while writing your changes:

0. Follow the "build" instructions to clone and build the documentation  
1. Create a branch: `git checkout -b <your-doc-change>`
2. Write your changes in the editor of your choice.
3. Build the documentation again to make sure it compiles: `make html` 
4. View it in your browser to make sure it looks good
5. Once ready, commit your code and submit a PR against the develop branch, describing what changes you made.

## Submitting Changes

* Please label your branch using a sensible name.

* Please open a [Pull Request]( against the develop branch with your branch which clearly describes everything you've done and references any related GitHub issues. 

* Please respond to any feedback in a timely manner. Stale PR's will be closed periodically.