greenlighttec / IntelliFaxSvc

Middleware for AudioCode Fax Services
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Middleware for AudioCode Fax Services v0.0.02

XML File Creation

You'll need to create an XML file that consists of the configuration you want the gateway to have. A generic XML file exists called "general.xml" in the public folder. You can copy this and make a separate one for each device.

The files should be created with the mac address of the device.

Required Support folders

The database.json file has been moved to a backend MySQL database powered by Sequelize. Database connection for Configuration is done via the secrets/config.json. Rename the config.json-example to config.json and populate the necessary fields.

note that initially all lookups occur out of './lib/databaseCommands.js' and the replacement of json backend to database backend was mostly completed here Some additional database commands are occurring in the admin API.

You'll also need to create an 'uploaded_files' folder, and inside that create two folders 'pdfs' and 'tiffs'. This is where faxes will temporarily be stored as they're exchanged.

Note that end goal is for faxes to not be retained long term and are deleted immediately after transmission. Right now deletion after transmission does not happen.

Telnyx API

The commands for the Telnyx API are built into the application, you'll need to create a secrets.json with the API Key there.

Required external applications