gs1 / GS1DigitalLinkCompressionPrototype

Experimental prototype for reversible lossless compression of GS1 Digital Link URIs
Apache License 2.0
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This is a JavaScript toolkit for translating between GS1 element strings and GS1 Digital Link URIs. It includes reversible compression functions, as defined in the GS1 Digital Link standard. Please note the legal disclaimer that applies to all GS1 standards.

Introduction and status

The GS1 identification system is widely used worldwide within product barcodes, as well as within barcodes for shipments, assets, locations, etc.

Details about the GS1 identification system and GS1 Application Identifiers can be found in the GS1 General Specifications at and a searchable list of GS1 Application Identifiers is at

GS1 Digital Link is a Web URI syntax for expressing GS1 Application Identifiers and their values in a Web-friendly format, to make it easier to connect identifiers of products, shipments, locations, assets etc. to related online information and services on the Web via simple Web redirects using Web resolver infrastructure.

The syntax is part of the GS1 Digital Link standard

The library in this repository was developed alongside the compression/decompression alogorithm defined in that standard. At the time, it was considered experimental and was therefore not included in the GS1 Digital Link toolkit. Since then, the algorithm has been confirmed (with slight additions in version 1.2 of the standard), and a couple of minor bugs have been found (and corrected).

A near-future task is to combine this library with the GS1 Digital Link toolkit and to modularize everything so you can just import the code for the functions you need.

Looking for an alternative implementation? See the Trust Codes compression/decompression Python library.


This extended version of the toolkit provides ten translation methods, as indicated in the overview diagram below

Overview diagram


Include the JavaScript file GS1DigitalLinkToolkit.js from the source folder /src


<script src="">

Basic Usage

Create a new instance of the GS1DigitalLinkToolkit class as follows:

var gs1dlt = new GS1DigitalLinkToolkit();

Translate GS1 element strings to GS1 Digital Link URI

The method gs1ElementStringsToGS1DigitalLink(elementStrings, useShortText, uriStem) converts a string elementStrings to a GS1 Digital Link URI

The method returns a GS1 Digital Link URI.

elementStrings consists of a single string representing a concatenation of one or more GS1 element strings, either:

Set the second parameter, useShortText=true if you prefer the GS1 Digital Link URI to use alphabetic mnemonic short names as defined in the GS1 Digital Link standard, e.g. /gtin/

Set the second parameter, useShortText=false if you prefer the GS1 Digital Link URI to use all-numeric GS1 application identifiers, e.g. /01/

Set the third parameter, uriStem to a valid URI stem if you wish to construct a GS1 Digital Link using a specific domain name

If uriStem is set to null, undefined or empty string (''), a default URI stem of '' will be used.

var gs1dlt = new GS1DigitalLinkToolkit();

var elementStrings="(3103)000189(01)05412345000013(3923)2172(10)ABC&+123";
try {
    var gs1DigitalLinkURI = gs1dlt.gs1ElementStringsToGS1DigitalLink(elementStrings, true, '');
    //  gs1DigitalLinkURI=''

} catch(err) {
var gs1dlt = new GS1DigitalLinkToolkit();

var elementStringsNoBrackets="3103000189010541234500001339232172"+gs1dlt.groupSeparator+"10ABC&+123";
try {
    var gs1DigitalLinkURI = gs1dlt.gs1ElementStringsToGS1DigitalLink(elementStringsNoBrackets, false, null);
    //  gs1DigitalLinkURI=''

} catch(err) {

Translate GS1 Digital Link URI to GS1 element strings

The method gs1digitalLinkToGS1elementStrings(gs1DigitalLinkURI,brackets) converts a GS1 Digital Link URI to a string representing concatenated GS1 element strings

The first input parameter gs1DigitalLinkURI is expected to be a string representation of a valid GS1 Digital Link URI.

This method returns a string value that represents a concatenation of one or more GS1 element strings extracted from the GS1 Digital Link URI that was supplied as input.

Set the second input parameter, brackets=true if you require the output element strings expressed in human-readable format, with round brackets around the numeric GS1 Application Identifiers.

Set the second input parameter, brackets=false if you do not require human-readable format. In this situation, a group separator character (ASCII character 29 decimal) will be used as delimiter after the value of any penultimate data element for which the GS1 Application Identifier is not defined to be of fixed length.

var gs1dlt = new GS1DigitalLinkToolkit();

var gs1DigitalLinkURI = "";

try {
    var gs1ElementStrings = gs1dlt.gs1digitalLinkToGS1elementStrings(gs1DigitalLinkURI, true);
    //  gs1ElementStrings='(01)00054123450013(10)ABC&+123(3103)000189(3923)2172'
} catch(err) {
var gs1dlt = new GS1DigitalLinkToolkit();

var gs1DigitalLinkURI = "";

try {
    var gs1ElementStrings = gs1dlt.gs1digitalLinkToGS1elementStrings(gs1DigitalLinkURI, false);
    //  gs1ElementStrings='0100054123450013310300018910ABC&+12339232172' 
} catch(err) {

Additional Methods

Translate GS1 element strings to Associative Array

The method extractFromGS1elementStrings(elementStrings) converts concatenated GS1 element strings to an associative array of GS1 application identifiers and their values.

The method returns a JavaScript object containing numeric GS1 Application Identifier keys and their corresponding values, e.g. {"01":"05412345000013","10":"ABC&+123"}

The input parameter elementStrings consists of a single string representing a concatenation of one or more GS1 element strings, either:

var gs1dlt = new GS1DigitalLinkToolkit();

var elementStrings="(3103)000189(01)05412345000013(3923)2172(10)ABC&+123";
try {
    var gs1Array = gs1dlt.extractFromGS1elementStrings(elementStrings);
    //  gs1Array={"10":"ABC&+123","3103":"000189","3923":"2172","01":"05412345000013"}

} catch(err) {

Translate Associative Array to GS1 element strings

The method buildGS1elementStrings(gs1AIarray,brackets) converts an associative array of GS1 application identifiers and their values to concatenated GS1 element strings.

This method returns a string value that represents a concatenation of one or more GS1 element strings extracted from the GS1 Digital Link URI that was supplied as input.

The first input parameter, gs1AIarray is a JavaScript object containing numeric GS1 Application Identifier keys and their corresponding values, e.g. {"01":"05412345000013","10":"ABC&+123"}

Set the second input parameter, brackets=true if you require the output element strings expressed in human-readable format, with round brackets around the numeric GS1 Application Identifiers.

Set the second input parameter, brackets=false if you do not require human-readable format. In this situation, a group separator character (ASCII character 29 decimal) will be used as delimiter after the value of any penultimate data element for which the GS1 Application Identifier is not defined to be of fixed length.

var gs1dlt = new GS1DigitalLinkToolkit();

var gs1Array={"10":"ABC&+123","3103":"000189","3923":"2172","01":"00054123450013"};

try {
    var gs1ElementStrings = gs1dlt.buildGS1elementStrings(gs1Array,true);
    //  gs1ElementStrings=(01)00054123450013(10)ABC&+123(3103)000189(3923)2172

} catch(err) {

Translate Associative Array to GS1 Digital Link URI

The method buildGS1digitalLink(gs1AIarray,useShortText,uriStem) converts an associative array of GS1 application identifiers and their values to a GS1 Digital Link URI.

The method returns a GS1 Digital Link URI.

The first input parameter, gs1AIarray is a JavaScript object containing numeric GS1 Application Identifier keys and their corresponding values, e.g. {"01":"05412345000013","10":"ABC&+123"}

Set the second parameter, useShortText=true if you prefer the GS1 Digital Link URI to use alphabetic mnemonic short names as defined in the GS1 Digital Link standard, e.g. /gtin/

Set the second parameter, useShortText=false if you prefer the GS1 Digital Link URI to use all-numeric GS1 application identifiers, e.g. /01/

Set the third parameter, uriStem to a valid URI stem if you wish to construct a GS1 Digital Link using a specific domain name

If uriStem is set to null, undefined or empty string (''), a default URI stem of '' will be used.

var gs1dlt = new GS1DigitalLinkToolkit();

var gs1Array={"10":"ABC&+123","3103":"000189","3923":"2172","01":"00054123450013"};

try {
    var gs1DigitalLinkURI = gs1dlt.buildGS1digitalLink(gs1Array,true,'');
    //  gs1DigitalLinkURI=

} catch(err) {

Translate GS1 Digital Link URI to Associative Array

The method extractFromGS1digitalLink(gs1DigitalLinkURI) converts a GS1 Digital Link URI to an associative array of GS1 application identifiers and their values.

The input parameter gs1DigitalLinkURI is expected to be a string representation of a valid GS1 Digital Link URI.

The method returns a JavaScript object containing numeric GS1 Application Identifier keys and their corresponding values, e.g. {"01":"05412345000013","10":"ABC&+123"}

var gs1dlt = new GS1DigitalLinkToolkit();

var gs1DigitalLinkURI = "";
try {
    var gs1Array = gs1dlt.extractFromGS1digitalLink(gs1DigitalLinkURI);
    //  gs1Array={"10":"ABC&+123","3103":"000189","3923":"2172","01":"00054123450013"}

} catch(err) {

Data resources

The toolkit also provides a number of public data resources which may be useful:


returns a list of objects containing information about each GS1 Application Identifier, including:


returns an associative array that maps a GS1 Application Identifier to the index (1 = the first digit) for the position of the check digit within GS1 Application Identifiers that have check digits returns 'L' (last) if the check digit is in the last position


returns an associative array that maps a GS1 Application Identifier to a regular expression pattern that should match valid values


returns an object that contains lists of:


this.aiShortCode = {"10":"lot","21":"ser","22":"cpv","253":"gdti","254":"glnx","255":"gcn","401":"ginc","402":"gsin","414":"gln","415":"payto","8003":"grai","8004":"giai","8006":"itip","8010":"cpid","8011":"cpsn","8017":"gsrnp","8018":"gsrn","8019":"srin","00":"sscc","01":"gtin"}


returns an ordered list of GS1 Application Identifiers that are considered as qualifiers for a specific numeric GS1 AI primary identifier

this.aiQualifiers = {"414":["254"],"8006":["22","10","21"],"8010":["8011"],"8017":["8019"],"8018":["8019"],"01":["22","10","21"]}


returns an associative array that maps the alphabetic short names that can be used in the GS1 Digital Link to their numeric GS1 Application Identifier counterparts is the inverse mapping of that provided by aiShortCode (see above)

this.shortCodeToNumeric = {"lot":"10","ser":"21","cpv":"22","gdti":"253","glnx":"254","gcn":"255","ginc":"401","gsin":"402","gln":"414","payto":"415","grai":"8003","giai":"8004","itip":"8006","cpid":"8010","cpsn":"8011","gsrnp":"8017","gsrn":"8018","srin":"8019","sscc":"00","gtin":"01"}


returns a list of two-digit GS1 Application Identifiers


returns a list of three-digit GS1 Application Identifiers


returns a list of four-digit GS1 Application Identifiers


groupSeparator returns ASCII character 29, this.groupSeparator= String.fromCharCode(29);



This is still a pre-alpha release of the software, which still requires further testing. It is provided on an as-is basis, with no warranty expressed or implied. Neither GS1 nor the contributors accept any liability for its use nor for any damages caused through its use.


Apache licence