grigorusha / GeraniumsPot

Geraniums Pot - Puzzle Simulator (Intersecting circles puzzles)
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Geraniums Pot - Intersecting Circles Puzzles Simulator

This is a simulator of the famous "Geranium" puzzles. I added 495 different puzzles.

Download win-installer or linux-app for Geraniums Pot Simulator

Download Geraniums Pot

forum page with my other Puzzle simulators

You can create a text file with a script that describes the location of circles. I have created files for all real intersecting circles puzzles, you can download them from the "Garden" folder.

You can download the file to see all the screenshots of all the puzzles.

How to play


The program supports various types of puzzles

you can see a photo of the real puzzle or open a website with a description.

you can color any part in the color you want

you can make puzzles with different angles

you can delete unnecessary parts

you can manually set the splitting procedure

you can make more complex puzzles with text markers

you can make puzzles with nested circles

you can make puzzles with very deep intersecting circles

you can make a puzzle where only the outer part of the circle rotates

you can make puzzles with a huge number of pieces

you can do as many circles as you like

you can create a puzzle of any complexity

you can meet the craziest puzzles - are no limits here