gudenau / minecraft-MoreTags

Adds a bunch of misc tags to Minecraft.
MIT License
3 stars 3 forks source link
fabricmc minecraft

More Tags

Adds a bunch of tags to Minecraft for mod authors and data pack authors to use!

Currently added block tags

Currently added item tags

For mod authors

To use this mod add this to your build.gradle:

repositories {
    maven {
        name = 'gudenau\'s maven'
        url = ''

dependencies {
    modImplementation include("net.gudenau.minecraft:MoreTags:${project.moreTagsVersion}"){
        transitive = false

and add this to your, replacing [version] with the version you want to use:


For datapack authors

Just use the tags like any other Minecraft tag, they are in the namespace 'moretags'.

For example if you want to make it so bookshelves do not increase enchanting table power while stone does, place this into a file called bookshelves.json in Datapack/data/moretags/tags/blocks:

  "replace": true,
  "values": [