grzegorz914 / homebridge-melcloud-control

Homebridge plugin for Mitsubishi Air Conditioner, Heat Pump and Energy Recovery Ventilation, publish as dynamic external platform accessory.
MIT License
49 stars 2 forks source link

Not configured in MELcloud services #111

Closed witchdrash closed 2 months ago

witchdrash commented 2 months ago

Started getting this error with our air conditioners, I've tried removing the cached instance, deleting the plug in and reinstalling, yet the issue persists:

[4/8/2024, 8:53:10 AM] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Air Conditioner, Bedfordshire AC, debug: Device Info: { "DeviceID": 41933758, "DeviceName": "Bedfordshire AC", "BuildingID": 307500, "BuildingName": null, "FloorID": 104796, "FloorName": null, "AreaID": 130860, "AreaName": null, "ImageID": 184286, "InstallationDate": "2022-05-01T00:00:00", "LastServiceDate": "2022-05-01T00:00:00", "Presets": [ { "SetTemperature": 18, "Power": true, "OperationMode": 3, "VaneHorizontal": 12, "VaneVertical": 5, "FanSpeed": 3, "ID": 283877, "Client": 408808, "DeviceLocation": 41933758, "Number": 1, "Configuration": "<settings><st>18</st><pw>true</pw><om>3</om><vd>5</vd><hd>12</hd><fs>3</fs></settings>", "NumberDescription": "Standard Night" } ], "OwnerID": 408808, "OwnerName": null, "OwnerEmail": null, "AccessLevel": 4, "DirectAccess": false, "EndDate": "2500-01-01T00:00:00", "Zone1Name": null, "Zone2Name": null, "MinTemperature": 0, "MaxTemperature": 40, "HideVaneControls": false, "HideDryModeControl": false, "HideRoomTemperature": false, "HideSupplyTemperature": false, "HideOutdoorTemperature": false, "EstimateAtaEnergyProductionOptIn": false, "EstimateAtaEnergyProduction": false, "BuildingCountry": null, "OwnerCountry": null, "AdaptorType": 3, "LinkedDevice": null, "Type": 0, "MacAddress": "70:61:be:3a:5a:cf", "SerialNumber": "2145208029", "Device": { "PCycleActual": 0, "ErrorMessages": "", "DeviceType": 0, "CanCool": true, "CanHeat": true, "CanDry": true, "CanAuto": true, "HasAutomaticFanSpeed": true, "AirDirectionFunction": true, "SwingFunction": true, "NumberOfFanSpeeds": 5, "UseTemperatureA": true, "TemperatureIncrementOverride": 0, "TemperatureIncrement": 0.5, "MinTempCoolDry": 16, "MaxTempCoolDry": 31, "MinTempHeat": 10, "MaxTempHeat": 31, "MinTempAutomatic": 16, "MaxTempAutomatic": 31, "LegacyDevice": false, "UnitSupportsStandbyMode": true, "IsSplitSystem": false, "HasHalfDegreeIncrements": true, "HasOutdoorTemperature": true, "ModelIsAirCurtain": false, "ModelSupportsFanSpeed": true, "ModelSupportsAuto": true, "ModelSupportsHeat": true, "ModelSupportsDry": true, "ModelSupportsVaneVertical": true, "ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal": true, "ModelSupportsWideVane": false, "ModelDisableEnergyReport": false, "ModelSupportsStandbyMode": true, "ModelSupportsEnergyReporting": false, "ProhibitSetTemperature": false, "ProhibitOperationMode": false, "ProhibitPower": false, "Power": false, "RoomTemperature": 19, "OutdoorTemperature": null, "SetTemperature": 18, "ActualFanSpeed": 0, "FanSpeed": 4, "AutomaticFanSpeed": false, "VaneVerticalDirection": 7, "VaneVerticalSwing": true, "VaneHorizontalDirection": 12, "VaneHorizontalSwing": true, "OperationMode": 3, "EffectiveFlags": 0, "LastEffectiveFlags": 0, "InStandbyMode": false, "DemandPercentage": 100, "ConfiguredDemandPercentage": null, "HasDemandSideControl": false, "DefaultCoolingSetTemperature": 21, "DefaultHeatingSetTemperature": 23, "RoomTemperatureLabel": 0, "HeatingEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "HeatingEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "CoolingEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "CoolingEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "AutoEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "AutoEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "DryEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "DryEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "FanEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "FanEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "OtherEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "OtherEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "EstimateAtaEnergyProduction": false, "EstimateAtaEnergyProductionOptIn": false, "EstimateAtaEnergyProductionOptInTimestamp": null, "WeatherForecast": [], "HasEnergyConsumedMeter": true, "CurrentEnergyConsumed": 90100, "CurrentEnergyMode": 3, "CoolingDisabled": false, "EnergyCorrectionModel": null, "EnergyCorrectionActive": false, "MinPcycle": 1, "MaxPcycle": 1, "EffectivePCycle": 1, "MaxOutdoorUnits": 255, "MaxIndoorUnits": 255, "MaxTemperatureControlUnits": 0, "ModelCode": "0130", "DeviceID": 41933758, "MacAddress": "70:61:be:3a:5a:cf", "SerialNumber": "2145208029", "TimeZoneID": 118, "DiagnosticMode": 0, "DiagnosticEndDate": null, "ExpectedCommand": 1, "Owner": 408808, "DetectedCountry": null, "AdaptorType": 3, "FirmwareDeployment": null, "FirmwareUpdateAborted": false, "LinkedDevice": null, "WifiSignalStrength": -60, "WifiAdapterStatus": "NORMAL", "Position": "Unknown", "PCycle": 10, "PCycleConfigured": null, "RecordNumMax": 0, "LastTimeStamp": "2024-04-08T08:45:00", "ErrorCode": 8000, "HasError": false, "LastReset": "2022-11-16T11:14:56.632", "FlashWrites": 8, "Scene": null, "SSLExpirationDate": "2037-12-31T00:00:00", "SPTimeout": 1, "Passcode": null, "ServerCommunicationDisabled": false, "ConsecutiveUploadErrors": 0, "DoNotRespondAfter": null, "OwnerRoleAccessLevel": 1, "OwnerCountry": 237, "HideEnergyReport": false, "ExceptionHash": null, "ExceptionDate": null, "ExceptionCount": null, "Rate1StartTime": null, "Rate2StartTime": null, "ProtocolVersion": 0, "UnitVersion": 0, "FirmwareAppVersion": 37000, "FirmwareWebVersion": 0, "FirmwareWlanVersion": 0, "LinkToMELCloudHome": false, "LinkedByUserFromMELCloudHome": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "MqttFlags": 9, "HasErrorMessages": false, "HasZone2": false, "Offline": true, "SupportsHourlyEnergyReport": true, "Units": [] }, "DiagnosticMode": 0, "DiagnosticEndDate": null, "Location": 99569, "DetectedCountry": null, "Registrations": 50, "LocalIPAddress": null, "TimeZone": 118, "RegistReason": "STARTUP", "ExpectedCommand": 1, "RegistRetry": 0, "DateCreated": "2022-05-26T21:40:57.642Z", "FirmwareDeployment": null, "FirmwareUpdateAborted": false, "Permissions": { "CanSetOperationMode": true, "CanSetFanSpeed": true, "CanSetVaneDirection": true, "CanSetPower": true, "CanSetTemperatureIncrementOverride": true, "CanDisableLocalController": true, "CanSetDemandSideControl": false } } [4/8/2024, 8:53:10 AM] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Air Conditioner, Bedfordshire AC, Units are not configured in MELCloud service.

grzegorz914 commented 2 months ago

It's not an error, just info. J ust configure your device in MELCLoud service or just ignore it.

witchdrash commented 2 months ago

It is and has been working previously, both units are available via the MelCloud app, but produce this error in the plugin

grzegorz914 commented 2 months ago

its not a error, just info.

witchdrash commented 2 months ago

its not a error, just info.

The units aren't in homebridge anymore, they're just gone

grzegorz914 commented 2 months ago

witchdrash commented 2 months ago

I see each has to be added individually, ok that explains why they disappeared when I updated. How do I configure them in the melcloud service so I get rid of the error, it may not necessary, but it's putting a lot of junk into the log

grzegorz914 commented 2 months ago
Zrzut ekranu 2024-04-8 o 11 34 54 Zrzut ekranu 2024-04-8 o 11 35 18
witchdrash commented 2 months ago

Thanks for your help I'll get that done, looks like my installer added the outdoor units but not the indoor