gt-marine-robotics-group / Virtuoso

ROS2 autonomy architecture for Georgia Tech Marine Robotics. Designed to be modular and work with any combination of sensors + motors.
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Mapping #138

Closed mroglan closed 1 year ago

mroglan commented 1 year ago

In order for us to implement path planning algorithms, we need to create a map of the environment. Ideally this would look like a costmap, but other configuration spaces can be considered. We would want the map to update over time as we explore more areas and as "obstacles" (i.e. kayakers) move.

I would recommend using lidar data to populate the map. I will be merging some changes which publish a voxel grid (filtered lidar pointcloud) over a topic, probably /perception/voxel_grid. This would be a good input for your mapping server.

mroglan commented 1 year ago

@MitchellTurton I've merged #139 which should publish a voxel grid to the topic /perception/lidar/voxels. This should be input for your map.