graywolf336 / BestViewDistance

A view distance plugin for Paper. Created to boost ping/tps and view distance.
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BestViewDistance Build Status

A view distance plugin for Paper. Created to boost ping/tps and view distance. Development Builds

How it works ?

This plugin chooses the best view distance for your players. The view distance is calculated based on your ping and the TPS of the server. If the TPS are low, the view distance is reduced by a percentage called "reduction indice". The reduction indice changes according to the TPS of the server.

This plugin reduces players lag, reduces players ping and optimizes your server a better view distance.


Please download Paper ! It's better than spigot and bukkit. Also provide you a lot of optimizations and options. [WARNING] ProtocolLib is needed ONLY for 1.12.X !

Commands / Permissions

/view server => Get reduction indice.
/view tps => Get server's tps.
/view ping <player> => Get player ping.
/view <player> => Get player actual view distance and his max view distance.
/view => Get help

Permission : "view.check"

/view reload => Reload plugin config. Need "view.reload"
/vdist => Allows your players to see their own view distance. Need ""
/vping => Allows your players to see their own ping. Need ""

Bypass algorithm : "view.set.x" (3 to 32)
(Example : view.set.15 set a view dist of 15 chunks)
Does not work with "*"/"*.*" permissions nodes !


#   ╔╗ ┌─┐┌─┐┌┬┐  ╦  ╦┬┌─┐┬ ┬  ╔╦╗┬┌─┐┌┬┐┌─┐┌┐┌┌─┐┌─┐
#   ╠╩╗├┤ └─┐ │   ╚╗╔╝│├┤ │││   ║║│└─┐ │ ├─┤││││  ├┤
#   ╚═╝└─┘└─┘ ┴    ╚╝ ┴└─┘└┴┘  ═╩╝┴└─┘ ┴ ┴ ┴┘└┘└─┘└─┘
#       - Get a Better View Distance, By LXCT. -
# Donate:

Version: 2.6 # Version of the config file. Don't change this value.

Features: # UseTeleportView can increase lags.
  UseTPS: true # Increase/Decrease view in function of server's TPS (Reduction Indice = 0)
  UsePing: true # The plugin will give a custom view distance for each players
  UseLoginView: true # Use a custom view on login
  UseAFKView: true # Use a custom view if the player is AFK.
  UseTasks: true # Use tasks. Turn this off will reduce lags, but view distance will change slower.
  UseFlyingView: false # Use a custom view if the player is flying.
  UseTeleportView: false # Use a custom view on teleport. Can reduce freeze on teleport.
  UsePermissions: false # Enable permissions (view.set.x) to bypass algorithm.

ViewDistance: # Adjust that according to your needs
  Min: 4 # Default minimum view distance (Minimum: 3)
  Max: 16 # Default maximum view distance (Maximum: 32)
  OnLogin: 4 # View distance on login
  OnAFK: 3 # AFK view distance (If UseAFKView is on true)
  OnTeleport: 4 # View distance on teleport (If UseTeleportView is on true)
  OnFlying: 12 # View distance if flying (If UseFlyingView is on true)
  MoreThanSettings: 0 # Add x chunks more than player's settings.

Delay: # Warning: A low value for SetViewDelay can increase lags and create ghost chunks!
  CalculationsDelay: 1 # Delay in seconds to actualize calculations
  SetViewDelay: 20 # Delay in seconds to actualize global view distance (Impact performances)
  UnsetTeleportViewDelay: 3 # Delay in seconds to unset the OnTeleport custom view (Impact performances)
  IncrementalViewIncreaseDelay: 1 # The amount of seconds between view distance increments. Higher amounts will "appear" as lag to players.
  CheckFlyingDelay: 5 # Delay in seconds before set the OnFlying view distance
  AFKDelay: 90 # Delay in seconds before set the OnAFK view distance

Settings: # Calculations settings
  TpsLimit: 19.5 # Below: Decrease Reduction Indice || Over: Increase Reduction Indice.
  TpsChangeIndice: 0.01 # How much we had to increase/decrease the reduction indice. 0.01 = 1%
  MaxReductionIndice: 0.75 # Maximum Reduction Indice (0.75 = 75%)
  SafePing: 1 # Set this value to 0 for local hosting.
  PingForReduction: 550 # Ping required to decrease view distance
  PingForAugmentation: 90 # Ping required to increase view distance

Permissions: # Bypass settings
  BypassAFKView: true # Player with permissions (view.set.x) can bypass the "OnAFK" view.
  BypassTeleportView: true # Player with permissions (view.set.x) can bypass the "OnTeleport" view.
  BypassFlyingView: true # Player with permissions (view.set.x) can bypass the "OnFlying" view.

  DecimalsTPS: 2 # How many decimals for the %VDIST_DECIMAL_TPS% placeholder
  DecimalsIndice: 2 # How many decimals for the %VDIST_REDUCTION_INDICE_DECIMAL% placeholder
  HideVdistLine4: false # Hide the 4th line of the /vdist command
  Metrics: true # Send anonymous stats

Worlds: # Custom Min and Max per worlds
  Example: # Name of your world
    Max: 32 # Max value of world
    Min: 16 # Min value of world
  Example2: # Another Example.
    Max: 8 # Max for Example2 World
    Min: 3 # Min for Example2 World

Regions: # Custom Min and Max per regions
  Example: # Name of your region
    Max: 32 # Max value of region
    Min: 16 # Min value of region
  Example2: # Another Example.
    Max: 8 # Max for Example2 region
    Min: 3 # Min for Example2 region

PlaceholderAPI :

%VDIST_REDUCTION_INDICE% => Get the reduction indice in percentage
%VDIST_REDUCTION_INDICE_DECIMAL% => Get the reduction indice with decimals
%VDIST_DECIMAL_TPS% => Get TPS with decimals
%VDIST_PLAYER_SETTINGS_VIEW% => Get the render distance in player's settings
%VDIST_PLAYER_SUPPORTED_VIEW% => Get the supported view distance of a player
%VDIST_PLAYER_CURRENT_VIEW% => Get the current view distance of a player


Bash/Zsh linux terminal :

git clone
cd BestViewDistance
mvn clean install

The jar is in the target/ folder.