gu-fan / InstantRst

instant rst preview in browser
106 stars 16 forks source link


:version: 0.9.8


So, You'll see.

-- InstantRst

A vim plugin for preview rst document instantly.

You can share the address through LAN too. (And, You should note, all the navigation/edit inside your rst wiki will be show on that address, if with InstantRst!)

.. figure:: :align: center

riv.vim_ (vim) +  InstantRst_ (web server) +  rhythm.css_ (theme)

This is an intro for vim usage.

To use only the server, see instant-rst.py_.


  1. Vim with Vundle or NeoBundle:

    NeoBundle 'Rykka/InstantRst'

  2. Python:

.. code:: sh

Got some issue on pypi

sudo pip install instant-rst

sudo pip install

  1. Curl:

.. code:: sh

sudo apt-get install curl


Inside a rst buffer.

:InstantRst[!] Preview current buffer. Add ! to preview ALL rst buffer.

:StopInstantRst[!] Stop Preview current buffer Add ! to stop preview ALL rst buffer.


If you find the server is still runnning after you stop it.

You can find the process of ``instantRst`` and stop it manually.


g:instant_rst_slow Preview rst in fast or slow mode, default is 0. If your computer is a bit slow, set it to 1.

g:instant_rst_browser Web browser for preview. default is ''. And then firefox will be used.

g:instant_rst_template Directory where the template for rendered pages is located.

Defaults to using rhythm.css_, that is bundled with the server.

g:instant_rst_static Directory for static files used by the template.
To be used together with g:instant_rst_template

Also defaults to the bundled rhythm.css_

g:instant_rst_port The port of webserver, default is 5676.

Then the server is at ``http://localhost:5676`` 

And you can open it at your lan ip too.

If your vim is installed with '+py', then it will open at your lan ip.

like ````

g:instant_rst_localhost_only Only use localhost, and disable lan ip

Whenever your vim has '+py'

g:instant_rst_forever Always preview all rst buffer, default is 0.

g:instant_rst_bind_scroll Bind scroll with browser.

When scrolling with Vim, The browser will scroll either.

default is ``1``

g:instant_rst_additional_dirs Serve additional directories for previewing, default is an empty array [].

For example: ``['/home/<my_user>/<my_rst_project>/images', '/home/<my_user>/<my_rst_project>/docs']``

It requires the absolute path of the directory, and the last directory name is used in the server.

A request made to ``/images/cats/1.png`` will try to serve the file from ``/home/<my_user>/<my_rst_project>/images/cats/1.png``


  1. rst's inline image file contained are not displayed.


This plugin is for Riv.vim_.

which is a vim plugin for writing rst documents.


for debian user, you may need to install gevent manually


sudo apt-get install libevent-dev
sudo apt-get install python-all-dev
sudo pip install greenlet
sudo pip install gevent


0.9.8 add support for static file directory



.. sectnum:: .. _riv.vim: .. _typo.css: .. .. _rhythm.css: .. _InstantRst: