grzegorz914 / homebridge-melcloud-control

Homebridge plugin for Mitsubishi Air Conditioner, Heat Pump and Energy Recovery Ventilation, publish as dynamic external platform accessory.
MIT License
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Air conditioning unit does not show up in Home app #17

Closed punxsutawney closed 1 year ago

punxsutawney commented 1 year ago

First of all, thank you very much for this plugin, it's great to be able to control the air with the Home app. I have several air conditioners working, but one of them I can't add to Home app, it doesn't show up when I click on "I Don't Have a Code or Cannot Scan or More Options." I managed to get it to show up once at first, and it was working for a while but I had to delete the Homebridge and create another one and it seems that Home app thinks it already has it registered although it does NOT appear in the list of connected devices. This unit apears in melcloud plugin and can control it from there, BUT does not show up in Home app. Is it possible to trick Home app by changing the air conditioner identifier? How can I change the serial number or the Homebridge Instance Username of this particular device? Which one should I change? Thanks!

grzegorz914 commented 1 year ago

Are You trying this:

punxsutawney commented 1 year ago

Sorry, no, but tried now and it works! thank you!