gtamba / spice_rub

Ruby wrapper for the NASA-JPL CSPICE library via SciRuby
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= SpiceRub

Ruby wrapper for the NASA JPL CSPICE Library.

== Description

SpiceRub is a wrapper interface for the NASA JPL CSPICE library used for various astronomical calculations. The +spicerub+ gem provides a direct port of the CSPICE API along with additional Ruby functions to make commonly compounded tasks more straightforward. The initial release aims to port a useful subset of the various routines offered by the SPICE toolkit, the major focus of which is on routines related to ephemerides calculations using various JPL ephemerides files.

== Requirements

An existing CSPICE installation or download the toolkit package and simply extract the binary file +cspice.a+. Find an appropriate installation for your architecture {here}[]. Please run +bundle install+ in your terminal from the Gem directory to make sure you have all the required Ruby dependencies.

== Installation

Clone repository :

git clone

Copy CSPICE binary library to the right extension folder (must be renamed to libcspice.a) :

cp path/to/cspice.a ext/spice_rub/cspice/lib/libcspice.a

Compile the gem :

bundle exec rake compile

Run test suite to see if everything works :

bundle exec rake spec

Try out the code without installing the gem :

bundle exec rake pry

Install as a gem :

bundle exec rake install

== Features

Kernel Loading Functions

Geometric Co-Ordinate Conversion Functions

Basic Time Conversion and Encoding Functions

Time windows for Observer-Target constraints

Basic Ephemerides Functions

All ported CSPICE functions can be accessed by the call SpiceRub::Native.CSPICE_FUNCTION_NAME

== License

Copyright (c) 2016, Gaurav Tamba and The Ruby Science Foundation.

All rights reserved.