grincc / agenda

Planning events and listing matters to be discussed for the Grin Community Fund
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Community Meeting Notes and Agenda

Grin Community Council is gathered every 1st and 3th Tuesday of the month with a predefined agenda in Keybase#general channel. Everyone is free to offer agenda topics before the meetings, join the meetings and express their opinions and ideas in a friendly and respectful environment. Meetings can be followed on GRIN community discord server via GRIN discord bridge. If you have any questions, we also have an active community on Telegram grinprivacy channel.

Decision log

A chronological list of decisions made by the Community Council, with references. Available here.


Expand/collapse list of notes Date | Agenda | Notes | Tl:dr | |:---|:---|---|:---| Jan 02| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |[Future of ironbelly wallet ]( | Jan 16| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |[Grinccnodes site ]( update and ownership status. | Jan 30| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |[Grinventions funding support](, Bip39 passphrase functionality in grin-wallet. | Feb 13| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |[mimblewimble-py implementation funding](, Ironbelly mobile wallet improving ideas. | ### 2023
Expand/collapse list of notes Date | Agenda | Notes | Tl:dr | |:---|:---|---|:---| Dec 19| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |[Unconfirmed transactions]( problem. | Dec 05| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Gui wallet & node development update from developer @yeastplume. | Nov 21| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | [Mwixnet testing ]( No actual test done by except @ardocrat fixed libs to update. | Nov 07| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | [Grin wishlist ]( time horizon and development projections. Atomic swaps development @grinreaper volunteered, discussion to be carried on #dev channel keybase. Oct 24| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | [Grin wishlist ]( revisited, Mwixnet and GUI wallet testings has been discussed. Oct 10| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Meeting not held due to lack of participants | Sept 26| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Discussion about Mwixnet last status and on going process of integration to GUI wallet mentioned by developer @yeastplume. Grin++ update, GrinCC elections. | Sept 12| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Discussion about current status of Grin++ upgrade, Grincc Election candidates, Mwixnet current status, GK @cobragrin Sept-Dec 2023 term. | Aug 29| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Open discussion about miner farm, Grincc Elections, Grin++ wallet and Grin core wallet. | Aug 15| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Discussion of CC miner hardware; distribute miners or renegotiate a new deal. Review of funded tasks .| Aug 01| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | GrinCC finance repo reviewed, Mining farm hardwares to be secured asap, Drafting process of electing new CC members decided. Bounty for GPU Grin miner is hold on phase. For better governance transparency, Telegram channels opened.| July 18| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Meeting Postponed | July 04| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Grin community farm discussion, Discussion about process of electing new CC members *> | June 20| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Bounty proposals with benefit and costs, Discussion about PIBD, Bounty for an opensource HD Wallet * | June 06| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | GrinCC members role definition, Discussion about adding new members or removing members from GrinCC, GrinWallet and community miner farm reporting * | May 23| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | GK @cobragrin Funding request May-Aug 2023 voted in favor, Grant GrinCC github access to GK, Update GrinCC duty phrases and feedback on forum about improving governance and spending guidelines * | May 09| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | *GK @satoshocrat missing tasks refund announcement*, *Funding request alternative payment methods & proposal of bounties*,* How to check and Review of funding requests deliverables. * | Apr 25| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | *GK @satoshocrat missing tasks*, * site improvements*, Progress tracking of funded requests regularly basis by GK & additional tasks, *Funding payment Order scheme*. | Apr 11| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Developer updates, Yeastplume Rust code update, Grin++ @Davidtavarez updates. | Mar 28| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Meeting cancelled due to lack of participation. | Mar 14| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Kucoin Exchange integration status, Meme Contest. | Feb 28| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Meeting cancelled due to lack of participants. | Feb 14| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Meeting cancelled due to lack of participants. | Jan 31| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Minimalism at spending CC funds, Zk python wrapper bounty, Improving CC site. | Jan 17| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Meme Contest, Zk python wrapper bounty. | Jan 03| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Test miners, Meme Contest, Zk python wrapper bounty. | ### 2022
Expand/collapse list of notes Date | Agenda | Notes | Tl:dr | |:---|:---|---|:---| Dec 20| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | *Python cffi secp256k1-zkp wrapper bounty*, *Request for funding @dtavarez*, Request for funding @cekickafa, *Request for funding- @satoshocrat*, Technical; grin/wallet owner API issue. | Dec 06| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |*Vote for Dissolving GrinCC and return funds to OC, **Test miners electricity costs requests, **Unlock the python CFFI secp256k1-zkp wrapper and Ledger hardware wallet support bounties. *Mining farm management discussion.Procedural improvements, expectations, habits,personal responsibility as part of the CC. | Nov 22| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |*Grin CC should be paused until further notice and funds must be returned, **Proposal to add a payment management roll to the Groundskeeper duties, **Unlock the python CFFI secp256k1-zkp wrapper and Ledger hardware wallet support bounties. | Nov 08| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |MW/Grin Workshop+Hackaton in Istanbul, **Request for funding duty tax bill for testnet miner sent to @mattczt3. | Oct 25| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |Grin v5.2.0-alpha.2 Release & Things to test. | Oct 11| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |Request funding @satoshocrat assisting groundkeeper Oct -December 15 2022, **Test Miner donations & locations. | Sept 27| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |Request funding @cekickafa September -December 15 2022, **Test miner issue & Request fumding for @mattczt . | Sept 13| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Bounty for writing a CFFI wrapper of secp256k1-zkp fork,**Community Biweekly meeting Schedule, **Retroactive Grants like idea . | August 30| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Community Counsil Members ''proof of life'' request discussion by @johndavies24 | August 16| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Request funding for David Aug-December 2022, **Community Mining farm Project update, ** Testing Milestone 2: Next steps. | August 02| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Discussion about Coinswap milestone 2 review & approval to begin work on milestone 3. | July 19| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Grin Testnet, Open discussion. | July 05| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Open discussion about TX Contract flow. Funding request @satoshocrat July-Sept 2022 | June 21| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ |Bounty suggestions, Request for funding @cekickafa June-Sept 2022, Telegram bot bounty. | June 07| [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Update on prospect of SBBS for more user-friendly transactions- bounty, proposal, timetable etc, What to do about atomic swap needing completion, Update about review of coinswap phase 2 from @scilio, Open discussions. | May 24 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Adding the telegram link to the bottom of, Discuss ideas about mining decentralization and how to promote it & how to engage with Chinese miners and users, Small bounties (Grin Tipping bot for Telegram & Changes to Grin Nodes) | May 10 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Discuss the outcome of a CC reflection on the past year and brainstorm on future direction of the CC. Open discussions. | Apr 26 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Request for funding @davidtavarez May-July 2022. Discuss what funding or donation format would be best to support the creation of Ascendio Grin book | Apr 12 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Open Discussions | Mar 29 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | On-Ramping Active Community Members, Community Wish-List | Mar 15 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Telegram-Discord Bridge Status, Funding Decision @Jankie1800, Funding Decision @Cekickafa, Organizing Community Sub-Team, Increasing BISQ Awareness Mar 01 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Exchange Exposure, GrinCC Website/Github Update, Bounty Strategy, Discuss Funding @jankie1800 Feb 15 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Update on Grin Community Website, Update on PIBD Development Feb 01 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Update on Community Miners, Request for Funding @dtavarez Feb-Apr 2022 Jan 18 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Discuss Possible TOR Version of Site, Creating a Grin-Wishlist Repo Under Grincc Github to Track Feedback Jan 04 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Organizing Community Ecosystem, Groundskeeper Update, Discuss Potential Grin-Wallet UI, State of Scriptless Scripts ### 2021
Expand/collapse list of notes Date | Agenda | Notes | Tl:dr | |:---|:---|---|:---| Dec 21 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Review GrinCC website development, Funding discussion for Groundskeeper @Stakervali, Stackexchange QA prize contribution discussion Dec 07 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Inflation bugs bounty, funding updates for Groundskeeper @jankie and @scilio, Ddvelopment update by @yeastplume Nov 23 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Scilio Coinswap Milestone #1 Review, Grin Featured Exchange Updates Nov 09 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Grin Bisq integration, grin tools list, Grin development updates Oct 26 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Community Council 40 Week Status, Exchange Support Technical Discussion | Oct 12 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Request for funding @dtavarez, Groundskeeper Initiative, Miner Availability | Sep 28 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Atomic-Swaps PR Review, Multi-Named-Wallets Implementation, Community-Miners Next Steps | Sep 14 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Review GroundsKeeper(s) Initiative, MW GRiN Berlin, G1 Miners Sold Out | Aug 31 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Vote-Held:Funding % Paid in GRiN, @Scilio CoinSwap Funding Request, Exchange Support | Aug 17 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | GrinCC Security Proofs, Exchange Support, Funding % Denomination in GRiN | Aug 10 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Community Pool+ Logistics | | Aug 03 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | CoinSwap Proposal, Community Pool Update, Community Funds Transfer | Jul 20 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | Exchange Support, Community Pool/ Adding Miners | Jul 06 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | GrinCC Node + Donation Address, Mining Equipment Purchase Discussion | Jun 22 | [Agenda](| [Notes](notes/ | 1st Community-Council Meeting, GrinCC Github, Spending Rules | |