gsxab / YolactDeploymentORTCpp

Deploy YOLACT++ with onnxruntime and C++ API
The Unlicense
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This repo describes an available method to deploy YOLACT+ with onnxruntime C++ API.

Steps to Deploy YOLACT++ with ONNX RUNTIME C++ API

  1. Modify YOLACT++ to export ONNX model.
    • Compile DCNv2 with python build develop for a dynamic library _ext.cpython-.... (Some modification might be required according to your libtorch version. I chose
    • Modify YOLACT++ to export ONNX models. (See below)
  2. Load it.
    • Register the custom op (See main2.cpp for an example).
      • Wrap the tensors and extract the attributes.
    • Compile it and link it against the dynamic library. (See CmakeLists.txt for details)


Modification on YOLACT++

For DCNv2


Add a method to the _DCNv2 class:

class _DCNv2(Function):
    def symbolic(g, input, offset, mask, weight, bias, stride, padding, dilation, deformable_groups):
        return g.op("yolact::DCNv2", input, offset, mask, weight, bias, name_s="DCNv2",
                    dilation_h_s=str(dilation[0]), dilation_w_s=str(dilation[1]),
                    padding_h_s=str(padding[0]), padding_w_s=str(padding[1]),
                    stride_h_s=str(stride[0]), stride_w_s=str(stride[1]),

(Data in types other than str tend to fail. So dumps as strs.)

These two lines are to register in python when importing custom op with python from ONNX model. I don't know if they are necessary for exporting.

from torch.onnx import register_custom_op_symbolic
register_custom_op_symbolic('yolact::DCNv2', _DCNv2.symbolic, 11)

Then you can see with Netron that the DCNv2 is attached with these attributes node appearance.

For tracing and Op Interp

Exporting by tracing does not support jit on CUDA. (maybe --cuda=false option is enough) Interpolation is only fully supported when op_version>=11, and requires some changes for traceability.

In utils/

Remove .cuda() in self.mean = and self.std =.


#use_jit = torch.cuda.device_count() <= 1
use_jit = False

Instead of checking img_sizes, we are supposed to make sure that all images are 550x550 when input to make traceable fixed-sized nodes:

-            if self.last_img_size != (cfg._tmp_img_w, cfg._tmp_img_h):
+            if self.last_img_size is None:
-            elif self.priors.device != device:
+            elif False: # self.priors.device != device:

Provide constants instead of python variables to the function interpolate.

         # For backward compatability, the conv layers are stored in reverse but
 the input and output is
         # given in the correct order. Thus, use j=-i-1 for the input and output
 and i for the conv layers.
         j = len(convouts)
+        sizes=[(69,69),(35,35)]
         for lat_layer in self.lat_layers:
             j -= 1

             if j < len(convouts) - 1:
-                _, _, h, w = convouts[j].size()
-                x = F.interpolate(x, size=(h, w), mode=self.interpolation_mode, align_corners=False)
+                #_, _, h, w = convouts[j].size()
+                #x = F.interpolate(x, size=(h, w), mode=self.interpolation_mode, align_corners=False)
+                x = F.interpolate(x, size=sizes[j], mode=self.interpolation_mode, align_corners=False)

             x = x + lat_layer(convouts[j])

Another cpu specification.

class Yolact(nn.Module):

     def load_weights(self, path):
         """ Loads weights from a compressed save file. """
-        state_dict = torch.load(path)
+        state_dict = torch.load(path, map_location='cpu')

We should run the postprocess externally in C++ (See common.cpp).

-            return self.detect(pred_outs, self)
+            #return self.detect(pred_outs, self)
+            return pred_outs['loc'], pred_outs['conf'], pred_outs['mask'], pred_outs['priors'], pred_outs['proto']


+from layers import Detect
+import torch.onnx
img_gpu = torch.Tensor(img_numpy)#.cuda()
-        colors =[get_color(j, on_gpu=img_gpu.device.index).view(1, 1, 1, 3) for j in range(num_dets_to_consider)], dim=0)
+        #colors =[get_color(j, on_gpu=img_gpu.device.index).view(1, 1, 1, 3) for j in range(num_dets_to_consider)], dim=0)
+        colors =[(torch.Tensor(get_color(j)).float()/255).view(1,1,1,3) for j in range(num_dets_to_consider)], dim=0)
-        masks = masks.view(-1, h*w).cuda()
-        boxes = boxes.cuda()
+        masks = masks.view(-1, h*w)#.cuda()
+        boxes = boxes#.cuda()

Export the ONNX model and dump the matrix priors, which seems not to exist in the exported model.

 def evalimage(net:Yolact, path:str, save_path:str=None):
-    frame = torch.from_numpy(cv2.imread(path)).cuda().float()
+    frame = torch.from_numpy(cv2.imread(path)).float()#.cuda().float()
     batch = FastBaseTransform()(frame.unsqueeze(0))
-    preds = net(batch)
+    pred_outs = net(batch)
+    detect = Detect(cfg.num_classes, bkg_label=0, top_k=200, conf_thresh=0.05, nms_thresh=0.5)
+    preds = detect({'loc':pred_outs[0], 'conf':pred_outs[1], 'mask':pred_outs[2], 'priors':pred_outs[3], 'proto':pred_outs[4]}, net)
+    dummy_input = torch.rand(1,3,550,550).float().cpu()
+#    from torch.onnx import register_custom_op_symbolic
+#    register_custom_op_symbolic('yolact::DCNv2', _DCNv2.symbolic, 11)
+    torch.onnx.export(net, dummy_input, "yolact_plus.onnx",
+        input_names=['image'],
+        output_names=['loc', 'conf', 'mask', 'priors', 'proto'],
+        opset_version=11,
+        #operator_export_type=torch.onnx.OperatorExportTypes.ONNX_ATEN_FALLBACK
+    )
+    pred_outs[3].float().cpu().numpy().astype(np.float32).tofile('priors_plus.dat')
-                    batch = batch.cuda()
+                    batch = batch#.cuda()
-            net = net.cuda()
+            net = net#.cuda()

License and Disclaimer

I dedicate codes in this repository to the public domain, without warranty of any kind. You can use it in any way at your own risk.

Additional Info

Cuda: 10.2
Cudnn: 8.0
Python: 3.7
Libtorch: 1.7.1
Onnx Runtime: 1.6.0