gu-fan / clickable.vim

Make things clickable
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Make Things Clickable : ) 

-- clickable.vim

:version: 0.91 beta

Make things clickable, even in vim.

An old image but shows how it works.

.. image ::

What's New in 0.91

I've rewrite the clickable.vim to make it more usable.

It has syntax highlighting, hover function and click function.

And can be easily extened.


By default, folding/links/files are made clickable:


NOTE: there is a known issus here. The 'Google Chrome' under 
Mac OSX wil not open this as mail. But 'Firefox' works fine.

Files and Directories




You can use ``<2-leftmouse>`` or ``<CR>`` to open them.

Combine with ``Shift`` and ``Control`` can also be used.

Whilst ``Shift`` means split,
And ``Control`` means create nonexists without confirm.

And More Clickable Things

You can add 'rykka/clickable-things' to your bundle to include more clickable things.

Like bundle: clicking the 'Bundle "xxx/xxx"' will jump to the bundle directory directly.

see clickable-things_.

Also you can define your own clickable things easily.


Using Vundle or NeoBundle, as always::

Bundle "Rykka/clickable.vim"
Bundle "Rykka/clickable-things"

or NeoBundle


Options will be prefixed with g:clickable_.


You can set 'browser' options by g:clickable_browser

You can get it's value by clickable#get_opt('browser')

'browser': 'firefox' For Links, The default url browser. Defaults to nothing (uses system default)

'extensions': 'txt,js,css,html,py,vim,java,jade,c,cpp,rst,php,rb', For Files, Strings with such extension will be considered as a file.

'ignored_buf': '^NERD', The buffer name matched will be ignored by clickable.vim

'maps': '<2-LeftMouse>,,,,,,' The mapping to trigger clickable 'click' action.

'map_fallback': {'':'kJ'} Default action when a 'click' action does not trigger any clickable item.

When it's a string, it will be triggered as a mapping.

When it's function object, it will be called. (see ':h funcref')

'directory': '' The Additional 'clickable' plugin directory, to store your own items.

'prefix': '_clickable' Used for prefixing syntax group name. Change this only if there is a syntax name conflict, which should never happen though.

Defining clickable plugins

For now, you can defining clickable plugin with your need.

clickable.vim will search all vim file under '&rtp/clickable' and source them. Along with the g:clickable_directory directory,

These vim file must use clickable#export(object) to export config queue object to clickable plugin.

:NOTE: Syntax Match First.

    For clickable objects with syntax, validation are based on syntax highlight. 

    When things not highlighted/hovered/triggered, It will be not validated.

    So make sure it's correctly syntax matched with your pattern.

A minimal config for useage

put it at your_plugin/clickable/your_plugin.vim:

.. code:: vim

" Don't pollute the global namespace
function s:init() 

    " Class
    let Class = clickable#class#init() 

    " A Basic Config Class
    let Basic = clickable#class#basic#init() 

    " Create a config object exteding from Basic config object.
    let hello = Class('hello', Basic, {
    \ 'name': 'hello',
    \ 'pattern': 'hello',
    \ 'hl_group': 'Keyword',

    " The trigger will be called when mapping are typed. 
    function hello.trigger(...) dict 
        echo 'Hello'

    let config = {'hello': hello}
    call clickable#export(config)

call s:init()

So this plugin will highlight all 'hello' with 'Keyword' group, and when you click on it, it will echo 'hello'.

A More Specific Description

.. code:: vim

let Class = clickable#class#init()

" Basic Config Object
" clickable.vim/autoload/class/basic.vim
let Basic = clickable#class#basic#init()

" Syntax Config Object, extened by File and Link
" clickable.vim/autoload/class/syntax.vim
let Syntax = clickable#class#syntax#init()

" File Config Object, will open file when triggered.
" clickable.vim/autoload/class/file.vim
let File = clickable#class#file#init()

" Link Config Object, will browse url when triggered.
" clickable.vim/autoload/class/link.vim
let Link = clickable#class#link#init()

let local_config = {}

" exteding the File Config object
let local_config.test = Class('Test',File, {

    " config object's name
    \ 'name': 'test',

    " pattern for string matching
    \ 'pattern': 'test',

    " Valid when filetype is vim or html
    \ 'filetype': 'vim,html',

    " tooltip when showing
    \ 'tooltip': 'test:',

    " syntax group name for highlighting. will be prefixed
    \ 'syn_group': 'test',

    " syntax pattern seperator used for define pattern
    " should not be duplicated with symbol used inside pattern
    \ 'syn_sep': '`',

    " Additional syntax arguments.
    " when empty it will be set to 'containedin=ALLBUT,_clickable.*'
    " If you want to make your pattern doesn't have visual effect.
    " You can use 'containedin=.* transparent'
    " See ':h syn-arguments' for details
    \ 'syn_args': '',

    " Highlight group name. The basic syntax highlighting
    \ 'hl_group': 'Underlined',

    " Highlight group for hover.
    \ 'hover_hl_group': 'MoreMsg',

    " Highlight group for not exists. (used by File)
    \ 'noexists_hl_group': '',


" validate function.
" return 1 if the pattern is valid,
" return 0 if not.
function! local_config.test.validate(...) dict "{{{
    return 1
endfunction "}}}

" for post validate hook up
fun! local_confg.test.post_validate() dict "{{{
endfun "}}}

" triggering functio, should return 1 if triggered.
function! local_config.test.trigger(...) dict "{{{
    echo 'test'
    return 1
endfunction "}}}

" Highlight function, should return 1 if highlighted
" Don't change this only if you know what you are doing
function! local_config.test.highlight(...) dict "{{{
        let HL = get(a:000, 0 , 'IncSearch')
        let obj = self._hl.obj
        if has_key(obj, 'str')  
            let bgn = obj.bgn + 1
            let end = obj.end
            let row = self._hl.row
            let col = self._hl.col

            if obj.bgn < col && col <= obj.end + 1
                execute '2match' HL.' /\%'.(row)
                            \.'l\%>'.(bgn-1) .'c\%<'.(end+1).'c/'
                return 1


        return 0
endfunction "}}}

" Show Tooltip in cmdline
fun! local_config.test.show_tooltip(tooltip) dict "{{{
    call clickable#echo(a:tooltip)
endfun "}}}

" Hover function. should return 1 if highlighted
" Don't change this only if you know what you are doing
function! local_config.test.on_hover(...) dict "{{{
        if !empty(self.validate())
            call self.post_validate()
            call self.show_tooltip(self.tooltip)
            return 1
            return 0
endfunction "}}}

" Click function
" Don't change this only if you know what you are doing
function! local_config.test.on_click(...) dict "{{{
        if !empty(self.validate())
            call self.post_validate()
            call self.trigger(a:mapping)
            return 1
            return 0
endfunction "}}}

" For file object only.
" The self.full_path are used as file's real path.
" You can generate it in self.post_validate()
" return 1 if exists
fun! local_config.test.is_file_exists() dict "{{{
    return isdirectory(self.full_path) || filereadable(self.full_path) 
endfun "}}}

You can check clickable-things_ for working examples.

Maybe a detail intro is needed in the future. So anyone can write one in english are welcome.

There is an (Chinese) intro in my blog:


Please post issues at Github.

  1. Not HighLight with cursor hover.

    The matching is using '2match', So may be conflicted with other highlighting plugins.

  2. First highlighted and worked, after sometime stopped working.

    This is because buffer's syntax group or au group are cleand by something.

    You can use ':bw' to wipe out the buffer and reedit it.

  3. The Syntax highlighting of the file are changed.

    You can set 'syn_args' to 'containedin=.* transparent' to make clickable object transparent of highlighting

.. _clickable-things: