= GroovyFx :linkattrs: :branch: master :project-owner: groovyfx-project :project-name: groovyfx :project-group: org.groovyfx :project-version: 11.0.0-SNAPSHOT
image:https://github.com/{project-owner}/{project-name}/workflows/Build/badge.svg["Build Status", link="https://github.com/{project-owner}/{project-name}/actions"] image:http://img.shields.io/badge/license-ASL2-blue.svg["ASL2 Licensed", link="http://opensource.org/licenses/ASL2"] image:https://img.shields.io/maven-central/v/{project-group}/{project-name}.svg?label=maven[link="https://search.maven.org/#search|ga|1|{project-group}"]
== Build instructions
=== Building with Gradle shell command line
To run any specific demo, e.g. the AccordionDemo, you can just call:
== Using GroovyFX from Maven Central or Bintray
Having GroovyFX in Bintray and Maven Central (thanks to Sonatype's OSS hosting) makes it simple to use GroovyFX in everything from simple test scripts to larger projects. The Maven coordinates are as follows:
GroovyFX is simple to include in Groovy scripts thanks to Groovy's Grab annotation, a part of the Grape system. Just include the following line at the top of your script:
== Creating a GroovyFX-Based Project with Gradle
It is also simple to set up your own GroovyFX-based project using Gradle as the build system. This sample link:https://gist.github.com/2712927[build.gradle] script will get you started.
Just create a new directory for your project and place the Gradle script into it. Then simply execute the following command:
to set up the rest of your project's directory structure. You will automatically have a dependency on both Groovy and GroovyFX.
== Building with IntelliJ IDEA
GroovyFX's build script is capable of generating all of the project files necessary to build the project with IntelliJ IDEA. Just run the following command from the project's root directory:
This will generate a groovyfx.ipr file. From IntelliJ IDEA, select File -> Open Project and navigate to the directory containing the groovyfx.ipr file and open it. You should now be able to build the library and run the demos with IntelliJ IDEA.
== Building with NetBeans
Install the NetBeans Gradle Plugin (which should be in the list of plugins offered as standard, but failing that there see link:http://plugins.netbeans.org/plugin/44510/gradle-support[]). Using the open a new project dialogue, navigate to the GroovyFX project directory and you should see the Gradle logo indicating you can open this as a Gradle project. You should now be able to build the library and run the demos with NetBeans.
== Building with Eclipse
Install the Gradle BuildShip and The Groovy Eclipse plugins form the Eclipse Marketplace to get started.