gregoiresage / fitbit-weather

Weather module for Fitbit OS
MIT License
62 stars 13 forks source link

Weather module for Fitbit OS

This library permits to retrieve weather information from the device.
You can choose your favourite weather provider between OpenWeatherMap, DarkSky and Weatherbit


npm i fitbit-weather


Create an index.js file in the companion folder if you don't already have one.
Add the following code in this file :

import * as weather from 'fitbit-weather/companion'

weather.setup({ provider : weather.Providers.openweathermap, apiKey : 'YOUR_KEY' })


Add the following code in your app/index.js file

import * as weather from 'fitbit-weather/app'

weather.fetch(30 * 60 * 1000) // return the cached value if it is less than 30 minutes old 
  .then(weather => console.log(JSON.stringify(weather)))
  .catch(error => console.log(JSON.stringify(error)))


Example of result

    "description":"Mostly Clear",
    "realConditionCode":"this is the real conditioncode returned by the provider",

Condition codes

const Conditions = {
  ClearSky        : 0,
  FewClouds       : 1,
  ScatteredClouds : 2,
  BrokenClouds    : 3,
  ShowerRain      : 4,
  Rain            : 5,
  Thunderstorm    : 6,
  Snow            : 7,
  Mist            : 8,
  Unknown         : 1000,

Providers codes

const Providers = {
  openweathermap  : "owm",
  darksky         : "darksky",
  weatherbit      : "weatherbit"


Developer who are using TypeScript could include type definitions from or fitbit-weather-types.

npm i @types/fitbit-weather


I'm not a javascript expert so every comment/code reactoring/best practice is appreciated. Don't hesitate to make PR and tell me what's wrong.