The Ophan Dashboard lets you configure email alerts, which are later sent by Trigr when traffic passes the configured threshold. When Ophan's Trigr sends those emails, some of them are bounced, either because the email has an out of office automatic reply, or because the email no longer exists.
If too many emails bounce, Amazon will put us on 'probation' (this has happened before), and then place us on a deny list, preventing us from sending emails altogether.
The Ophan Housekeeper is an AWS Lambda that receives these bounce emails, and for each hard bounce (email no longer exists) it clears all subscriptions for that email in our DynamoDB table that keep tracks of email alerts users have set up.
This code was copied over from the main Ophan repository, you can see the last version of it there at:
More -> Email Alerts
. Now you should have 1 email alert before the form.permanentBounce.ophanAlert.json
which you will find it under src/test/resources
and store it somewhere that you can grab it later in the terminal.bounce
in the terminal or go to the sbt console and then type this command run <your file path>
and the easiest way to do this is to drag the file in te terminal and that will give you the path.