gt-marine-robotics-group / Virtuoso

ROS2 autonomy architecture for Georgia Tech Marine Robotics. Designed to be modular and work with any combination of sensors + motors.
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Recalculate RRT path when new obstacles encountered #151

Open mroglan opened 11 months ago

mroglan commented 11 months ago

Currently, the RRT path planner will plan a path to a goal waypoint when a goal is received. As the USV navigates to the waypoint, new obstacles previously undetected may appear. We want the path planner to re-plan when new obstacles are detected that intersect the current path. The node which runs the planner is The planners (so far only RRT and StraightPath) are found in the planners directory in virtuoso_perception.

You may find the node useful. When run, you can give the USV a goal waypoint through RVIZ.