gregorias / anki-code-highlighter

Anki plugin for code syntax highlighting.
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
54 stars 3 forks source link
anki-addon syntax-highlighting

🌈 Anki Code Highlighter

An Anki plugin that adds syntax highlighting to code snippets.



Fetching from AnkiWeb

The recommended way to install this plugin is directly from AnkiWeb using Anki's add-on management.

Fetching from source

Alternatively, you can install this plugin from source.

  1. Run dev/bin/package.
  2. Import codehighlighter.ankiaddon in Anki.


You can either highlight code from your clipboard or highlight a snippet of code already present in a card field.

Highlighting from clipboard

  1. Put the cursor in the place you want to place your code.
  2. Press CTRL+' (on macOS, ⌘+') or click this add-on's button in the editor's button bar.

Highlighting an already written code snippet

  1. Write a code snippet in a card editor.
  2. Select the code snippet.
  3. Press CTRL+' (on macOS, ⌘+') or click this add-on's button in the editor's button bar.

For the list of supported languages and their corresponding codes, see assets/_ch-hljs-lang-*.min.js files in this repository.

The plugin works on untagged code blocks. Do not add your own HTML tags like <code> or <pre><code> to the snippet you want to highlight. If you have run into issues with preannotated code snippets, see this comment for how to fix this.

Supported highlighters


The plugin accepts the following configuration options:

Known limitations

Can't highlight split HTML nodes

If you see "The selection splits an HTML node, which prevents the highlighting plugin from proceeding", you are partially selecting an HTML element.

This plugin can not highlight a selection that partially selects an HTML element. To work around this, see these instructions.

Refresh & Removal

This plugin installs its own JS and CSS files. It also modifies card templates. You need to run some manual steps if you:

If you add a new card template, run Extras/Tools > Refresh Code Highlighter Assets.

To remove the plugin, run Extras/Tools > Delete Code Highlighter Assets before deleting the plugin using Anki's internal add-on system. This manual step is necessary until Anki adds add-on lifecycle hooks.

Custom Styles

This plugin supports a modified Solarized style out of the box (its day and night variants) provided by two CSS stylesheets:

You may install your own style but defining and configuring custom stylesheets.

Adding a custom style

To add a custom style, do the following:

  1. Create your new CSS stylesheet. See subsections below for generation tips for each highlighter.
  2. Rename the CSS stylesheet file to start with _. This is necessary to prevent garbage collection from Anki when you save it in the media directory. Let's say you named it _ch-my-style.css.
  3. Save the CSS stylesheet file into your Anki profile's media directory. If you have already installed this plugin, the media directory should contain this plugin's assets, e.g., _ch-hljs-solarized.css.
  4. Open this plugin's configuration in Anki and change the value of css-files to use your new stylesheet, e.g.,:

     "css-files": [

    In the example above, we keep the default styles for Pygments.

  5. Refresh this plugin's assets.

Generating a stylesheet for highlight.js

You may download a ready stylesheet for highlight.js from the list of available styles.

You may customize it further by adding a custom border or adding a separate style for dark mode. For how it's done, see _ch-hljs-solarized.css.

Generating a stylesheet for pygments

  1. Modify XXX_STYLE variables in dev/bin/generate-pygments-css to use your desired style for each mode.
  2. To generate a ready to use stylesheet, run dev/bin/generate-pygments-css. You may need to install a few dependencies for that script to run (pygments, webcolors). Import errors will guide you.