greta-code-pizza / tutti_gruppi

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Rubocop Circleci Semver

This README document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running and some useful information about the project.

Semver & Changelog

Given a version number MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH, increment the:

Additional labels for pre-release and build metadata are available as extensions to the MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH format (1.0.0.pre-release).

To store this informations we follow the Keep A Changelog prescriptions from the Changelog file.

More informations about Semver

Ruby & Rails versions

Like it's specified into the Gemfile, the ruby on rails version used for this project is 5.2.3 with ruby 2.6.2.


source ''

ruby '2.6.2'
# Bundle edge Rails instead: gem 'rails', github: 'rails/rails'
gem 'rails', '5.2.3'

Check your current global version of ruby with ruby -v command and adapt it with rbenv for example:

# Show available versions of ruby
rbenv install --list
# Install expected version
rbenv install 2.6.2

Once expected ruby version is installed you have to choose between use it only for this project or define it as default ruby version:

Current project Default version
rbenv local 2.6.2
rbenv global 2.6.2

More informations about rbenv


When the ruby version is correct you can build dependencies with bundler. First install bundler if it's not already done:

gem install bundler

Then install dependencies with bundler like that:

bundle install

More informations about bundler

requirement: node should be install

brew install node

If you want to make changes to Stylesheets (compiled from node-sass (SCSS synthax)) You will have to install the Node Modules folders locally, To do so type:

npm install node-sass    # This should install jquery & node-sass

This commande should install node-sass locally on your computer.

Then you'll be able to make changes to SCSS files included in app/assets/stylesheets/sass. To watch your changes you'll have to run a command to compile from one scss file to a css file:

npm run compile:sass 
# The above command will start a script from package.json file
# "scripts": {
#    "compile:sass": "node-sass app/assets/stylesheets/sass/main.scss app/assets/stylesheets/application.css -w"
#  }

And that's it :D

Database creation

Before create and migrate database, specify the details of connection. To do it, you can turn config/database.yml.example to config/database.yml. Then, edit the files with your informations !

After that run this commands:

rake db:create
rake db:migrate

To populate the database with its default values, you can run this command:

rails db:seed

Or you can use one command (acting like a macro):

rake db:db

that reproduces these 4 commands:

rake db:drop        # drops database schema
rake db:create      # create the database
rake db:migrate     # migrate all the migrations
rake db:seed        # populate the database schema from your seeds.rb

Right now your database works !

More informations about database configuration