gridap / GridapSolvers.jl

Solvers and preconditioners for the Gridap ecosystem.
MIT License
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GridapSolvers provides algebraic and non-algebraic solvers for the Gridap ecosystem, designed with High Performance Computing (HPC) in mind.

Solvers follow a modular design, where most blocks can be combined to produce PDE-taylored solvers for a wide range of problems.

(Non-exhaustive) list of features


GridapSolvers is a registered package in the official Julia package registry. Thus, the installation of Gridap is straight forward using the Julia's package manager. Open the Julia REPL, type ] to enter package mode, and install as follows

pkg> add GridapSolvers
pkg> build

Building is required to link the external artifacts (e.g., PETSc, p4est) to the Julia environment.

Using custom binaries

The previous installations steps will setup GridapSolvers to work using Julia's pre-compiled artifacts for MPI, PETSc and p4est. However, you can also link local copies of these libraries. This might be very desirable in clusters, where hardware-specific libraries might be faster/more stable than the ones provided by Julia. To do so, follow the next steps: