gruzilla / phpinstagram

a php library for the v1 instagram api
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Instagram PHP API

Copyright: (c) 2010-2011 Matthias Steinböck License: New BSD License (enclosed in file docs/LICENSE)


Why Completeness Requirements Examples


Instagram has not yet released its api although already using one. I captured my iphones traffic using wireshark and reverse engineered the api they use.


The API is by far not complete. The only part that is done by now is reading your's and other persons feed. Feel free to extend the api, some files already exist and contain information about the urls and parameters instagram expects.


This API-implementation is based on Zend Framework (its autoloader and on Zend_HTTP_Client which is very useful over plain curl ;)


See docs/example/example.php and docs/example/bootstrap.php - you will find a script that checks your feed and is also able to show other persons feed.

Feel free to use this scripts for whatever reason you might need it.