grzegorz914 / homebridge-melcloud-control

Homebridge plugin for Mitsubishi Air Conditioner, Heat Pump and Energy Recovery Ventilation, publish as dynamic external platform accessory.
MIT License
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No wifi in melcloud app #114

Closed peibol81 closed 2 months ago

peibol81 commented 2 months ago

Although I have access via ping to the network card of the air conditioner, the melcloud app tells me that the unifad cannot be updated and in the reports section, if I ask for a report of the strength of the wifi signal it tells me that there is no signal. But if I ping the internal ip, it does respond to me. I know this isn't a plugin problem but I'd like to know if this happens to anyone else (I hope it does and that it's a widespread problem)

grzegorz914 commented 2 months ago

My be firewall lock

peibol81 commented 2 months ago

No. I reset the router and the problem persist. I think is a problem with melcloud service.

cars11 commented 2 months ago

Definitely a service issue. Lots of ppl having problems

peibol81 commented 2 months ago

Thanks for the information.  I'm a blind person and the unique way to use the device for me is via Melcloud and this plugin. I think Mitsubishi has a poor maintenance and a lot of problems with Melcloud service and for me this is a big problem. This isaue is active at least for two days for me... If you know any email direction of Mitsubishi Melcloud team, please give to me to inform Mitsubishi the problem. Thanks again.

cars11 commented 2 months ago

peibol81 commented 2 months ago

Thanks again. The people is very frustrated with Mitsubishi, and is normal. We still waiting...

Thank you for the link. Very usefull.

peibol81 commented 2 months ago

It's interesting to take a look at the website you've passed by to see how things are going. Mitsubishi is not giving too much information and users are starting to get fed up and they are starting to speculate about the causes and possible 'homemade' solutions. It seems that this incidence is affecting the whole of Europe. Some speculate that it was a hack because this issue is taking a long time to resolve. Whatever it is, the only thing that is certain is that Mitsubishi is demonstrating a lot of shortcomings.

cars11 commented 2 months ago

yeah im surprised there is no statement. usually they post when they have server maintenance or wahteve ri think

peibol81 commented 2 months ago

Seems the problem is solved!