greg-ses / simpleui

Simple UI is a real-time display framework using Angular for the front end display and nodeJs as a beck end service provider.
MIT License
1 stars 2 forks source link

Frontend unit tests

Docker image

Simple UI

Simple UI is a real-time display framework using Angular 14 for the front end display and Node.js 18 as a back end service provider. The front-end part of simpleui (base_app) sends http requests to the backend end part of simpleui (simpleui-server), which in turn sends and receives ZeroMQ XML messages to a second backend server (typically C++). simpleui-server translates the received .xml into .json responses and sends them back to the front end.

Basic setup

Development installation

Production installation

When running SimpleUI in production, the docker container requires some CLI arguments.

docker run simpleui-image YOUR_APP_NAME zmqHostname=YOUR_ZMQ_HOSTNAME




Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change. Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.


Project started by James Scarsdale and Greg Morehead. Karen Cummings created much of the initial scaffolding when Angular 2 was in constant flux. Tom Alexander has made very significant architectural contributions to the product. Docker environment by Nick Tosta. Maintained By Zack Beucler
