gruhn / vue-qrcode-reader

A set of Vue.js components for detecting and decoding QR codes.
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Unable to switch the camera once selected with the problem camera #433

Closed itshsinyu closed 1 month ago

itshsinyu commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug: There are three cameras available. The second one is already in use, but the first and third ones are fine. When I switch to the second camera, which has a problem, and then switch back to the first or third camera, an error is displayed. Uncaught (in promise) DOMException: Could not start video source

Screenshots: select the first camera image switch the second camera([NotReadableError]) image switch back to the first camera, got an error image

Desktop (please complete the following information): OS: Windows Browser: Chrome(124.0.6367.207)

gruhn commented 1 month ago

Can you reproduce this issue on this more bare bones demo?

itshsinyu commented 1 month ago

It can switch back the camera successfully on select-camera-demo.html. I am wondering what the different settings are between this demo.html and full-demo.html?

gruhn commented 1 month ago

Maybe there is some race condition. It could be that you select a new camera but for some reason the old camera is not stopped, thus a camera is "still in use" and you are not allowed to request a different camera.

I just added some more console logging to the "full demo". It should look somewhat like this:

[vue-qrcode-reader] starting camera with constraints:  {"facingMode":"environment"}
[vue-qrcode-reader] calling getUserMedia
[vue-qrcode-reader] waiting for video element to load
[vue-qrcode-reader] video element loaded
[vue-qrcode-reader] camera ready
[vue-qrcode-reader] start scanning
[vue-qrcode-reader] stopping camera
[vue-qrcode-reader] stop scanning: video element readyState is 0
[vue-qrcode-reader] starting camera with constraints:  {"deviceId":"03d3debb17710ee26e8ace22e346314dda144614ee43525d2d58bee3b6f9b45b"}
[vue-qrcode-reader] calling getUserMedia
[vue-qrcode-reader] waiting for video element to load
[vue-qrcode-reader] video element loaded
[vue-qrcode-reader] camera ready
[vue-qrcode-reader] start scanning

In particular every starting camera ... line should always be followed by a stopping camera line before a new starting camera line is printed.

itshsinyu commented 1 month ago

When I select a new camera on the "full-demo" page after choosing a problematic camera, the console does not show the message "[vue-qrcode-reader] stopping camera". The old camera is not stopped as you mentioned. image

However, I'm curious why it works well on the "select-camera-demo" page. It seems the old camera is stopped and the new camera starts on this page. Does the qrcodestream component use different settings? image

<select v-model="selectedDevice">
      v-for="device in devices"
      {{ device.label }}
      :constraints="{ deviceId: selectedDevice.deviceId }"

<script lang="ts" setup>
const selectedDevice = ref(null as MediaDeviceInfo | null);
const devices = ref([] as MediaDeviceInfo[]);

onMounted(async () => {
    devices.value = (await navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices()).filter(
    ({ kind }) => kind === 'videoinput'
    if (devices.value.length > 0) {
        selectedDevice.value = devices.value[0]
gruhn commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the detailed description and screenshots. I may have found the issue. Could you check if this preview deployment fixes your issue?

itshsinyu commented 1 month ago

This preview deployment resolves the issue. Thank you very much!

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 5.5.6 :tada:

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