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Can you stop polluting Github? #1

Open cicku opened 10 years ago

cicku commented 10 years ago

Github is being used by numerous programmers in China, if China blocks Github again, I don't know if the reason is here or whatsoever. Most of programmers are not willing to see github gets blocked again because of some censored contents hosting on Github.

I hope you can consider this seriously. If you want to spread information, please find a better place, better for some on your own risk services, but not Github, which is important for people. And github is never designed to be a place of such things. We want coding without politics or any unrelated things around, and we don't want to setup a proxy or tunnel to code just because someone tries to polluting the environment.

greatfire commented 10 years ago

Hi Cicku,

Thank you for your message. We do not want GitHub to get blocked. We know that GitHub is important to people and hope that the government respects this and does not block access.

In terms of finding a better place for spreading information, do you have any suggestions? ---- [6月18日更新]楼主在2013年12月就提出了这个问题,但至今Github没有被封锁。反倒是Google所有服务被完全屏蔽。 GFW才是我们的共同敌人。

cicku commented 10 years ago

Sorry, dunno. But I know, our government never repects citizens. Extend to the Internet area, they are doing the same absolutely. So we can't say that we hope they not to block github, but should be we solicit for that. We are in the disadvantaged situation now, government has abundant reasons to block github and just leave a word "because of some censored things", and then many programmers will shout at you and squabble with you of whether these contents are allowed or not for github and blahblahblah etc. Once it gets blocked, people will vent their spleen on somewhere. Where this time? Last time it got blocked in February because of the scurry of train tickets, what about this time? Maybe many people like Kai-Fu Lee will criticize again, but I think our government is brazen(thicked-face). Besides these, why should we get attention by Chinese via this?

I know you are trying to let more people know the truth, but I don't think github is a proper place, and I think you know this fact, too. You move to github just because it's a last-ditch action. All places which can hold such contents and can be accessed by Chinese in mainland are the sites that needed by most of people for normal use, including github. So if you try to find a place which is not only used by few people but also not well-known in China, I think it's tough yet.

I maintain gfwlist now, I have to say I appreciate the info you've provided since long long ago. But I still have to file this issue because moving to github is risky forever in line with the current situation and attitude implied by Chinese government.


v3aqb commented 10 years ago

github hosts source code, not newsletter. stop the abuse.

cjxgm commented 10 years ago

Why not just make these stuffs on just like the other contents? Stop the abuse!

notzhan commented 10 years ago

Stop the abuse! github not a newsletter host!

frankyaorenjie commented 10 years ago

Stop the abuse! Github is a place for codes, not for things like this so-called project. Plz stop.

hackgfw commented 10 years ago

Anyone can use Github for whatever purpose as long as they comply with Github's terms of service, and I don't think this project violated Github's terms. It's greatfire's RIGHT to host this project on Github, and you can't infringe upon greatfire's rights for your own benefits. After all, it's GFW who may block Github, not greatfire.

greatfire commented 10 years ago

Our goal is not to get GitHub blocked. We are trying to expand the online freedom which I believe all of us who use GitHub want. We are working hard to end online censorship in China and we believe that this is possible. But it requires that we unite. Those of us who believe that having access to GitHub is a right, not a favour that can be cancelled any time, must work together. The more of us that use GitHub, the more of us make clear that we will not tolerate GitHub being blocked, the more difficult it will be for the government to block it. If those that suffer from online censorship are divided into different groups, blaming each other, then the censorship authorities will win. If we unite against the censorship that we all disagree with, we can win.

xavierzhao commented 10 years ago


zhangchn commented 10 years ago

The more of us that use GitHub, the more of us make clear that we will not tolerate GitHub being blocked, the more difficult it will be for the government to block it.

IMHO, this would work only in your naive fantasy.

The censorship authorities just win regardless of whether you come together or blame each other. Resistance is useless, but your behavior is obviously not something benign, and you would hold responsible for any collateral damages. If you failed to understand this point, click this:

lichunqiang commented 10 years ago

都是中国人为啥不用中文交流 - -! 真费劲

xavierzhao commented 10 years ago


On Tue, Jun 3, 2014 at 10:59 PM, 李某某 wrote:

都是中国人为啥不用中文交流 - -! 真费劲

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nyfair commented 10 years ago


kumakichi commented 10 years ago


yyang-24 commented 10 years ago


RickyLin commented 10 years ago

如果这不违反 GitHub 的条款,我觉得这是 GitHub 条款的漏洞。我理解作者的想法,我也非常痛恨这座墙,但我同时也觉得,大部分需要科学上网的人都各有各的科学上网的方法,不需要在GitHub 这样的地方作为一个页面总结出来。来访问这里的人大部分都是会编程的人,但有多少会编程的人不会科学上网的?

nyfair commented 10 years ago


yyang-24 commented 10 years ago


v3aqb commented 10 years ago


nyfair commented 10 years ago


yyang-24 commented 10 years ago


nyfair commented 10 years ago


muyexi commented 10 years ago

If you don't want to fight, fine, but don't stop others from fighting.

nyfair commented 10 years ago

I agree with you, but who are the "others"? Anyway, stop the abuse first!

muyexi commented 10 years ago

After reread what cicku said, I think it makes sense. But still I can't blame greatfire, bacause he is fighting for us. He didn't pollute anything, it's the totalitarian which is polluting everything everyday.

wenketel commented 10 years ago

( ̄▽ ̄") 远古巨坟又被挖了 因为谷歌全面被墙么?

0yeziahehe commented 10 years ago


------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------ 发件人: "文科";; 发送时间: 2014年6月6日(星期五) 中午1:57 收件人: "greatfire/wiki";

主题: Re: [wiki] Can you stop polluting Github? (#1)

( ̄▽ ̄") 远古巨坟又被挖了 因为谷歌全面被墙么?

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yyang-24 commented 10 years ago

想了会儿,还是说下,这不是谷歌抽风,是GFW把谷歌的几乎所有服务都墙了。 GFW的目的就是让我们认为这是谷歌的问题,而放弃使用谷歌。

nyfair commented 10 years ago


fanchangyong commented 10 years ago


michalliu commented 10 years ago


xavierzhao commented 10 years ago


Sylvanasse commented 10 years ago


lichunqiang commented 10 years ago


fengmk2 commented 10 years ago

github被墙, 也不会是因为这个 wiki 的存在吧...

samniu commented 10 years ago

Google 错了,还是翻墙错了? 这是前提。

july-12 commented 10 years ago

就算知道这个前提我们又能怎样, 如果是google错了, 那它为什么要犯这个错,如果是国家错了,那也要同问?

yyang-24 commented 10 years ago


est commented 10 years ago


yyang-24 commented 10 years ago


xiemeilong commented 10 years ago


Sylvanasse commented 10 years ago

理中客? 应该叫五毛才对吧。我印象中五毛都是极其臭不要脸的。

BruceZu commented 10 years ago

这里github 换个地方argue吧

From: est [] Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2014 1:02 PM To: greatfire/wiki Subject: Re: [wiki] Can you stop polluting Github? (#1)


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chemdemo commented 10 years ago

1、代码托管到github的项目,都尽量不要触及相关部门的神经吧 2、github已有的项目,重要的尽量做好backup,毕竟我们不能保证所有人都做到第一条,更不确定我们的ZF会在哪一天以**为由封锁github

tanchongshi commented 10 years ago

I just want to say you programmer is one of the highest IQ groups in this country

irwinai commented 10 years ago

这就是电视里经常放的,某个美女被恶少调戏,然后有人见义勇为,救了姑娘,结果旁边人说 你这样做不对啊,这个姑娘的下场会更惨,你这是害人啊 然后,看电视人人都觉得这岂不是荒天下之大谬 呵呵,看看楼上的那些面目

nyfair commented 10 years ago

然后过两年来个反转发现那是绿茶婊? 呵呵,看看楼上的那些面目

yyang-24 commented 10 years ago


Sylvanasse commented 10 years ago


irwinai commented 10 years ago

Sylvanasse 说得好,鲁迅先生说的劣根性一点都没错