groupcache / groupcache-go

A high performance in memory distributed cache
Apache License 2.0
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groupcache is a caching and cache-filling library, intended as a replacement for memcached in many cases.

For API docs and examples, see

Comparing Groupcache to memcached

Like memcached, groupcache:

Unlike memcached, groupcache:

Loading process

In a nutshell, a groupcache lookup of Get("foo") looks like:

(On machine #5 of a set of N machines running the same code)

  1. Is the value of "foo" in local memory because it's super hot? If so, use it.

  2. Is the value of "foo" in local memory because peer #5 (the current peer) is the owner of it? If so, use it.

  3. Amongst all the peers in my set of N, am I the owner of the key "foo"? (e.g. does it consistent hash to 5?) If so, load it and store in the local cache.. If other callers come in, via the same process or via RPC requests from peers, they block waiting for the load to finish and get the same answer. If not, RPC to the peer that's the owner and get the answer. If the RPC fails, just load it locally (still with local dup suppression).


import (


func ExampleUsage() {
    ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second*10)
    defer cancel()

    // ListenAndServe is a convenience function which Starts an instance of groupcache 
    // with the provided transport and listens for groupcache HTTP requests on the address provided.
    d, err := groupcache.ListenAndServe(ctx, "", groupcache.Options{})
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatal("while starting server on")

    // Manually set peers, or use some discovery system to identify peers.
    // It is safe to call SetPeers() whenever the peer topology changes
    d.SetPeers(ctx, []peer.Info{
            Address: "",
            IsSelf:  true,
            Address: "",
            IsSelf:  false,
            Address: "",
            IsSelf:  false,

    // Create a new group cache with a max cache size of 3MB
    group, err := d.NewGroup("users", 3000000, groupcache.GetterFunc(
        func(ctx context.Context, id string, dest transport.Sink) error {
            // In a real scenario we might fetch the value from a database.
            /*if user, err := fetchUserFromMongo(ctx, id); err != nil {
                return err

            user := User{
                Id:      "12345",
                Name:    "John Doe",
                Age:     40,

            // Set the user in the groupcache to expire after 5 minutes
            if err := dest.SetProto(&user, time.Now().Add(time.Minute*5)); err != nil {
                return err
            return nil
    if err != nil {

    ctx, cancel = context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), time.Second)
    defer cancel()

    var user User
    if err := group.Get(ctx, "12345", transport.ProtoSink(&user)); err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("-- User --\n")
    fmt.Printf("Id: %s\n", user.Id)
    fmt.Printf("Name: %s\n", user.Name)
    fmt.Printf("Age: %d\n", user.Age)

    // Remove the key from the groupcache
    if err := group.Remove(ctx, "12345"); err != nil {

    // Shutdown the instance and HTTP listeners

HTTP integration

This is a quick guide on how to use groupcache in a service that is already listening for HTTP requests. In some circumstances you may want to have groupcache respond using the same HTTP port that non groupcache requests are received through. In this case you must explicitly create the transport.HttpTransport which can then be passed to your HTTP router/handler.

func main() {
    mux := http.NewServeMux()

    // Add endpoints specific to our application
    mux.HandleFunc("/index", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
        fmt.Fprintf(w, "Hello, this is a non groupcache handler")

    // Explicitly instantiate and use the HTTP transport
    t := transport.NewHttpTransport(
        // BasePath specifies the HTTP path that will serve groupcache requests.
        // If blank, it defaults to "/_groupcache/".
        BasePath: "/_groupcache/",
        // Context optionally specifies a context for the server to use when it
        // receives a request.
        Context: nil,
        // Client optionally provide a custom http client with TLS config
        Client: nil,
        // Scheme is is either `http` or `https` defaults to `http`
        Scheme: "http",

    // Create a new groupcache instance
    instance := groupcache.New(groupcache.Options{
        // All of these fields are optional
        HashFn:    fnv1.HashBytes64,
        Logger:    slog.Default(),
        Transport: t,
        Replicas:  50,

    // Add the groupcache handler
    mux.Handle("/_groupcache/", t)

    server := http.Server{
        Addr:    "",
        Handler: mux,

    // Start a HTTP server to listen for peer requests from the groupcache
    go func() {
        if err := server.ListenAndServe(); err != nil {
    defer func() { _ = server.Shutdown(context.Background()) }()

Otter Cache

Otter is a high performance lockless cache suitable for high concurrency environments where lock contention is an issue. Typically, servers with over 40 CPUs and lots of concurrent requests.

import ""

// Create a new groupcache instance with a custom cache implementation
instance := groupcache.New(groupcache.Options{
    CacheFactory: func(maxBytes int64) (groupcache.Cache, error) {
        return contrib.NewOtterCache(maxBytes)
    HashFn:    fnv1.HashBytes64,
    Logger:    slog.Default(),
    Transport: t,
    Replicas:  50,

Cache Size Implications

Due to the algorithm Otter uses to evict and track cache item costs, it is recommended to use a larger maximum byte size when creating Groups via Instance.NewGroup() if you expect your cached items to be very large. This is because groupcache uses a "Main Cache" and a "Hot Cache" system where the "Hot Cache" is 1/8th the size of the maximum bytes requested.

Because Otter cache may reject items added to the cache which are larger than 1/10th of the total capacity of the "Hot Cache" this may result in a lower hit rate for the "Hot Cache" when storing large cache items and will penalize the efficiency of groupcache operation.

For example, If you expect the average item in cache to be 100 bytes, and you create a Group with a cache size of 100,000 bytes, then the main cache will be 87,500 bytes and the hot cache will be 12,500 bytes. Since the largest possible item in otter cache is 1/10th of the total size of the cache. Then the largest item that could possibly fit into the hot cache is 1,250 bytes. If you think any of the items you store in groupcache could be larger than 1,250 bytes. Then you should increase the maximum bytes in a Group to accommodate the maximum cache item. If you have no estimate of the maximum size of items in the groupcache, then you should monitor the Cache.Stats().Rejected stat for the cache in production and adjust the size accordingly.

Modifications from original library

The original author of groupcache is Brad Fitzpatrick who is also the author of memcached. The original code repository for groupcache can be found here and appears to be abandoned. We have taken the liberty of modifying the library with additional features and fixing some deficiencies.

Source Code Internals

If you are reading this, you are likely in front of a Github page and are interested in building a custom transport or creating a Pull Request. In which case, the following explains the most of the important structs and how they interact with each other.


Represents an instance of groupcache. With the instance, you can create new groups and add other instances to your cluster by calling Instance.SetPeers(). Each instance communicates with other peers through the transport that is passed in during creation. TheInstance.SetPeers() calls Transport.NewClient() for each peer.Info struct provided to SetPeers(). It is up to the transport implementation to create a client which is appropriate for communicating with the peer described by the provided peer.Info struct.

It is up to the caller to ensure Instance.SetPeers() is called with a valid set of peers. Callers may want to use a peer discovery mechanism to discover and update when the peer topology changes. SetPeers() is designed to be called at any point during groupcache.Instance operation as peers leave or join the cluster.

If SetPeers() is not called, then the groupcache.Instance will operate as a local only cache.


This is a convenience struct which encapsulates a groupcache.Instance to simplify starting and stopping an instance and the associated transport. Calling groupcache.ListenAndServe() calls Transport.ListenAndServe() on the provided transport to listen for incoming requests.


Holds the cache that makes up the "group" which can be shared with other instances of group cache. Each groupcache.Instance must create the same group using the same group name. Group names are how a "group" cache is accessed by other peers in the cluster.


Is the cache implementation used for both the "hot" and "main" caches. The "main cache" stores items the local group "owns" and the "hot cache" stores items this instance has retrieved from a remote peer. The "main cache" is 7/8th the size of the max bytes requested when calling Instance.NewGroup(). The "hot cache" is 1/8th the size of the "main cache".

Third party cache implementations can be used by providing an Options.CacheFactory function which returns the third party initialized cache of the requested size. Groupcache includes an optional Otter cache implementation which provides high concurrency performance improvements. See the Otter section for details on usage.


Is an interface which is used to communicate with other peers in the cluster. The groupcache project provides transport.HttpTransport which is used by groupcache when no other custom transport is provided. Custom transports must implement the transport.Transport and peer.Client interfaces. The transport.Transport implementation can then be passed into the groupcache.New() method to register the transport. The peer.Client implementation is used by groupcache.Instance and peer.Picker to communicate with other groupcache.Instance in the cluster using the server started by the transport when Transport.ListenAndServe() is called. It is the responsibility of the caller to ensure Transport.ListenAndServe() is called successfully, else the groupcache.Instance will not be able to receive any remote calls from peers in the cluster.


Sink is a collection of functions and structs which marshall and unmarshall strings, []bytes, and protobuf structs for use in transporting data from one instance to another.


Is a consistent hash ring which holds an instantiated client for each peer in the cluster. It is used by
groupcache.Instance to choose which peer in the cluster owns a key in the selected "group" cache.


Is a struct which holds information used to identify each peer in the cluster. The peer.Info struct which represents the current instance MUST be correctly identified by setting IsSelf = true. Without this, groupcache would send its self hash ring requests via the transport. To avoid accidentally creating a cluster without correctly identifying which peer in the cluster is our instance, Instance.SetPeers() will return an error if at least one peer with IsSelf is not set to true.

cluster package

Is a convenience package containing functions to easily create and shutdown a cluster of groupcache instances (called daemons).

Start() and StartWith() starts a local cluster of groupcache daemons suitable for testing. Users who wish to test groupcache in their own project test suites can use these methods to start and stop clusters. See cluster_test.go for more examples.

// Start a 3 instance cluster using the default options
_ := cluster.Start(context.Background(), 3, groupcache.Options{})
defer cluster.Shutdown(context.Background())

Code Map
