pip install discord.py
)pip install pytz
)pip install psutil
)pip install requests
)pip install uvloop
) - UNIX ONLYgit clone https://github.com/gregzaal/Auto-Voice-Channels.git
cd Auto-Voice-Channels
sudo apt-get -y install python3-pip
pip3 install virtualenv
python3 -m virtualenv bot-env
. bot-env/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
file in the Auto-Voice-Channels folder and fill it in:
is your personal user ID, for the bot to DM you errors and other important logs.client_id
is the bot application client ID.log_timezone
is for the time displayed in logs, see this list.token
is your bot's private token you can find here - do not share it with anyone else.config.json
file should look something like this:{
with... your bot ID: https://discordapp.com/api/oauth2/authorize?client_id=<YOUR BOT ID>&permissions=286280784&scope=bot
python3 auto-voice-channels.py
While this bot will work just fine on windows for development, the most likely reason you've scrolled here is because you want to run your bot on your home computer.
This is not recommended for two main reasons:
Our recommended solution for "free" hosting is to use the free credit provided by many of the cloud platforms (e.g. Google Cloud). Once the credit expires after a few months, if you're still using your bot regularly you probably won't mind paying $3-5 per month for a tiny VPS.
If you absolutely want to run this bot on windows (e.g. for development testing), simply follow the instructions for Linux above, and anywhere you need to use apt-get
, just search up how to install that software on windows instead :)
If you want to use Docker, here's an image: https://github.com/vinanrra/Auto-Voice-Channels-Docker
For all issues and questions you have, first ask in our Support Server. 99% of questions have been asked before and already have a solution available. Read the FAQ, #status channel, and pinned messages.
If you're self-hosting and have an actual code bug to report, also first check in the Support Server for a solution and see if anyone else has the same problem. If someone can confirm your bug in their own self-hosted bot, then you may open an issue.