grimpunch / SimpleShmup

Another Unity Project, Experimenting with enemy movement patterns mostly and bullet-hell style bullet patterns, will see how this goes...
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Goodbye Earthlings!

formally known as SimpleShmup

Goodbye Earthlings! is my attempt at making a SHMUP (Shoot-em-up) style game for PC , using Unity Engine 5, while following common genre conventions of popular games in the genre such as Dodonpachi or Touhou.





Clone the repo, and open the project in Unity 5.3. Main scene for development so far is "Level1.unity" Enable and disable components and prefabs in the scene for testing , currently everything isn't placed in the scene, just the latest entity being tweaked, design will start in the level when all types are finalised for Level1 at least.


I'm developing this on my own, but if you understand my setup and feel like contributing, i'll gladly discuss with you the current plans and respect input from advice, pull requests, assets, and more.



All code where not-specified ownership to others is my own and all rights are reserved.