grc-iit / scspkg

MIT License
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A simple tool for building modulefiles and testing build scripts before building a spack script. It's also useful for when spack fails. More detailed doucmentation for its usage is here.

0.1. Dependencies

  1. jarvis-util: a library which contains various utilities to aid with creating shell scripts within Python.
  2. LMOD or environment modules

0.1.2. Install LMOD or Environment Modules

If your machine does not have module support, then install LMOD. LMOD is recommended as it has a few more features, although environment modules is compatible with SCSPKG as well.

We'll repeat the steps used for installing on Ubuntu + bash here. LMOD is installed differently for different distros and different shell types.

sudo apt -y install lmod
nano ~/.bashrc

In your bashrc, append:

if ! shopt -q login_shell; then
  if [ -d /etc/profile.d ]; then
    for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh; do
      if [ -r $i ]; then
        . $i

0.2. Installation

cd /path/to/scspkg
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 -m pip install -e .
SCSPKG_MODULE_DIR=`scspkg module dir`
echo "module use ${SCSPKG_MODULE_DIR}" >> ~/.bashrc

IMPORTANT NOTE: Sometimes adding "module use" to bashrc doesn't work. The module program may not be quite loaded during bashrc. If you find your custom modules don't work, do the following:

module use `scspkg module dir` 

0.3. Setup

After installing, you'll have to bootstrap scspkg.

If using LMOD for environment variables:

scspkg init

If using Environment Modules (tcl):

scspkg init False

If you don't know whether LMOD or Environment Modules is installed, assume Environment Modules. LMOD is compatible with Environment Module scripts.

0.4. Using the modulefiles

module avail #List of available modules
module list #List of currently running modules
module load [package] #Load a module corresponding to a package
module unload [package] #Unload a module
module purge #Unload all modules

0.5. Uninstallation

scspkg reset