Gtmhub Insights
Ready to use insights for Gtmhub OKRs platform
How to contribute an insight?
Insight is represented by a single directory within the system directory. Insights are completley convention-based so it is important that the every insight has all the files named exactly as specified.
Files that define an insight:
- view.html (HTML version of the user interface for the insight)
- algorithm.sql (SQL version of the query used to calculate the insight)
- screenshot.png (Screenshot of the insight)
- manifest.json (Additional information about the insight)
Insight manifest.json file
Manifest file provides additional information for the insight. The schema of the manifest file is following:
- title - user friendly name of the insight
- description - short description of what the insight does
- tags - a string array of the insight tags
- sizeX - the number of grid cells that this insight should take horizontally; default 2
- sizeY - the number of grid cells that this insight should take vertically; default 3