grzegorz914 / homebridge-melcloud-control

Homebridge plugin for Mitsubishi Air Conditioner, Heat Pump and Energy Recovery Ventilation, publish as dynamic external platform accessory.
MIT License
49 stars 2 forks source link

It does not override the air conditioning #64

Closed starec007 closed 5 months ago

starec007 commented 5 months ago

The plugin doesn't work for me for about 3 days. I can see the air conditioner in the homebridge accessory and can control it, but it won't transfer to my Apple home. I have been using this plugin for a long time and it has always worked. I do not know where is the problem.

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

What do you do before, are you updated something in your system?

starec007 commented 5 months ago

I updated the Homebridge UI, but I had a problem with restarting Homebridge, so I reverted to the previous version. It hasn't been possible since then. I also tried deleting the Mel cloud plugin and setting it up again, but it didn't help.

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

HB UI 4.55.1 contain bud, which is fixed in 4.55.2-beta. Try to update to this version. First remove plugin from Home.aa and home bridge, clear HB cashes, install new UI then try install plugin again

starec007 commented 5 months ago

I did as you wrote, but it didn't help. I still only see air conditioning in the Homebridge extravagance. It was not transferred to my apple home.

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

This will not be automatically transferred, you need add it from Home app.

starec007 commented 5 months ago

I never had to add manually. Every accessory was added automatically. When I add accessories, apple home can't find anything for me.

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

Can you enable debug in plugin config and send me the log

starec007 commented 5 months ago


grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

This is not debug, debug can be enabled in plugin config advanced settings system debug.

You have problems with crash

[07/01/2024, 16:16:28] [homebridge-melcloud-control] Restarting child bridge...
[07/01/2024, 16:16:28] Got SIGTERM, shutting down child bridge process...

What UI version You have installed?

starec007 commented 5 months ago

I have version v0.14.4 installed. I enabled debugging in the settings.

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

Homebridge UI X?

starec007 commented 5 months ago

Just like you wrote to me v4.55.2beta

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

Debug my plugins can be only enabled in plugin settings not in Homebridge settings.

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

Please get the correct debug, because child bridge crashes and indont know why.

starec007 commented 5 months ago

I have child bridge turned off. It didn't work for me even when I added it

starec007 commented 5 months ago

I have enabled in the plugin settings

starec007 commented 5 months ago

The crash is from 7.1, that's old data

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

I need the debug to check correct publish process, can you post config.joson.

starec007 commented 5 months ago

How do I get the config.joson?

starec007 commented 5 months ago

[09/01/2024, 16:09:37] [melcloudcontrol] Account Domov, debug: Found: 1 devices. [09/01/2024, 16:10:05] [melcloudcontrol] Air Conditioner, Domov, debug: Info: { "DeviceID": 133383, "DeviceName": "Domov", "BuildingID": 76246, "BuildingName": null, "FloorID": null, "FloorName": null, "AreaID": null, "AreaName": null, "ImageID": 41482, "InstallationDate": "2018-03-31T00:00:00", "LastServiceDate": "2018-03-31T00:00:00", "Presets": [ { "SetTemperature": 25, "Power": true, "OperationMode": 1, "VaneHorizontal": 3, "VaneVertical": 7, "FanSpeed": 0, "ID": 55787, "Client": 108468, "DeviceLocation": 133383, "Number": 1, "Configuration": "25true1730", "NumberDescription": "Kurenie" }, { "SetTemperature": 25, "Power": true, "OperationMode": 3, "VaneHorizontal": 0, "VaneVertical": 1, "FanSpeed": 0, "ID": 67691, "Client": 108468, "DeviceLocation": 133383, "Number": 2, "Configuration": "25true3100", "NumberDescription": "Chladenie" }, { "SetTemperature": 26, "Power": true, "OperationMode": 1, "VaneHorizontal": 3, "VaneVertical": 7, "FanSpeed": 3, "ID": 137080, "Client": 108468, "DeviceLocation": 133383, "Number": 3, "Configuration": "26true1733", "NumberDescription": "Kurenie 2" } ], "OwnerID": null, "OwnerName": null, "OwnerEmail": null, "AccessLevel": 4, "DirectAccess": false, "EndDate": "2500-01-01T00:00:00", "Zone1Name": null, "Zone2Name": null, "MinTemperature": 0, "MaxTemperature": 40, "HideVaneControls": false, "HideDryModeControl": false, "HideRoomTemperature": false, "HideSupplyTemperature": false, "HideOutdoorTemperature": false, "EstimateAtaEnergyProductionOptIn": false, "EstimateAtaEnergyProduction": false, "BuildingCountry": null, "OwnerCountry": null, "AdaptorType": -1, "LinkedDevice": null, "Type": 0, "MacAddress": "a0:c9:a0:0b:b6:6a", "SerialNumber": "1802263148", "Device": { "PCycleActual": 0, "ErrorMessages": "", "DeviceType": 0, "CanCool": true, "CanHeat": true, "CanDry": true, "CanAuto": false, "HasAutomaticFanSpeed": true, "AirDirectionFunction": true, "SwingFunction": true, "NumberOfFanSpeeds": 5, "UseTemperatureA": true, "TemperatureIncrementOverride": 0, "TemperatureIncrement": 0.5, "MinTempCoolDry": 16, "MaxTempCoolDry": 31, "MinTempHeat": 10, "MaxTempHeat": 31, "MinTempAutomatic": 16, "MaxTempAutomatic": 31, "LegacyDevice": false, "UnitSupportsStandbyMode": true, "IsSplitSystem": false, "HasHalfDegreeIncrements": false, "HasOutdoorTemperature": false, "ModelIsAirCurtain": false, "ModelSupportsFanSpeed": true, "ModelSupportsAuto": true, "ModelSupportsHeat": true, "ModelSupportsDry": true, "ModelSupportsVaneVertical": true, "ModelSupportsVaneHorizontal": true, "ModelSupportsWideVane": false, "ModelDisableEnergyReport": false, "ModelSupportsStandbyMode": true, "ModelSupportsEnergyReporting": false, "ProhibitSetTemperature": false, "ProhibitOperationMode": false, "ProhibitPower": false, "Power": false, "RoomTemperature": 26, "OutdoorTemperature": null, "SetTemperature": 26.5, "ActualFanSpeed": 0, "FanSpeed": 3, "AutomaticFanSpeed": false, "VaneVerticalDirection": 7, "VaneVerticalSwing": true, "VaneHorizontalDirection": 3, "VaneHorizontalSwing": false, "OperationMode": 1, "EffectiveFlags": 0, "LastEffectiveFlags": 0, "InStandbyMode": false, "DemandPercentage": 100, "ConfiguredDemandPercentage": null, "HasDemandSideControl": false, "DefaultCoolingSetTemperature": 21, "DefaultHeatingSetTemperature": 23, "RoomTemperatureLabel": 0, "HeatingEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "HeatingEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "CoolingEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "CoolingEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "AutoEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "AutoEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "DryEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "DryEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "FanEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "FanEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "OtherEnergyConsumedRate1": 0, "OtherEnergyConsumedRate2": 0, "EstimateAtaEnergyProduction": false, "EstimateAtaEnergyProductionOptIn": false, "EstimateAtaEnergyProductionOptInTimestamp": null, "WeatherForecast": [], "HasEnergyConsumedMeter": false, "CurrentEnergyConsumed": 0, "CurrentEnergyMode": 1, "CoolingDisabled": false, "EnergyCorrectionModel": null, "EnergyCorrectionActive": false, "MinPcycle": 1, "MaxPcycle": 1, "EffectivePCycle": 1, "MaxOutdoorUnits": 255, "MaxIndoorUnits": 255, "MaxTemperatureControlUnits": 0, "ModelCode": "0130", "DeviceID": 133383, "MacAddress": "a0:c9:a0:0b:b6:6a", "SerialNumber": "1802263148", "TimeZoneID": 120, "DiagnosticMode": 0, "DiagnosticEndDate": null, "ExpectedCommand": 1, "Owner": null, "DetectedCountry": null, "AdaptorType": -1, "FirmwareDeployment": null, "FirmwareUpdateAborted": false, "LinkedDevice": null, "WifiSignalStrength": -34, "WifiAdapterStatus": "NORMAL", "Position": "Unknown", "PCycle": 10, "PCycleConfigured": null, "RecordNumMax": 0, "LastTimeStamp": "2024-01-09T16:08:00", "ErrorCode": 8000, "HasError": false, "LastReset": "2022-03-31T18:11:45.546", "FlashWrites": 2, "Scene": null, "SSLExpirationDate": "2037-12-31T00:00:00", "SPTimeout": 1, "Passcode": null, "ServerCommunicationDisabled": false, "ConsecutiveUploadErrors": 0, "DoNotRespondAfter": null, "OwnerRoleAccessLevel": 1, "OwnerCountry": 204, "HideEnergyReport": false, "ExceptionHash": null, "ExceptionDate": null, "ExceptionCount": null, "Rate1StartTime": null, "Rate2StartTime": null, "ProtocolVersion": 0, "UnitVersion": 0, "FirmwareAppVersion": 19000, "FirmwareWebVersion": 0, "FirmwareWlanVersion": 0, "LinkToMELCloudHome": false, "LinkedByUserFromMELCloudHome": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "MqttFlags": 9, "HasErrorMessages": false, "HasZone2": false, "Offline": false, "SupportsHourlyEnergyReport": true, "Units": [ { "ID": 1, "Device": 0, "SerialNumber": "7011021 T", "ModelNumber": 115, "Model": "MUZ-SF50VE(H)", "UnitType": 0, "IsIndoor": false }, { "ID": 2, "Device": 0, "SerialNumber": "7021177 T", "ModelNumber": 580, "Model": "MSZ-SF50VE3", "UnitType": 1, "IsIndoor": true } ] }, "DiagnosticMode": 0, "DiagnosticEndDate": null, "Location": 25937, "DetectedCountry": null, "Registrations": 981, "LocalIPAddress": null, "TimeZone": 120, "RegistReason": "CONFIG", "ExpectedCommand": 1, "RegistRetry": 0, "DateCreated": "2018-11-02T14:25:40.557Z", "FirmwareDeployment": null, "FirmwareUpdateAborted": false, "Permissions": { "CanSetOperationMode": true, "CanSetFanSpeed": true, "CanSetVaneDirection": true, "CanSetPower": true, "CanSetTemperatureIncrementOverride": true, "CanDisableLocalController": true, "CanSetDemandSideControl": false } } [09/01/2024, 16:10:06] [melcloudcontrol] Air Conditioner, Domov, debug: State: { "EffectiveFlags": 0, "LocalIPAddress": null, "RoomTemperature": 26, "SetTemperature": 26.5, "SetFanSpeed": 3, "OperationMode": 1, "VaneHorizontal": 3, "VaneVertical": 7, "Name": null, "NumberOfFanSpeeds": 5, "WeatherObservations": [ { "Date": "2024-01-09T15:00:00", "Sunrise": "2024-01-09T07:41:00", "Sunset": "2024-01-09T16:16:00", "Condition": 113, "ID": 1445081375, "Humidity": 44, "Temperature": -1, "Icon": "wsymbol_0001_sunny", "ConditionName": "Jasno/slunečno", "Day": 2, "WeatherType": 0 }, { "Date": "2024-01-10T03:00:00", "Sunrise": "2024-01-10T07:40:00", "Sunset": "2024-01-10T16:17:00", "Condition": 113, "ID": 1446344883, "Humidity": 59, "Temperature": -4, "Icon": "wsymbol_0008_clear_sky_night", "ConditionName": "Jasno/slunečno", "Day": 2, "WeatherType": 2 }, { "Date": "2024-01-10T15:00:00", "Sunrise": "2024-01-10T07:40:00", "Sunset": "2024-01-10T16:17:00", "Condition": 113, "ID": 1446344887, "Humidity": 60, "Temperature": 0, "Icon": "wsymbol_0001_sunny", "ConditionName": "Jasno/slunečno", "Day": 3, "WeatherType": 1 }, { "Date": "2024-01-11T03:00:00", "Sunrise": "2024-01-11T07:40:00", "Sunset": "2024-01-11T16:18:00", "Condition": 113, "ID": 1447612115, "Humidity": 84, "Temperature": -4, "Icon": "wsymbol_0008_clear_sky_night", "ConditionName": "Jasno/slunečno", "Day": 3, "WeatherType": 2 } ], "ErrorMessage": null, "ErrorCode": 8000, "DefaultHeatingSetTemperature": 23, "DefaultCoolingSetTemperature": 21, "HideVaneControls": false, "HideDryModeControl": false, "RoomTemperatureLabel": 0, "InStandbyMode": false, "TemperatureIncrementOverride": 0, "ProhibitSetTemperature": false, "ProhibitOperationMode": false, "ProhibitPower": false, "DemandPercentage": 100, "DeviceID": 133383, "DeviceType": 0, "LastCommunication": "2024-01-09T15:09:41.976", "NextCommunication": "2024-01-09T15:10:41.976", "Power": false, "HasPendingCommand": false, "Offline": false, "Scene": null, "SceneOwner": null

starec007 commented 5 months ago

Is this it?

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

Yes, this is debug, post the whole debug direct after restart bridge

starec007 commented 5 months ago


starec007 commented 5 months ago

Is this enough?

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

All is correct here: [09/01/2024, 15:31:02] [melcloudcontrol] Domov, Air Conditioner Domov, published as external accessory. [09/01/2024, 15:31:02] Domov 7DE4 is running on port 44173. [09/01/2024, 15:31:02] Please add [Domov 7DE4] manually in Home app. Setup Code: 505-41-102

just add it to the home app

starec007 commented 5 months ago

How do I add to apple home? Always added automatically by nmi. I can't add anything.

starec007 commented 5 months ago

After entering the code, it does not find any accessories for me

starec007 commented 5 months ago

It doesn't help even if I add a child bridge

starec007 commented 5 months ago

And as I wrote. I can see air conditioning in the homebridge accessories. And I know how to control it

starec007 commented 5 months ago

Everything has worked for me so far. I have been using your plugin for a long time. I never added anything, but after setting up the plugin, the air conditioner was immediately rewritten to apple home.

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

Are you using this procedure

starec007 commented 5 months ago

I know how to add accessories. It's not the first time I've done it. But as I already wrote, I don't see any accessories. That's why I can't add it.

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

May be try to change its name in melcloud

starec007 commented 5 months ago

I changed the name and it didn't help. Still can't add. When I enter the code, it doesn't find anything.

starec007 commented 5 months ago

Well, it finally works. I tried deleting the entire homebridge. I deleted and reset everything. I installed the plugin and then added the device to Apple home and now it works. I don't know where the problem was, but it is already solved. Hopefully it won't fall out again.

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

Probably still exist old caches.

starec007 commented 5 months ago

The main thing is that it already works. Thanks for your time

grzegorz914 commented 5 months ago

nice, have fun 👍