gsusI / Telegram-Group-or-Channel-users-to-CSV

Given a user with credentials, this script grabs all the groups and channels for the given user, allows you to select one, and exports all users into a CSV file within the same directory. It also gives the option to add users to your groups or channels.
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Script to export members Telegram Groups and Channels to a CSV file and to add members to Telegram Groups or Channels.

Exporting and adding members to channels requires the user from which the script is launched to be a Channel admin.

Install dependencies

You'd need python3 and pip3 installed and available in your PATH.

Run pip3 install -r requirements.txt from the projects root directory.

Telegram Configuration

  1. To run it you need to generate API credentials for your Telegram user, you can do it here, and access your already created ones here
  2. Replace your credentials in the script
    api_id = 000000        # YOUR API_ID
    phone = '+34000000000'        # YOUR PHONE NUMBER, INCLUDING COUNTRY CODE

Export users

Just follow the instructions in the script after running it from your the shell.

Add users to groups

Users can be added using:

Temporarily bans last for up to a day in my experience.

Adding users by Username expects a CSV file with one username per line. Adding users by User ID expects a CSV file such as: username,user_id,user_access_hash

No headers are expected in the CSV files

Once you have your CSV prepared, just follow the instructions in the script.