grzegorz914 / homebridge-melcloud-control

Homebridge plugin for Mitsubishi Air Conditioner, Heat Pump and Energy Recovery Ventilation, publish as dynamic external platform accessory.
MIT License
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Homebridge MELCloud Control

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Homebridge plugin for Air Conditioner, Heat Pump and Energy Recovery Ventilation Lossnay, manufactured by Mistsubishi and connected to MELCloud.

Package Requirements

Package Installation Role Required
Homebridge Homebridge Wiki HomeKit Bridge Required
Config UI X Config UI X Wiki Homebridge Web User Interface Recommended
MELCloud Plug-In Wiki Homebridge Plug-In Required

About The Plugin

Control Mode


Key Description
name Here set the own account name.
user Here set the MELCloud username.
passwd Here set the MELCloud password.
language Here select the MELCloud language.
ataDisplayMode Here select main control mode Heater/Cooler, Thermostat.
ataTemperatureSensor This enable extra temperature sensors to use with automations in HomeKit app.
ataDisableAutoMode This will disable Auto mode even this mode is supported by device.
ataDisableHeatMode This will disable Heat mode even this mode is supported by device.
ataAutoHeatMode Here select operation mode for Auto/Heat, if Auto, Heat or both modes are not supported by device will be used selected modes instead.
ataPresets This enable display Air Conditioner presets in HomeKit app. Here set Button Name which You want expose to the Homebridge/HomeKit.
ataButtons.mode Here select button mode, VH - Vane Horizontal, VV - Vane Horizontal.
ataButtons.displayType Here select display type in HomeKit app, possible None/Disabled, Outlet, Switch, Motion Sensor, Occupancy Sensor, Contact Sensor.
ataButtons.namePrefix Here enable/disable the accessory name as a prefix for button/sensor name. Here set Your own name. Here set DeviceId to be hidden and not exposed to the Homebridge/Homekit.
atwDisplayMode Here select main control mode Heater/Cooler, Thermostat.
atwTemperatureSensor This enable extra temperature sensors to use with automations in HomeKit app.
atwPresets This enable display Heat Pump presets in HomeKit app. Here set Button Name which You want expose to the Homebridge/HomeKit.
atwButtons.mode Here select button mode.
atwButtons.displayType Here select display type in HomeKit app, possible None/Disabled, Outlet, Switch, Motion Sensor, Occupancy Sensor, Contact Sensor.
atwButtons.namePrefix Here enable/disable the accessory name as a prefix for button/sensor name. Here set Your own name. Here set DeviceId to be hidden and not exposed to the Homebridge/Homekit.
ervDisplayMode Here select main control mode Heater/Cooler, Thermostat.
ervTemperatureSensor This enable extra temperature sensors to use with automations in HomeKit app.
ervPresets This enable display EnergyRecovery Ventilation presets in HomeKit app. Here set Button Name which You want expose to the Homebridge/HomeKit.
ervButtons.mode Here select button mode.
ervButtons.displayType Here select display type in HomeKit app, possible None/Disabled, Outlet, Switch, Motion Sensor, Occupancy Sensor, Contact Sensor.
ervButtons.namePrefix Here enable/disable the accessory name as a prefix for button/sensor name. Here set Your own name. Here set DeviceId to be hidden and not exposed to the Homebridge/Homekit.
refreshInterval Here set the background devices state refresh time in (sec), default 120s.
enableDebugMode This enable deep log in homebridge console.
disableLogInfo This disable display log values and states on every it change.
disableLogDeviceInfo This disable display log device info on plugin start.
enableRestFul If enabled, RESTful server will start automatically and respond to any path request.
restFulDebug If enabled, deep log will be present in homebridge console for RESTFul server.
enableMqtt This enabled MQTT Broker, publish and subscribe all available data.
mqttDebug This enabled deep log in homebridge console for MQTT.
mqttHost Here set the IP Address or Hostname for MQTT Broker.
mqttPort Here set the Port for MQTT Broker, default 1883.
mqttClientId Here optional set the Client Id for MQTT broker or leave empty.
mqttPrefix Here set the Prefix for Topic or leave empty.
mqttAuth This enabled MQTT Broker authorization credentials.
mqttUser Here set the MQTT Broker user.
mqttPasswd Here set the MQTT Broker password.
Display Type Buttons 0 - None/Disabled, 1 - Outlet, 2 - Switch, 3 - Motion Sensor, 4 - Occupancy Sensor, 5 - Contact Sensor.

RESTful Integration

MQTT Integration

Direction Topic Message Payload Data
Publish Info, State {"Power": true, "SetTemperature": 21.5} JSON object.
Subscribe Set {"Power": true} JSON object.
Subscribe Key Value Type Description
Air Conditioner
Power true, false boolean Power state.
HideVaneControls true, false boolean Hide vane controls.
HideDryModeControl true, false boolean Hide dry mode control.
ProhibitSetTemperature true, false boolean Lock set temperature.
ProhibitOperationMode true, false boolean Lock set operation mode.
ProhibitPower true, false boolean Lock set power.
OperationMode 1 - Heat, 2 - Dry, 3 - Cool, 7 - Fan, 8 - Auto integer Operation mode.
SetFanSpeed 0 - Auto, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 integer Fan speed.
VaneHorizontal 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 - Split, 12 - Swing integer Vane H mode.
VaneVertical 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 - Swing integer Vane V mode.
SetTemperature 0.0 float Room temperature.
DefaultCoolingSetTemperature 0.0 float Default cooling temperature.
DefaultHeatingSetTemperature 0.0 float Default heating temperature.
Heat Pump
Power true, false boolean Power state.
ForcedHotWaterMode true, false boolean Force hot water.
EcoHotWater true, false boolean Eco hot water.
HolidayMode true, false boolean Holiday mode.
ProhibitZone1 true, false boolean Lock control zone 1.
ProhibitZone2 true, false boolean Lock control zone 2.
ProhibitHotWater true, false boolean Lock control hot water.
OperationMode 0 - Auto, 1 - Heat, 2 - Cool integer Operation mode heat pump.
OperationModeZone1 0 - Heat Thermostat, 1 - Heat Flow, 2 - Heat Curve, 3 - Cool Thermostat, 4 - Cool Flow, 5 - Flor Dry Up integer Operation mode zone 1.
OperationModeZone2 0 - Heat Thermostat, 1 - Heat Flow, 2 - Heat Curve, 3 - Cool Thermostat, 4 - Cool Flow, 5 - Flor Dry Up integer Operation mode zone 2.
SetTemperatureZone1 0.0 float Temperature zone 1.
SetTemperatureZone2 0.0 float Temperature zone 2.
SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1 0.0 float Heat flow temperature zone 1.
SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2 0.0 float Heat flow temperature zone 2.
SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1 0.0 float Cool flow temperature zone 1.
SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2 0.0 float Cool flow temperature zone 2.
SetTankWaterTemperature 0.0 float Hot water temperature.
Energy Recovery Ventilation
Power true, false boolean Power state.
NightPurgeMode true, false boolean Night purge mode.
HideRoomTemperature true, false boolean Hide room temperature.
HideSupplyTemperature true, false boolean Hide supply temperature.
HideOutdoorTemperature true, false boolean Hide outdoor temperature.
OperationMode 1 - Heat, 3 - Cool, 7 - Fan, 8 - Auto integer Operation mode.
VentilationMode 0 - Lossnay, 1 - Bypass, 2 - Auto integer Ventilation mode.
SetFanSpeed 0 - Auto, 1, 2, 3, 4 integer Fan speed.
SetTemperature 0.0 float Room temperature.
DefaultCoolingSetTemperature 0.0 float Default cooling temperature.
DefaultHeatingSetTemperature 0.0 float Default heating temperature.