== URLs
== Branch strategy
== General workflow
Developers are working in a separate branch or directly in the master branch, depending on the task. When the tasks are ready, master branch will be merged into the staging branch and deployed to the STAGING server. If everything looks fine there, staging will be merged into production and deployed to PROD.
== Running migrations on staging
heroku rake db:migrate --app campusmack-staging
== Deploy to staging
git push heroku-staging staging:master
If you just cloned from the repo you need to add the remote repo:
git remote add heroku-staging git@heroku.com:campusmack-staging.git
Same for master branch:
git remote add heroku git@heroku.com:campusmack.git
== Deploying to PROD from the production branch
git push heroku production:master
Note: if you deployed to PROD from another branch earlier (which is not recommended), your push might be rejected. You need to use the -f to force the push. Since we don't track history on heroku's repo, we use only for transfer, that is fine. So, the above command will look like this:
git push -f heroku production:master
However the recommended way is to merge into the production branch first, then do the deploy.