gryphonshafer / cbqz

CBQZ Systems and Tools
MIT License
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# CBQZ Systems and Tools

This project is a series of tools and an overall system for CBQZ functionality. It includes everything that's part of the CBQZ ecosystem (apart from the data).

Local/Developer Installation

This project expects to run inside a Linux host of some kind with a modern Perl version. The following are instructions for installation in a local or developer enviornment (i.e. native or inside virtual machine instead of inside Docker).

These instructions would also work for a production enviornment, but for such, you may want to consider the Docker option explained below.


I recommend you don't use system Perl, but instead use something like Perlbrew. This isn't required, though.

I even more recommend you use cpanm to install library dependencies. To install, you can install through Perlbrew, which is best if you have Perlbrew, or directly:

# via Perlbrew
perlbrew install-cpanm

# directly
curl -L | perl - --sudo App::cpanminus


The application expects a database, which for the time being is MySQL. (This is expected to change with time.) You need both the server and client along with the client developer libraries.

To install on apt systems, run the following:

sudo apt-get install mysql-common mysql-client mysql-server default-libmysqlclient-dev

You'll need to know the MySQL root password, and it'll be helpful to be able to login as that root user while not being the system root. To change the MySQL root password and allow for access while not being system root, you can try this (but you'll need to be the system root user):

service mysql stop
echo "
    UPDATE mysql.user SET
        Password = PASSWORD('root_password'),
        password_expired = 'N', plugin = ''
    WHERE User = 'root' AND Host = 'localhost';
" > password.sql
mysqld_safe --init-file=password.sql
shred -u password.sql
service mysql start

Perl Libraries

Next, you'll need to install a bunch of Perl library dependencies. You should be able to do this fairly easily, though; it'll just take a long time to run. Change your working directory to the CBQZ project root directory, then run cpanm as follows:

# assuming "cbqz" is the CBQZ root directory and is in your home directory
cd ~/cbqz
cpanm -n -f --with-develop --with-all-features --installdeps .

Application Settings

Look in ~/config/app.yaml to find application settings. Consult the Config::App documentation for how to setup custom override settings.

Application Enviornment

Assuming everything up until here is done and working properly, you'll need to have the MySQL root password handy, then run the following from the project's root directory:


Once this is complete, run the following commands (still from the project's root directory):

dest init
dest update

And finally, you'll need to create two directories:

mkdir runtime data

Service Startup

To read about how to start the application web service, run the following from the project's root directory:

./ --help

To start a development instance of the CBQZ web service:

morbo -v -w -w config/app.yaml -w runtime/config.yaml -w lib -w templates

Note that at this point, while the service may be running, it by default binds to localhost:3000. So you may need to tunnel that to gain access.

Materials Loading

Although the application system will be technically operational in the previous step, you can't really do anything useful like work in the questions editor or operate the quiz room page without adding reference materials.

To do that, use the program located in the tools/data directory.

./tools/data/ -n '2017 Corinthians' -k etc/2017_kvl.csv -m etc/2017_materials.csv

Upgrading and Staying Current

After pulling CBQZ code updates, you may need to update other aspects of your enviornment. Generally speaking, you can do that with from the project's root directory with:

cpanm -n -f --with-develop --with-all-features --installdeps .
dest update

Also check changes on this file for clues as to any other dependencies needed.

Docker Installation

The following are instructions for installation and execution of CBQZ via use of Docker images and containers.

Build the CBQZ Docker Image

The following as an exampe of how to build a CBQZ Docker image.

docker build --compress --tag cbqz .

Run a New CBQZ Docker Container

The following as an exampe of how to create and start new a CBQZ Docker container based on the CBQZ Docker image.

docker run \
    --detach \
    --hostname cbqz \
    --net host \
    --name cbqz \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --volume `pwd`:/cbqz \

Docker Container Shell

The following as an exampe of how to get shell access of a running CBQZ container.

docker exec --interactive --tty cbqz sh

Note that this gives you sh access, not bash or anything more advanced since these other shells are not installed in the image/container for space considerations.

Command-Line Tools in a Container

If you need to run command-line tools from within a CBQZ Docker container, you can run such a container as follows:

docker run --interactive --tty --rm --net host --volume `pwd`:/cbqz cbqz sh

This will spin up a new container and put you in to the sh shell of that container. When you exit the container, the container will delete itself. To get this temporarily container to a point where you can run command-line tools:

apk update && \
    apk add build-base curl wget perl-dev perl-io-socket-ssl mariadb-dev && \
    curl -sL > cpanm && \
    chmod +x cpanm && \
    ./cpanm -n -f --with-develop --with-all-features --installdeps . && \
    rm cpanm

Depending on how CBQZ configuration is structured, you may need to set an enviornment variable on your command-line to ensure you pick up the production configuration.

CONFIGAPPENV=production ./tools/data/ --help

MySQL Container

Run the following to create and run a MySQL container for CBQZ data, which will be stored in /opt/docker/mysql/data.

docker run \
    --detach \
    --publish 3306:3306 \
    --name mysql \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --env MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root_password \
    --volume /opt/docker/mysql/data:/var/lib/mysql \

If you have a MySQL client locally installed, you can access the MySQL server via mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -proot_password. If more likely you do not, you can use the followng.

docker run \
    --interactive \
    --tty \
    --rm \
    --net host \
    mysql \
    sh -c 'exec mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -proot_password'

Remember that at this point you'll just have a blank/default MySQL server instance running. You'll need to run through some of the data/database procedures above before you have a fully functional CBQZ database.

Nginx Container

Although it's possible to run CBQZ through the Hypnotoad-based "cbqz" container above, it'll probably be a better option to run Nginx to proxy pass to the CBQZ service.

docker run \
    --detach \
    --publish 80:80 \
    --name nginx \
    --restart unless-stopped \
    --volume `pwd`/etc/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro \
    --volume `pwd`:/cbqz:ro \
    --volume /opt/docker/nginx/log:/var/log/nginx \

The nginx:alpine image is a very small Nginx image based on Alpine Linux. To debug any configuration problems, it may be useful to temporarily switch to the nginx:latest image.

Database Backups and Restores

To obtain a command-line interface to the database:

sudo docker run -it --rm --net host mysql sh -c 'exec mysql -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -p'

To backup the database running from within a Docker container:

set +o history
sudo docker run -it --rm --net host \
    mysql sh -c 'exec mysqldump -h127.0.0.1 -uroot -pPASSWORD cbqz' | gzip > cbqz.sql.gz
set -o history

To restore the database from Docker container backup to local database:

echo 'DROP DATABASE cbqz; CREATE DATABASE cbqz' | mysql
zcat cbqz.sql.gz | egrep -v '^mysqldump:' | sed -e 's/' | mysql cbqz

To backup the database from a local database:

mysqldump cbqz | gzip > cbqz.sql.gz