gruhn / vue-qrcode-reader

A set of Vue.js components for detecting and decoding QR codes.
MIT License
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Not be able to scan barcodes in vue 3 version? #379

Closed chathurainc closed 6 months ago

chathurainc commented 9 months ago

In vue3-qrcode-reader version not be able to scan barcodes. there are any way to scan barcodes using this library? Do you know any supported library for scan barcodes in ionic7 vue 3 project

gruhn commented 9 months ago

Not sure what you mean but the npm package vue3-qrcode-reader is a third party fork that was created before vue-qrcode-reader supported Vue 3, but now it does. I suggest you try vue-qrcode-reader proper.

chathurainc commented 9 months ago

I have tried vue-qrcode-reader, but camera not detected the barcode, This is the way i implemented

ianalexis commented 8 months ago

Same here, using vue3 but this package.

ianalexis commented 8 months ago

I think is related with import { setZXingModuleOverrides } from 'barcode-detector/pure'; VS tells that cannot find 'barcode-detector/pure'. BUT (@chathurainc try this) I fixed it with:formats="barcodeFormats" and const barcodeFormats = ["aztec", "code_128", "code_39", "code_93", "codabar", "data_matrix", "ean_13", "ean_8", "itf", "pdf417", "qr_code", "upc_a", "upc_e", "unknown"]; I thought that if the format was not specified it would accept all of them.

Sec-ant commented 8 months ago

A detailed explanation of the error you encounter, or a minimal repo/demo to reproduce the issue is always favorable, which can save us considerable amount of time chasing in the wrong direction.

To import modules exported as subpath exports like barcode-detector/pure, you need to set moduleResolution option to bundler, nodenext or node16 in tsconfig.json. bundler is the most forgiving one and should be the default choice in most frameworks/boilerplates since TS 5.0.

gruhn commented 8 months ago

Also, correct me if I'm wrong @Sec-ant but I think setting :formats="all_the_available_formats" has performance implications. I suspect, the more formats you select the slower scanning gets.

ianalexis commented 8 months ago

@gruhn Maybe, i will try to limit to the only ones i need. @Sec-ant as i said, the "problem" is that I thought (maybe chathurainc too) that by default if the format was not specified, all would be read. My component now (working) looks something (obfuscated) like this:

    <p class="decode-result">

    <qrcode-stream :formats="barcodeFormats" :paused="paused" @detect="onDetect" @error="onError"
      <div v-if="validationSuccess" class="validation-success">

      <div v-if="validationFailure" class="validation-failure">

      <div v-if="validationPending" class="validation-pending">
      <div class="loading-indicator" v-if="!cameraDetected">
        <p class="text-secondary">Accepting the camera permissions allows you to scan the code and avoid typing it manually.</p>

<script setup>
import { ref, computed, getCurrentInstance } from "vue";
import { QrcodeStream } from "vue-qrcode-reader";

const barcodeFormats = [
]; /* */

const isValid = ref(undefined);
const paused = ref(false);
const result = ref(null);
const cameraDetected = ref(false);

const instance = getCurrentInstance();

const validationPending = computed(
  () => isValid.value === undefined && paused.value,
const validationSuccess = computed(() => isValid.value === true);
const validationFailure = computed(() => isValid.value === false);

const onError = console.error;

const resetValidationState = () => {
  isValid.value = undefined;
  cameraDetected.value = true;

const onDetect = async ([firstDetectedCode]) => {
  result.value = firstDetectedCode.rawValue;
  paused.value = true;
  instance.emit("Ok", firstDetectedCode.rawValue);

  await timeout(2000);
  isValid.value = result.value.length > 5;

  await timeout(1500);
  paused.value = false;

const timeout = (ms) => {
  return new Promise((resolve) => {
    window.setTimeout(resolve, ms);

<style scoped>
.validation-pending {
  position: absolute;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

  background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8);
  padding: 10px;
  text-align: center;
  font-weight: bold;
  font-size: 1.4rem;
  color: black;

  display: flex;
  flex-flow: column nowrap;
  justify-content: center;

.validation-success {
  color: green;

.validation-failure {
  color: red;
gruhn commented 8 months ago

The default is :formats="['qr_code']". Which reflects the setting before the formats prop was available.

@ianalexis so you have no issue with import errors and only adjusting formats was sufficient?

Sec-ant commented 8 months ago

Ah there must be some misunderstanding.

@ianalexis By saying "barcodes" you meant only 1D barcodes, correct? Qr Code, DataMatrix ... are also considered barcodes.

Judging by the title and your previous comments I always thought this issue was about this component not functioning at all in Vue3 (which is strange because it is written in Vue3), or there were some typing problems.

@gruhn Performance penalties are for sure, but I'm too insensitive to benchmark it 🫣

ianalexis commented 8 months ago

@gruhn Yes, with the format is working. @Sec-ant i know but i didn't want to be thaaat technical. I asume that we can understand "barcodes" as the one with the bars and not the "squarecodes" XD. The first comment was because i saw this marked at vue-qrcode-reader: imagen Still looks like that but is working so thanks boths. Still dont know whats going on with chathurainc but you can close the issue for me XD.

As performance penalty i cannot see any difference but still limit the format to the only ones i need.

github-actions[bot] commented 6 months ago

This issue has been marked as stale. If there is no further activity it will be closed.