grizzlyfi / smart-contracts

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This folder contains all contracts for In the root are the actual deployed contracts and the folders contain abstract contracts, interfaces and mock contracts.


This contract is the heart of It's the contract which is the gateway for the investors to deposit and withdraw their funds into the liquidity pools. The re-staking is performed within this contract and funds are split up between the investors. The following flow chart shows an overview of the most important functions and their processes:

Flow Chart Grizzly


The HoneyToken.sol is the native token of It is implemented using the ERC20 standard and uses AccessControl implementation from Openzeppelin to restrict the minting of the token.


The StakingPool.sol contract is the staking pool for honey token and pays out lp and honey rewards.


This is the staking contract for the Honey-BNB-LP tokens. It provides block rewards in Honey for the stakers.


The referral contract tracks all the referral deposits and withdraws. The referral is set up such that a user which gives a referral will receive additional rewards based on the amount of the rewards of the user that used the referral link.