green-ecolution / green-ecolution-backend

Green Ecolution - Backend
GNU General Public License v3.0
3 stars 1 forks source link

Green Ecolution Backend


Smart irrigation is needed to save water, staff and costs. This project is the server-side for Green Ecolution. For Frontend please refer to Green Ecolution Frontend. The backend provides an interface to interact between the website and the database. The backend retains data about

In the current setup sensors are connected to an ESP32 with an integrated LoRaWAN module. Sensor data is send using LoraWAN to a MQTT-Gateway and then to the server to further process the data.

While the project is created in collaboration with the local green space management (TBZ Flensburg) this software aims to be applicable for other cities.

Project structure

├── config       <- configuration files
│   ├── app.go
│   └── ...
├── internal
│   ├── entities <- domain entities (models)
│   ├── server   <- server setup (http, grpc, etc.)
│   ├── service  <- business logic (services)
│   └── storage  <- storage logic repository (database, cache, etc.)
└ main.go



Clean Architecture

The project is structured following the principles of the Clean Architecture. The main idea is to separate the business logic from the infrastructure and the framework. This way, the business logic is independent of the framework and can be easily tested. The framework is only used to connect the business logic with the outside world. The business logic is divided into three layers: entities, use cases, and interfaces. The entities layer contains the domain models. The use cases layer contains the business logic. The interfaces layer contains the interfaces that the use cases need to interact with the outside world. On top of it the project is structured following the principles of the Layered Architecture.

Inside the internal folder, there are three main packages: entities, service, and storage. The entities package contains the domain models. The service package contains the business logic. The storage package contains the repository logic to interact with the database, cache, etc.

Inside the internal folder, there is a server package that contains the server setup. The server setup is responsible for setting up the server (http, grpc, etc.) and connecting the business logic with the outside world.

Local development



To download all needed tools use

make setup

Then to generate code use

make generate

To run a local database you can use a preconfigured .yaml file.

docker compose up -d


To run the project, you need to execute the following command:

With live reload

make run/live

Without live reload

make run


Before running the tests, you need to create the mock files. To create the mock files, you need to execute the following command:

go install # install Mockery
mockery # create mock files

To run the tests, you need to execute the following command:

go test ./...

NOTE: Mockery is used to generate mocks for interfaces. The mocks are generated in the _mocks folder. To specify the output folder or to add created interfaces to the mocks, you can edit the mockery.yml file. The mockery.yml file is used to configure the behavior of Mockery. Running go generate will execute Mockery and generate the mocks. Also when running Air, the mocks will be generated automatically.

How to contribute

If you want to contribute to the project please follow this guideline:

Please refer to naming conventions for branches Medium Article.