grzegorz914 / homebridge-melcloud-control

Homebridge plugin for Mitsubishi Air Conditioner, Heat Pump and Energy Recovery Ventilation, publish as dynamic external platform accessory.
MIT License
50 stars 2 forks source link

Help to implement heat pump and ventilation #13

Closed grzegorz914 closed 1 year ago

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

I try to add support for Heat Pump and Energy Recovery Ventilation, but I don't have this devices to test, can some one with this devices instal 0.3.0-beta, enable debug mode and get me the log? or just send me the files from /homebridge/melcloud/ folder?

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Installed beta 28:

Hot Water still displays it as in the photo above Cooling mode is still displayed in Home App. Modus Heating= Room guided heating Modus Cooling=Heating according to flow temperature Modus Automation=Heating curve

Outdoor temperature sensor is also displayed as heating


"DeviceID": Removed, "DeviceName": "Zuhause", "BuildingID": Removed, "BuildingName": null, "FloorID": null, "FloorName": null, "AreaID": null, "AreaName": null, "ImageID": -1, "InstallationDate": null, "LastServiceDate": null, "Presets": [ { "Power": true, "EcoHotWater": true, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 30, "SetTemperatureZone1": 18, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "ID": 389639, "Client": 702010, "DeviceLocation": 66191634, "Number": 1, "Configuration": "truetrue02301820false25202020", "NumberDescription": "Nachtabsenkung" }, { "Power": true, "EcoHotWater": true, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 29.5, "SetTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "ID": 389672, "Client": 702010, "DeviceLocation": Removed, "Number": 2, "Configuration": "truetrue0229.52020false25202020", "NumberDescription": "Tagtemperatur" } ], "OwnerID": 702010, "OwnerName": null, "OwnerEmail": null, "AccessLevel": 4, "DirectAccess": false, "EndDate": "2500-01-01T00:00:00", "Zone1Name": null, "Zone2Name": null, "MinTemperature": 0, "MaxTemperature": 40, "HideVaneControls": false, "HideDryModeControl": false, "HideRoomTemperature": false, "HideSupplyTemperature": false, "HideOutdoorTemperature": false, "BuildingCountry": null, "OwnerCountry": null, "AdaptorType": 3, "LinkedDevice": null, "Type": 1, "MacAddress": "Removed", "SerialNumber": "Removed", "Device": { "PCycleActual": 0, "ErrorMessages": "", "DeviceType": 1, "FTCVersion": 1500, "FTCRevision": "r0", "LastFTCVersion": 0, "LastFTCRevision": null, "FTCModel": 2, "RefridgerentAddress": 0, "DipSwitch1": 182, "DipSwitch2": 160, "DipSwitch3": 16, "DipSwitch4": 0, "DipSwitch5": 0, "DipSwitch6": 0, "HasThermostatZone1": true, "HasThermostatZone2": true, "TemperatureIncrement": 0.5, "DefrostMode": 0, "HeatPumpFrequency": 66, "MaxSetTemperature": 40, "MinSetTemperature": 25, "RoomTemperatureZone1": 21.5, "RoomTemperatureZone2": -39, "OutdoorTemperature": 8, "FlowTemperature": 33.5, "FlowTemperatureZone1": 27, "FlowTemperatureZone2": 25, "FlowTemperatureBoiler": 25, "ReturnTemperature": 25, "ReturnTemperatureZone1": 24.5, "ReturnTemperatureZone2": 25, "ReturnTemperatureBoiler": 25, "BoilerStatus": false, "BoosterHeater1Status": false, "BoosterHeater2Status": false, "BoosterHeater2PlusStatus": false, "ImmersionHeaterStatus": false, "WaterPump1Status": true, "WaterPump2Status": true, "WaterPump3Status": false, "ValveStatus3Way": false, "ValveStatus2Way": true, "WaterPump4Status": false, "ValveStatus2Way2a": false, "ValveStatus2Way2b": false, "TankWaterTemperature": 41, "UnitStatus": 0, "HeatingFunctionEnabled": true, "ServerTimerEnabled": false, "ThermostatStatusZone1": false, "ThermostatStatusZone2": false, "ThermostatTypeZone1": 0, "ThermostatTypeZone2": 0, "MixingTankWaterTemperature": 0, "CondensingTemperature": 0, "DemandPercentage": 100, "ConfiguredDemandPercentage": null, "HasDemandSideControl": false, "DailyHeatingEnergyConsumed": 21.92, "DailyCoolingEnergyConsumed": 0, "DailyHotWaterEnergyConsumed": 6.54, "DailyHeatingEnergyProduced": 70.56, "DailyCoolingEnergyProduced": 0, "DailyHotWaterEnergyProduced": 14.56, "DailyLegionellaActivationCounter": 0, "LastLegionellaActivationTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "EffectiveFlags": 0, "LastEffectiveFlags": 0, "Power": true, "EcoHotWater": true, "OperationMode": 2, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "SetTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 45, "TargetHCTemperatureZone1": 20, "TargetHCTemperatureZone2": 35, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "HolidayMode": false, "ProhibitHotWater": false, "ProhibitHeatingZone1": false, "ProhibitHeatingZone2": false, "ProhibitCoolingZone1": false, "ProhibitCoolingZone2": false, "ServerTimerDesired": false, "SecondaryZoneHeatCurve": false, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "DECCReport": false, "CSVReport1min": false, "Zone2Master": false, "DailyEnergyConsumedDate": "2023-03-06T00:00:00", "DailyEnergyProducedDate": "2023-03-06T00:00:00", "CurrentEnergyConsumed": 2, "CurrentEnergyProduced": 9, "CurrentEnergyMode": null, "HeatingEnergyConsumedRate1": 2, "HeatingEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "CoolingEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "CoolingEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "HotWaterEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "HotWaterEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "HeatingEnergyProducedRate1": 9, "HeatingEnergyProducedRate2": 0, "CoolingEnergyProducedRate1": 0, "CoolingEnergyProducedRate2": 0, "HotWaterEnergyProducedRate1": 0, "HotWaterEnergyProducedRate2": 0, "ErrorCode2Digit": 0, "SpSubDivisionsToWrite": 0, "SpSubDivisionsToRead": 0, "SpState": 0, "SpSubDivisionsWriteInProgress": 0, "SpSubDivisionsReadInProgress": 0, "InitialSettingsData": null, "InitialSettingsTimestamp": null, "SupportsHourlyEnergyReport": false, "HasZone2": false, "HasSimplifiedZone2": false, "CanHeat": true, "CanCool": false, "HasHotWaterTank": true, "CanSetTankTemperature": true, "CanSetEcoHotWater": true, "HasEnergyConsumedMeter": true, "HasEnergyProducedMeter": true, "CanMeasureEnergyProduced": false, "CanMeasureEnergyConsumed": false, "Zone1InRoomMode": true, "Zone2InRoomMode": false, "Zone1InHeatMode": true, "Zone2InHeatMode": true, "Zone1InCoolMode": false, "Zone2InCoolMode": false, "AllowDualRoomTemperature": false, "IsGeodan": false, "HasEcoCuteSettings": false, "HasFTC45Settings": true, "HasFTC6Settings": false, "CanEstimateEnergyUsage": true, "CanUseRoomTemperatureCooling": false, "IsFtcModelSupported": true, "MaxTankTemperature": 60, "IdleZone1": false, "IdleZone2": true, "MinPcycle": 1, "MaxPcycle": 1, "MaxOutdoorUnits": 255, "MaxIndoorUnits": 255, "MaxTemperatureControlUnits": 0, "ModelCode": "027a", "DeviceID": 66191634, "MacAddress": "Removed, "SerialNumber": "Removed", "TimeZoneID": 119, "DiagnosticMode": 0, "DiagnosticEndDate": null, "ExpectedCommand": 1, "Owner": 702010, "DetectedCountry": null, "AdaptorType": 3, "FirmwareDeployment": null, "FirmwareUpdateAborted": false, "LinkedDevice": null, "WifiSignalStrength": -74, "WifiAdapterStatus": "NORMAL", "Position": "Unknown", "PCycle": 2, "PCycleConfigured": null, "RecordNumMax": 1, "LastTimeStamp": "2023-03-07T15:44:00", "ErrorCode": 8000, "HasError": false, "LastReset": "2023-02-25T11:40:45.756", "FlashWrites": 2, "Scene": null, "TemperatureIncrementOverride": 0, "SSLExpirationDate": "2037-12-31T00:00:00", "SPTimeout": 1, "Passcode": null, "ServerCommunicationDisabled": false, "ConsecutiveUploadErrors": 0, "DoNotRespondAfter": null, "OwnerRoleAccessLevel": 1, "OwnerCountry": 85, "HideEnergyReport": false, "ExceptionHash": null, "ExceptionDate": null, "ExceptionCount": null, "Rate1StartTime": null, "Rate2StartTime": null, "ProtocolVersion": 0, "UnitVersion": 0, "FirmwareAppVersion": 37000, "FirmwareWebVersion": 0, "FirmwareWlanVersion": 0, "EffectivePCycle": 1, "MqttFlags": 9, "HasErrorMessages": false, "Offline": false, "Units": [ { "ID": 1, "Device": 0, "SerialNumber": "", "ModelNumber": 254, "Model": "EHSC-YM9C", "UnitType": 1, "IsIndoor": true } ] }, "DiagnosticMode": 0, "DiagnosticEndDate": null, "Location": 24595, "DetectedCountry": null, "Registrations": 9, "LocalIPAddress": null, "TimeZone": 119, "RegistReason": "STARTUP", "ExpectedCommand": 1, "RegistRetry": 0, "DateCreated": "2023-02-25T10:54:21.3Z", "FirmwareDeployment": null, "FirmwareUpdateAborted": false, "Permissions": { "CanSetForcedHotWater": true, "CanSetOperationMode": true, "CanSetPower": true, "CanSetTankWaterTemperature": true, "CanSetEcoHotWater": false, "CanSetFlowTemperature": true, "CanSetTemperatureIncrementOverride": true } } [07/03/2023, 15:47:56] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump Zuhause, debug State: { "EffectiveFlags": 0, "LocalIPAddress": null, "SetTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "RoomTemperatureZone1": 21.5, "RoomTemperatureZone2": -39, "OperationMode": 2, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "WeatherObservations": [ { "Date": "2023-03-07T15:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-07T06:55:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-07T18:18:00", "Condition": 113, "ID": 1090134068, "Humidity": 51, "Temperature": 8, "Icon": "wsymbol_0001_sunny", "ConditionName": "Heiter", "Day": 2, "WeatherType": 0 }, { "Date": "2023-03-08T03:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-08T06:53:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-08T18:19:00", "Condition": 332, "ID": 1091219304, "Humidity": 89, "Temperature": 1, "Icon": "wsymbol_0036_cloudy_with_heavy_snow_night", "ConditionName": "Mäßiger Schneefall", "Day": 2, "WeatherType": 2 }, { "Date": "2023-03-08T15:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-08T06:53:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-08T18:19:00", "Condition": 122, "ID": 1091219308, "Humidity": 86, "Temperature": 9, "Icon": "wsymbol_0004_black_low_cloud", "ConditionName": "Bedeckt", "Day": 3, "WeatherType": 1 }, { "Date": "2023-03-09T03:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-09T06:51:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-09T18:21:00", "Condition": 122, "ID": 1092304304, "Humidity": 83, "Temperature": 10, "Icon": "wsymbol_0004_black_low_cloud", "ConditionName": "Bedeckt", "Day": 3, "WeatherType": 2 } ], "ErrorMessage": null, "ErrorCode": 8000, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "HCControlType": 1, "TankWaterTemperature": 41, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 45, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "UnitStatus": 0, "OutdoorTemperature": 8, "EcoHotWater": true, "Zone1Name": null, "Zone2Name": null, "HolidayMode": false, "ProhibitZone1": false, "ProhibitZone2": false, "ProhibitHotWater": false, "TemperatureIncrementOverride": 0, "IdleZone1": false, "IdleZone2": true, "DemandPercentage": 100, "DeviceID": 66191634, "DeviceType": 1, "LastCommunication": "2023-03-07T14:46:43.392", "NextCommunication": "2023-03-07T14:47:43.392", "Power": true, "HasPendingCommand": false, "Offline": false, "Scene": null, "SceneOwner": null } [07/03/2023, 15:47:56] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump Zuhause, debug State: { "EffectiveFlags": 0, "LocalIPAddress": null, "SetTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "RoomTemperatureZone1": 21.5, "RoomTemperatureZone2": -39, "OperationMode": 2, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "WeatherObservations": [ { "Date": "2023-03-07T15:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-07T06:55:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-07T18:18:00", "Condition": 113, "ID": 1090134068, "Humidity": 51, "Temperature": 8, "Icon": "wsymbol_0001_sunny", "ConditionName": "Heiter", "Day": 2, "WeatherType": 0 }, { "Date": "2023-03-08T03:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-08T06:53:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-08T18:19:00", "Condition": 332, "ID": 1091219304, "Humidity": 89, "Temperature": 1, "Icon": "wsymbol_0036_cloudy_with_heavy_snow_night", "ConditionName": "Mäßiger Schneefall", "Day": 2, "WeatherType": 2 }, { "Date": "2023-03-08T15:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-08T06:53:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-08T18:19:00", "Condition": 122, "ID": 1091219308, "Humidity": 86, "Temperature": 9, "Icon": "wsymbol_0004_black_low_cloud", "ConditionName": "Bedeckt", "Day": 3, "WeatherType": 1 }, { "Date": "2023-03-09T03:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-09T06:51:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-09T18:21:00", "Condition": 122, "ID": 1092304304, "Humidity": 83, "Temperature": 10, "Icon": "wsymbol_0004_black_low_cloud", "ConditionName": "Bedeckt", "Day": 3, "WeatherType": 2 } ], "ErrorMessage": null, "ErrorCode": 8000, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "HCControlType": 1, "TankWaterTemperature": 41, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 45, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "UnitStatus": 0, "OutdoorTemperature": 8, "EcoHotWater": true, "Zone1Name": null, "Zone2Name": null, "HolidayMode": false, "ProhibitZone1": false, "ProhibitZone2": false, "ProhibitHotWater": false, "TemperatureIncrementOverride": 0, "IdleZone1": false, "IdleZone2": true, "DemandPercentage": 100, "DeviceID": 66191634, "DeviceType": 1, "LastCommunication": "2023-03-07T14:46:43.392", "NextCommunication": "2023-03-07T14:47:43.392", "Power": true, "HasPendingCommand": false, "Offline": false, "Scene": null, "SceneOwner": null } [07/03/2023, 15:47:57] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Account Removed, scanning for devices. [07/03/2023, 15:47:57] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Account Removed, debug Buildings: [ { "ID": Removed, "Name": "Zuhause", "AddressLine1": "Removed", "AddressLine2": null, "City": "-", "Postcode": "Removed", "Latitude": Removed, "Longitude": Removed, "District": null, "FPDefined": false, "FPEnabled": false, "FPMinTemperature": 14, "FPMaxTemperature": 16, "HMDefined": false, "HMEnabled": false, "HMStartDate": null, "HMEndDate": null, "BuildingType": 1, "PropertyType": 8, "DateBuilt": null, "HasGasSupply": true, "LocationLookupDate": "2023-03-06T20:22:59.07", "Country": 85, "TimeZoneContinent": 3, "TimeZoneCity": 49, "TimeZone": 119, "Location": 24595, "CoolingDisabled": false, "Expanded": true, "Structure": { "Floors": [], "Areas": [], "Devices": [ { "DeviceID": Removed, "DeviceName": "Zuhause", "BuildingID": Removed, "BuildingName": null, "FloorID": null, "FloorName": null, "AreaID": null, "AreaName": null, "ImageID": -1, "InstallationDate": null, "LastServiceDate": null, "Presets": [ { "Power": true, "EcoHotWater": true, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 30, "SetTemperatureZone1": 18, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "ID": 389639, "Client": 702010, "DeviceLocation": 66191634, "Number": 1, "Configuration": "truetrue02301820false25202020", "NumberDescription": "Nachtabsenkung" }, { "Power": true, "EcoHotWater": true, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 29.5, "SetTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "ID": 389672, "Client": 702010, "DeviceLocation": 66191634, "Number": 2, "Configuration": "truetrue0229.52020false25202020", "NumberDescription": "Tagtemperatur" } ], "OwnerID": Removed, "OwnerName": null, "OwnerEmail": null, "AccessLevel": 4, "DirectAccess": false, "EndDate": "2500-01-01T00:00:00", "Zone1Name": null, "Zone2Name": null, "MinTemperature": 0, "MaxTemperature": 40, "HideVaneControls": false, "HideDryModeControl": false, "HideRoomTemperature": false, "HideSupplyTemperature": false, "HideOutdoorTemperature": false, "BuildingCountry": null, "OwnerCountry": null, "AdaptorType": 3, "LinkedDevice": null, "Type": 1, "MacAddress": "Removed", "SerialNumber": "Removed", "Device": { "PCycleActual": 0, "ErrorMessages": "", "DeviceType": 1, "FTCVersion": 1500, "FTCRevision": "r0", "LastFTCVersion": 0, "LastFTCRevision": null, "FTCModel": 2, "RefridgerentAddress": 0, "DipSwitch1": 182, "DipSwitch2": 160, "DipSwitch3": 16, "DipSwitch4": 0, "DipSwitch5": 0, "DipSwitch6": 0, "HasThermostatZone1": true, "HasThermostatZone2": true, "TemperatureIncrement": 0.5, "DefrostMode": 0, "HeatPumpFrequency": 66, "MaxSetTemperature": 40, "MinSetTemperature": 25, "RoomTemperatureZone1": 21.5, "RoomTemperatureZone2": -39, "OutdoorTemperature": 8, "FlowTemperature": 33.5, "FlowTemperatureZone1": 27, "FlowTemperatureZone2": 25, "FlowTemperatureBoiler": 25, "ReturnTemperature": 25, "ReturnTemperatureZone1": 24.5, "ReturnTemperatureZone2": 25, "ReturnTemperatureBoiler": 25, "BoilerStatus": false, "BoosterHeater1Status": false, "BoosterHeater2Status": false, "BoosterHeater2PlusStatus": false, "ImmersionHeaterStatus": false, "WaterPump1Status": true, "WaterPump2Status": true, "WaterPump3Status": false, "ValveStatus3Way": false, "ValveStatus2Way": true, "WaterPump4Status": false, "ValveStatus2Way2a": false, "ValveStatus2Way2b": false, "TankWaterTemperature": 41, "UnitStatus": 0, "HeatingFunctionEnabled": true, "ServerTimerEnabled": false, "ThermostatStatusZone1": false, "ThermostatStatusZone2": false, "ThermostatTypeZone1": 0, "ThermostatTypeZone2": 0, "MixingTankWaterTemperature": 0, "CondensingTemperature": 0, "DemandPercentage": 10, "ConfiguredDemandPercentage": null, "HasDemandSideControl": false, "DailyHeatingEnergyConsumed": 21.92, "DailyCoolingEnergyConsumed": 0, "DailyHotWaterEnergyConsumed": 6.54, "DailyHeatingEnergyProduced": 70.56, "DailyCoolingEnergyProduced": 0, "DailyHotWaterEnergyProduced": 14.56, "DailyLegionellaActivationCounter": 0, "LastLegionellaActivationTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "EffectiveFlags": 0, "LastEffectiveFlags": 0, "Power": true, "EcoHotWater": true, "OperationMode": 2, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "SetTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 45, "TargetHCTemperatureZone1": 20, "TargetHCTemperatureZone2": 35, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "HolidayMode": false, "ProhibitHotWater": false, "ProhibitHeatingZone1": false, "ProhibitHeatingZone2": false, "ProhibitCoolingZone1": false, "ProhibitCoolingZone2": false, "ServerTimerDesired": false, "SecondaryZoneHeatCurve": false, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "DECCReport": false, "CSVReport1min": false, "Zone2Master": false, "DailyEnergyConsumedDate": "2023-03-06T00:00:00", "DailyEnergyProducedDate": "2023-03-06T00:00:00", "CurrentEnergyConsumed": 2, "CurrentEnergyProduced": 9, "CurrentEnergyMode": null, "HeatingEnergyConsumedRate1": 2, "HeatingEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "CoolingEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "CoolingEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "HotWaterEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "HotWaterEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "HeatingEnergyProducedRate1": 9, "HeatingEnergyProducedRate2": 0, "CoolingEnergyProducedRate1": 0, "CoolingEnergyProducedRate2": 0, "HotWaterEnergyProducedRate1": 0, "HotWaterEnergyProducedRate2": 0, "ErrorCode2Digit": 0, "SpSubDivisionsToWrite": 0, "SpSubDivisionsToRead": 0, "SpState": 0, "SpSubDivisionsWriteInProgress": 0, "SpSubDivisionsReadInProgress": 0, "InitialSettingsData": null, "InitialSettingsTimestamp": null, "SupportsHourlyEnergyReport": false, "HasZone2": false, "HasSimplifiedZone2": false, "CanHeat": true, "CanCool": false, "HasHotWaterTank": true, "CanSetTankTemperature": true, "CanSetEcoHotWater": true, "HasEnergyConsumedMeter": true, "HasEnergyProducedMeter": true, "CanMeasureEnergyProduced": false, "CanMeasureEnergyConsumed": false, "Zone1InRoomMode": true, "Zone2InRoomMode": false, "Zone1InHeatMode": true, "Zone2InHeatMode": true, "Zone1InCoolMode": false, "Zone2InCoolMode": false, "AllowDualRoomTemperature": false, "IsGeodan": false, "HasEcoCuteSettings": false, "HasFTC45Settings": true, "HasFTC6Settings": false, "CanEstimateEnergyUsage": true, "CanUseRoomTemperatureCooling": false, "IsFtcModelSupported": true, "MaxTankTemperature": 60, "IdleZone1": false, "IdleZone2": true, "MinPcycle": 1, "MaxPcycle": 1, "MaxOutdoorUnits": 255, "MaxIndoorUnits": 255, "MaxTemperatureControlUnits": 0, "ModelCode": "027a", "DeviceID": 66191634, "MacAddress": "Removed", "SerialNumber": "Removed", "TimeZoneID": 119, "DiagnosticMode": 0, "DiagnosticEndDate": null, "ExpectedCommand": 1, "Owner": 702010, "DetectedCountry": null, "AdaptorType": 3, "FirmwareDeployment": null, "FirmwareUpdateAborted": false, "LinkedDevice": null, "WifiSignalStrength": -74, "WifiAdapterStatus": "NORMAL", "Position": "Unknown", "PCycle": 2, "PCycleConfigured": null, "RecordNumMax": 1, "LastTimeStamp": "2023-03-07T15:46:00", "ErrorCode": 8000, "HasError": false, "LastReset": "2023-02-25T11:40:45.756", "FlashWrites": 2, "Scene": null, "TemperatureIncrementOverride": 0, "SSLExpirationDate": "2037-12-31T00:00:00", "SPTimeout": 1, "Passcode": null, "ServerCommunicationDisabled": false, "ConsecutiveUploadErrors": 0, "DoNotRespondAfter": null, "OwnerRoleAccessLevel": 1, "OwnerCountry": 85, "HideEnergyReport": false, "ExceptionHash": null, "ExceptionDate": null, "ExceptionCount": null, "Rate1StartTime": null, "Rate2StartTime": null, "ProtocolVersion": 0, "UnitVersion": 0, "FirmwareAppVersion": 37000, "FirmwareWebVersion": 0, "FirmwareWlanVersion": 0, "EffectivePCycle": 1, "MqttFlags": 9, "HasErrorMessages": false, "Offline": false, "Units": [ { "ID": 1, "Device": 0, "SerialNumber": "", "ModelNumber": 254, "Model": "EHSC-YM9C", "UnitType": 1, "IsIndoor": true } ] }, "DiagnosticMode": 0, "DiagnosticEndDate": null, "Location": 24595, "DetectedCountry": null, "Registrations": 9, "LocalIPAddress": null, "TimeZone": 119, "RegistReason": "STARTUP", "ExpectedCommand": 1, "RegistRetry": 0, "DateCreated": "2023-02-25T10:54:21.3Z", "FirmwareDeployment": null, "FirmwareUpdateAborted": false, "Permissions": { "CanSetForcedHotWater": true, "CanSetOperationMode": true, "CanSetPower": true, "CanSetTankWaterTemperature": true, "CanSetEcoHotWater": false, "CanSetFlowTemperature": true, "CanSetTemperatureIncrementOverride": true } } ], "Clients": [] }, "AccessLevel": 4, "DirectAccess": true, "MinTemperature": 0, "MaxTemperature": 40, "Owner": null, "EndDate": "2500-01-01T00:00:00", "iDateBuilt": null, "QuantizedCoordinates": { "Latitude": Removed, "Longitude": Removed } } ]

[07/03/2023, 16:00:52] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [07/03/2023, 16:00:52] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [07/03/2023, 16:00:52] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Heating Threshold Temperature': characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 45 exceeded maximum of 25. See for more info. [07/03/2023, 16:00:52] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Cooling Threshold Temperature': characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 45 exceeded maximum of 35. See for more info. [07/03/2023, 16:01:04] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump Zuhause, debug Info: {

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

31 ready

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

I noticed that it is often updated. Changing the name also takes several attempts because it is overwritten by the Homebridge name.

Control Mode Heater/Cooler Hot Water goes only to 35 degree Temperature Mode Off=Not Working Heating=room Guide Temperature Auto= Heating curve

2D086653-7B1E-422E-9A5E-22EB5959502C 2EDF6A01-EDD8-4F70-9AFA-025AACBCB501

Control Mode Thermostat:

Hot Water: Works everything Temperature: On/off Button=Change between Mode Room Guided Heating and Heating curve. Change Temperature with slider works. Change with Automation Works only sometimes. Overwritten after a few seconds back to the Temperature before.



[07/03/2023, 17:30:14] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump Zuhause, debug Info: { "DeviceID": Removed, "DeviceName": "Zuhause", "BuildingID": Removed, "BuildingName": null, "FloorID": null, "FloorName": null, "AreaID": null, "AreaName": null, "ImageID": -1, "InstallationDate": null, "LastServiceDate": null, "Presets": [ { "Power": true, "EcoHotWater": true, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 30, "SetTemperatureZone1": 18, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "ID": 389639, "Client": 702010, "DeviceLocation": 66191634, "Number": 1, "Configuration": "truetrue02301820false25202020", "NumberDescription": "Nachtabsenkung" }, { "Power": true, "EcoHotWater": true, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 29.5, "SetTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "ID": 389672, "Client": 702010, "DeviceLocation": 66191634, "Number": 2, "Configuration": "truetrue0229.52020false25202020", "NumberDescription": "Tagtemperatur" } ], "OwnerID": 702010, "OwnerName": null, "OwnerEmail": null, "AccessLevel": 4, "DirectAccess": false, "EndDate": "2500-01-01T00:00:00", "Zone1Name": null, "Zone2Name": null, "MinTemperature": 0, "MaxTemperature": 40, "HideVaneControls": false, "HideDryModeControl": false, "HideRoomTemperature": false, "HideSupplyTemperature": false, "HideOutdoorTemperature": false, "BuildingCountry": null, "OwnerCountry": null, "AdaptorType": 3, "LinkedDevice": null, "Type": 1, "MacAddress": "Removed, "SerialNumber": „Removed, "Device": { "PCycleActual": 0, "ErrorMessages": "", "DeviceType": 1, "FTCVersion": 1500, "FTCRevision": "r0", "LastFTCVersion": 0, "LastFTCRevision": null, "FTCModel": 2, "RefridgerentAddress": 0, "DipSwitch1": 182, "DipSwitch2": 160, "DipSwitch3": 16, "DipSwitch4": 0, "DipSwitch5": 0, "DipSwitch6": 0, "HasThermostatZone1": true, "HasThermostatZone2": true, "TemperatureIncrement": 0.5, "DefrostMode": 0, "HeatPumpFrequency": 42, "MaxSetTemperature": 40, "MinSetTemperature": 25, "RoomTemperatureZone1": 21.5, "RoomTemperatureZone2": -39, "OutdoorTemperature": 7, "FlowTemperature": 32.5, "FlowTemperatureZone1": 28, "FlowTemperatureZone2": 25, "FlowTemperatureBoiler": 25, "ReturnTemperature": 27, "ReturnTemperatureZone1": 26.5, "ReturnTemperatureZone2": 25, "ReturnTemperatureBoiler": 25, "BoilerStatus": false, "BoosterHeater1Status": false, "BoosterHeater2Status": false, "BoosterHeater2PlusStatus": false, "ImmersionHeaterStatus": false, "WaterPump1Status": true, "WaterPump2Status": true, "WaterPump3Status": false, "ValveStatus3Way": false, "ValveStatus2Way": true, "WaterPump4Status": false, "ValveStatus2Way2a": false, "ValveStatus2Way2b": false, "TankWaterTemperature": 40.5, "UnitStatus": 0, "HeatingFunctionEnabled": true, "ServerTimerEnabled": false, "ThermostatStatusZone1": false, "ThermostatStatusZone2": false, "ThermostatTypeZone1": 0, "ThermostatTypeZone2": 0, "MixingTankWaterTemperature": 0, "CondensingTemperature": 0, "DemandPercentage": 100, "ConfiguredDemandPercentage": null, "HasDemandSideControl": false, "DailyHeatingEnergyConsumed": 21.92, "DailyCoolingEnergyConsumed": 0, "DailyHotWaterEnergyConsumed": 6.54, "DailyHeatingEnergyProduced": 70.56, "DailyCoolingEnergyProduced": 0, "DailyHotWaterEnergyProduced": 14.56, "DailyLegionellaActivationCounter": 0, "LastLegionellaActivationTime": "0001-01-01T00:00:00", "EffectiveFlags": 0, "LastEffectiveFlags": 0, "Power": true, "EcoHotWater": true, "OperationMode": 2, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "SetTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 45, "TargetHCTemperatureZone1": 20, "TargetHCTemperatureZone2": 35, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "HolidayMode": false, "ProhibitHotWater": false, "ProhibitHeatingZone1": false, "ProhibitHeatingZone2": false, "ProhibitCoolingZone1": false, "ProhibitCoolingZone2": false, "ServerTimerDesired": false, "SecondaryZoneHeatCurve": false, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "DECCReport": false, "CSVReport1min": false, "Zone2Master": false, "DailyEnergyConsumedDate": "2023-03-06T00:00:00", "DailyEnergyProducedDate": "2023-03-06T00:00:00", "CurrentEnergyConsumed": 0, "CurrentEnergyProduced": 1, "CurrentEnergyMode": null, "HeatingEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "HeatingEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "CoolingEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "CoolingEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "HotWaterEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "HotWaterEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "HeatingEnergyProducedRate1": 1, "HeatingEnergyProducedRate2": 0, "CoolingEnergyProducedRate1": 0, "CoolingEnergyProducedRate2": 0, "HotWaterEnergyProducedRate1": 0, "HotWaterEnergyProducedRate2": 0, "ErrorCode2Digit": 0, "SpSubDivisionsToWrite": 0, "SpSubDivisionsToRead": 0, "SpState": 0, "SpSubDivisionsWriteInProgress": 0, "SpSubDivisionsReadInProgress": 0, "InitialSettingsData": null, "InitialSettingsTimestamp": null, "SupportsHourlyEnergyReport": false, "HasZone2": false, "HasSimplifiedZone2": false, "CanHeat": true, "CanCool": false, "HasHotWaterTank": true, "CanSetTankTemperature": true, "CanSetEcoHotWater": true, "HasEnergyConsumedMeter": true, "HasEnergyProducedMeter": true, "CanMeasureEnergyProduced": false, "CanMeasureEnergyConsumed": false, "Zone1InRoomMode": true, "Zone2InRoomMode": false, "Zone1InHeatMode": true, "Zone2InHeatMode": true, "Zone1InCoolMode": false, "Zone2InCoolMode": false, "AllowDualRoomTemperature": false, "IsGeodan": false, "HasEcoCuteSettings": false, "HasFTC45Settings": true, "HasFTC6Settings": false, "CanEstimateEnergyUsage": true, "CanUseRoomTemperatureCooling": false, "IsFtcModelSupported": true, "MaxTankTemperature": 60, "IdleZone1": false, "IdleZone2": true, "MinPcycle": 1, "MaxPcycle": 1, "MaxOutdoorUnits": 255, "MaxIndoorUnits": 255, "MaxTemperatureControlUnits": 0, "ModelCode": "027a", "DeviceID": 66191634, "MacAddress": "Removed", "SerialNumber": "Removed", "TimeZoneID": 119, "DiagnosticMode": 0, "DiagnosticEndDate": null, "ExpectedCommand": 1, "Owner": 702010, "DetectedCountry": null, "AdaptorType": 3, "FirmwareDeployment": null, "FirmwareUpdateAborted": false, "LinkedDevice": null, "WifiSignalStrength": -75, "WifiAdapterStatus": "NORMAL", "Position": "Unknown", "PCycle": 2, "PCycleConfigured": null, "RecordNumMax": 1, "LastTimeStamp": "2023-03-07T17:28:00", "ErrorCode": 8000, "HasError": false, "LastReset": "2023-02-25T11:40:45.756", "FlashWrites": 2, "Scene": null, "TemperatureIncrementOverride": 0, "SSLExpirationDate": "2037-12-31T00:00:00", "SPTimeout": 1, "Passcode": null, "ServerCommunicationDisabled": false, "ConsecutiveUploadErrors": 0, "DoNotRespondAfter": null, "OwnerRoleAccessLevel": 1, "OwnerCountry": 85, "HideEnergyReport": false, "ExceptionHash": null, "ExceptionDate": null, "ExceptionCount": null, "Rate1StartTime": null, "Rate2StartTime": null, "ProtocolVersion": 0, "UnitVersion": 0, "FirmwareAppVersion": 37000, "FirmwareWebVersion": 0, "FirmwareWlanVersion": 0, "EffectivePCycle": 1, "MqttFlags": 9, "HasErrorMessages": false, "Offline": false, "Units": [ { "ID": 1, "Device": 0, "SerialNumber": "Removed", "ModelNumber": 254, "Model": "EHSC-YM9C", "UnitType": 1, "IsIndoor": true } ] }, "DiagnosticMode": 0, "DiagnosticEndDate": null, "Location": 24595, "DetectedCountry": null, "Registrations": 9, "LocalIPAddress": null, "TimeZone": 119, "RegistReason": "STARTUP", "ExpectedCommand": 1, "RegistRetry": 0, "DateCreated": "2023-02-25T10:54:21.3Z", "FirmwareDeployment": null, "FirmwareUpdateAborted": false, "Permissions": { "CanSetForcedHotWater": true, "CanSetOperationMode": true, "CanSetPower": true, "CanSetTankWaterTemperature": true, "CanSetEcoHotWater": false, "CanSetFlowTemperature": true, "CanSetTemperatureIncrementOverride": true } } [07/03/2023, 17:30:15] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump Zuhause, debug State: { "EffectiveFlags": 0, "LocalIPAddress": null, "SetTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "RoomTemperatureZone1": 21.5, "RoomTemperatureZone2": -39, "OperationMode": 2, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "WeatherObservations": [ { "Date": "2023-03-07T18:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-07T06:55:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-07T18:18:00", "Condition": 116, "ID": 1090134069, "Humidity": 65, "Temperature": 4, "Icon": "wsymbol_0002_sunny_intervals", "ConditionName": "Teilweise bewölkt", "Day": 2, "WeatherType": 0 }, { "Date": "2023-03-08T03:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-08T06:53:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-08T18:19:00", "Condition": 332, "ID": 1091219304, "Humidity": 89, "Temperature": 1, "Icon": "wsymbol_0036_cloudy_with_heavy_snow_night", "ConditionName": "Mäßiger Schneefall", "Day": 2, "WeatherType": 2 }, { "Date": "2023-03-08T15:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-08T06:53:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-08T18:19:00", "Condition": 122, "ID": 1091219308, "Humidity": 86, "Temperature": 9, "Icon": "wsymbol_0004_black_low_cloud", "ConditionName": "Bedeckt", "Day": 3, "WeatherType": 1 }, { "Date": "2023-03-09T03:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-09T06:51:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-09T18:21:00", "Condition": 122, "ID": 1092304304, "Humidity": 83, "Temperature": 10, "Icon": "wsymbol_0004_black_low_cloud", "ConditionName": "Bedeckt", "Day": 3, "WeatherType": 2 } ], "ErrorMessage": null, "ErrorCode": 8000, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "HCControlType": 1, "TankWaterTemperature": 40.5, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 45, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "UnitStatus": 0, "OutdoorTemperature": 7, "EcoHotWater": true, "Zone1Name": null, "Zone2Name": null, "HolidayMode": false, "ProhibitZone1": false, "ProhibitZone2": false, "ProhibitHotWater": false, "TemperatureIncrementOverride": 0, "IdleZone1": false, "IdleZone2": true, "DemandPercentage": 100, "DeviceID": 66191634, "DeviceType": 1, "LastCommunication": "2023-03-07T16:29:46.914", "NextCommunication": "2023-03-07T16:30:46.914", "Power": true, "HasPendingCommand": false, "Offline": false, "Scene": null, "SceneOwner": null } [07/03/2023, 17:30:17] [Homebridge UI] Homebridge restart request received [07/03/2023, 17:30:17] [Homebridge UI] UI / Bridge settings have not changed; only restarting Homebridge process [07/03/2023, 17:30:17] [Homebridge UI] Sending SIGTERM to Homebridge [07/03/2023, 17:30:17] Got SIGTERM, shutting down Homebridge... [07/03/2023, 17:30:17] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [07/03/2023, 17:30:17] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [07/03/2023, 17:30:17] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process... [07/03/2023, 17:30:17] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process...

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

34 ready

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Both Control Modes Shows this:


grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

36 ready

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Both control modes are working

Changes made in the Home app sometimes jump back to the old value. Also when switching from Automatic to Heating. if i try it more often it will then be set to the correct value

Control Mode: Heater/Cooler Hot Water Works everything Temperature Mode: Off=Not Working Heating=room Guide Temperature Auto= Heating curve

Control Mode Thermostat:

Hot Water: Works everything Temperature: On/off Button=Change between Mode Room Guided Heating and Heating curve.

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

Im pushed b.37 with some small changes, can you please post screenshots of all tiles in both modes

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Beta 38

Mode Thermostat:

CE1D2204-65AF-441B-86C2-88F77AF4B4D2 9DAB8C54-B53C-4CCE-A2EE-B09DD312B075 02B38B22-16A2-4398-90E4-0F8F064F2512

Mode Heater/Cooler:

DA7ED559-21EB-4C04-AB14-2458FC83FA11 8F77C7B2-758C-4638-979A-E449453FFD59 459FF67B-20C0-480C-AD08-F7D9CA953428

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

OK, try 39 and get heater/cooler mode

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Beta 39


91CD9D2D-AC4F-4AC7-A413-F333BC9ED3D7 2315D170-5594-4F75-B50B-F47FC22C0FE6 6266BCDE-4C97-433C-9D17-B52BF72212A2

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago


grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

I think Heat Pump is fully supported now, if some functions not working please report.

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

The only thing I have found in heater/cooler Mode is that in Hot Water Automatic mode cooling is also displayed. That came now after some time only

Edit: in Beta 42 ist only Heat without cooling Edit2 m: in Beta 42 now with cooling im Hotel Water automatic mode

Everything else works.


grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

beta 42, please check mode control for zone 1: Thermostat: HEAT/COOL/AUTO - HEAT THERMOSTAT / HEAT FLOW / CURVE. Heater/cooler: AUTO/HEAT/COOL - CURVE / HEAT THERMOSTAT / HEAT FLOW.

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

also 43.ready here the HotWaterTank changes for: target mode: AUTO - forcedHotWater = OFF, HEAT - forcedHotWater = ON

also fixed current mode display

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Heater Cooler: Mode Auto= Curve Mode Heating= Heat Thermostat Off= No Function Cool= Does not exist

Thermostat: No Modus. Only on Off Button


grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

Heater Cooler: Mode Auto= Curve Mode Heating= Heat Thermostat Off= No Function Cool= Does not exist

Thermostat: No Modus. Only on Off Button


b.44 fixed

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago



Hot Water and Tenperture only on/Off Buttons.


Hot Water Is still like the picture above with cooling

Temperature: All perfect

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

45 also ready

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Mode Heater/Cooler All Perfect

Mode Thermostat All Perfect

Only that Warning with This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic ' in Homebridge Log remains:

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

what a warning?

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

[08/03/2023, 12:54:02] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Temperature display unit: °C [08/03/2023, 12:54:02] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [08/03/2023, 12:54:02] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info.

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

b.46 online, please check the warning

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Ist still there:

[08/03/2023, 13:25:36] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Temperature display unit: °C [08/03/2023, 13:25:36] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [08/03/2023, 13:25:36] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info.

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

47 ready

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Warning is gone

now works everything

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

OK, please install now b.48, disable debug and enable info log and post here please.

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Have just seen that the warning still appears from time to time

This Log?:

08/03/2023, 14:26:41] [homebridge-melcloud-control] ---- Heat Pump: Zuhause ---- [08/03/2023, 14:26:41] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Account: Removed [08/03/2023, 14:26:41] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Model: Undefined [08/03/2023, 14:26:41] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Serial: Removed [08/03/2023, 14:26:41] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Firmware: 37000 [08/03/2023, 14:26:41] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Indoor: EHSC-YM9C [08/03/2023, 14:26:41] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Hot Water Tank: Yes [08/03/2023, 14:26:41] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Zone 2: No [08/03/2023, 14:26:41] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Manufacturer: Mitsubishi [08/03/2023, 14:26:41] [homebridge-melcloud-control] ---------------------------------- [08/03/2023, 14:26:44] Zuhause BE17 is running on port 36253. [08/03/2023, 14:26:44] Please add [Zuhause BE17] manually in Home app. Setup Code: Removed [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Heat Pump, Power: ON [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Heat Pump, Operation mode: HEAT [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Heat Pump, Temperature: 10°C [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Heat Pump, Heating threshold temperature: 10°C [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Heat Pump, Lock physical controls: UNLOCKED [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Temperature display unit: °C [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Zone 1, Power: ON [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Zone 1, Operation mode: HEAT THERMOSTAT [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Zone 1, Temperature: 21°C [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Zone 1, Heating threshold temperature: 20°C [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Zone 1, Lock physical controls: UNLOCKED [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Temperature display unit: °C [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Hot Water, Power: ON [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Hot Water, Operation mode: undefined [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Hot Water, Temperature: 43.5°C [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Hot Water, Heating threshold temperature: 45°C [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Hot Water, Lock physical controls: UNLOCKED [08/03/2023, 14:26:45] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Temperature display unit: °C

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for testing and patience. v0.6.0 released

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

If you will see any warning please post the log here

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

In V0.6.0

Hot Water Tank in Heater/Cooler Mode

HEAT - forcedHotWater = ON = does not work

version 6 there are still these warnings:

[08/03/2023, 15:40:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [08/03/2023, 15:40:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [08/03/2023, 15:40:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Cooling Threshold Temperature': characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 45 exceeded maximum of 35. See for more info. [08/03/2023, 15:41:25] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [08/03/2023, 15:41:25] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [08/03/2023, 15:41:25] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Cooling Threshold Temperature': characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 45 exceeded maximum of 35. See for more info.

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

0.6.1-beta.0 ready, please check the warnings

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Plugin works fine.

Two warning messages are still there.

[09/03/2023, 05:32:52] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [09/03/2023, 05:32:52] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info.

Can it be that with hot water after some time always appears cooling?


grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

Target state Cooling for Hot Water?, current state are OFF, IDLE, AND HEAT.

Is the warning appear constantly or only on firs run after restart plugin?

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

I mean that with Hot Water State Automatic after a time a hold between area appears. Top left is then heat and right cool. As in the photo above.

The warning comes again and again. From yesterday evening until now 173 times.

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

0.6.1-beta.2 need to fixed the warnings

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

beta 5 ready again

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

With Hot Water and Room Temperature it now shows the outside temperature



[09/03/2023, 07:28:07] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Heating Threshold Temperature': characteristic was supplied illegal value: number 9 exceeded minimum of 10. See for more info.

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

ok beta.7 fixed this

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

also beta.9 ready

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Everything works in Beta 9

Error in the log is still there:

09/03/2023, 10:34:35] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info.

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

try beta.21 check the warnings

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Beta 24:

09/03/2023, 18:22:24] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [09/03/2023, 18:22:24] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [09/03/2023, 18:22:47] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Hot Water, Temperature: 45.5°C [09/03/2023, 18:22:47] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Heat Pump, Outdoor temperature: 15°C [09/03/2023, 18:22:47] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Zone 1, Temperature: 21.5°C [09/03/2023, 18:29:58] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [09/03/2023, 18:29:58] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [09/03/2023, 18:35:34] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [09/03/2023, 18:35:34] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info.

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

Can You post debug also with this warning, must be some mode which I don’t know.

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

Check b.25 please

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Beta 26.

No more warning in the log.

But in Home App it always stays on off.

Debug Log i can send today at noon when I am at home


grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

try b.39 again

Reliktdragons commented 1 year ago

Log from beta 39:

10/03/2023, 16:32:48] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump Zuhause, debug State: { "EffectiveFlags": 0, "LocalIPAddress": null, "SetTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetTemperatureZone2": 20, "RoomTemperatureZone1": 21, "RoomTemperatureZone2": -39, "OperationMode": 0, "OperationModeZone1": 0, "OperationModeZone2": 2, "WeatherObservations": [ { "Date": "2023-03-10T18:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-10T06:49:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-10T18:22:00", "Condition": 266, "ID": Removed, "Humidity": 83, "Temperature": 5, "Icon": "wsymbol_0017_cloudy_with_light_rain", "ConditionName": "leichter Sprühregen", "Day": 5, "WeatherType": 0 }, { "Date": "2023-03-11T03:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-11T06:47:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-11T18:23:00", "Condition": 143, "ID": 1094470152, "Humidity": 94, "Temperature": 2, "Icon": "wsymbol_0006_mist", "ConditionName": "Nebel", "Day": 5, "WeatherType": 2 }, { "Date": "2023-03-11T15:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-11T06:47:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-11T18:23:00", "Condition": 176, "ID": 1094470156, "Humidity": 81, "Temperature": 4, "Icon": "wsymbol_0009_light_rain_showers", "ConditionName": "Stellenweise Regen in der Nähe", "Day": 6, "WeatherType": 1 }, { "Date": "2023-03-12T03:00:00", "Sunrise": "2023-03-12T06:45:00", "Sunset": "2023-03-12T18:25:00", "Condition": 143, "ID": 1095559712, "Humidity": 94, "Temperature": 0, "Icon": "wsymbol_0006_mist", "ConditionName": "Nebel", "Day": 6, "WeatherType": 2 } ], "ErrorMessage": null, "ErrorCode": 8000, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone1": 25, "SetHeatFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone1": 20, "SetCoolFlowTemperatureZone2": 20, "HCControlType": 1, "TankWaterTemperature": 41, "SetTankWaterTemperature": 45, "ForcedHotWaterMode": false, "UnitStatus": 0, "OutdoorTemperature": 9, "EcoHotWater": true, "Zone1Name": null, "Zone2Name": null, "HolidayMode": false, "ProhibitZone1": false, "ProhibitZone2": false, "ProhibitHotWater": false, "TemperatureIncrementOverride": 0, "IdleZone1": true, "IdleZone2": true, "DemandPercentage": 100, "DeviceID": Removed, "DeviceType": 1, "LastCommunication": "2023-03-10T15:32:47.949", "NextCommunication": "2023-03-10T15:33:47.949", "Power": true, "HasPendingCommand": false, "Offline": false, "Scene": null, "SceneOwner": null } [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Zone 1, Operation mode: HEAT THERMOSTAT [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Zone 1, Heating threshold temperature: 20°C [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Zone 1, Temperature: 21°C [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Heat Pump, Power: ON [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Heat Pump, Outdoor temperature: 9°C [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Heat Pump, Operation mode: HEAT [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Hot Water, Temperature: 41°C [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Hot Water, Heating threshold temperature: 45°C [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Hot Water, Operation mode: AUTO [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Target Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] This plugin generated a warning from the characteristic 'Current Heater-Cooler State': characteristic value expected valid finite number and received "undefined" (undefined). See for more info. [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Hot Water, Lock physical controls: UNLOCKED [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Temperature display unit: °C [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Heat Pump, Lock physical controls: UNLOCKED [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Temperature display unit: °C [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Zone 1, Lock physical controls: UNLOCKED [10/03/2023, 16:32:51] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump: Zuhause, Temperature display unit: °C [10/03/2023, 16:33:29] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Heat Pump Zuhause, debug Info: {

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

44 ready for test