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AdWords and DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer API PHP Client Library

Google's AdWords and DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer API services lets developers design computer programs that interact directly with the AdWords and DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer platforms. With these applications, advertisers and third parties can more efficiently -- and creatively -- manage their large or complex AdWords and DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer accounts and campaigns.

The AdWords and DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer API PHP Client Library makes it easy to write PHP clients to programmatically access AdWords and DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer accounts. All client library classes and utilities are in the directory or sub-directory of "src/Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/".

The client library is compatible with all standard PHP 5.2.x - 5.4.x distributions. The library uses the native SoapClient class [], which needs to be enabled with the --enable-soap flag if building PHP from source. More information about compatibility can be found in the PHP Compatibility section of this README.

The complete documentation for AdWords and DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer API is available from

What's in the client library?

The client library provides full access to all the functionality of the AdWords and DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer API web services plus more. It includes:

Basic usage

For those of you who have already built PHP clients without using the client library, the AdWordsUser class has methods for setting username, password, client customer ID, application token, developer token, and useragent so that you don't have to write the code to set the request headers. The methods for creating new instances of service classes takes the place of the code for instantiating the stubs that connect to the web services.

In the following example, for using the default constructor,

$user = new AdWordsUser();

the credentials are loaded from the "src/Google/Api/Ads/AdWords/auth.ini" file.

The credentials can also be loaded in one of two ways: supplying an alternative authentication INI file or supplying credentials via the constructor's parameters.

If an authentication INI file is provided and successfully loaded, those values will be used unless a corresponding parameter overwrites it. If the authentication INI file is not provided (e.g. it is null) the class will attempt to load the default authentication file at the path of "../auth.ini" relative to this file's directory. Any corresponding parameter, which is not null will however, overwrite any parameter loaded from the default INI.

$user = new AdWordsUser(NULL, NULL, NULL, $developerToken, $applicationToken, $userAgent, $clientCustomerId, NULL, NULL, $oauth2Info);


// Used if the account is not using the MCC to log in. $user = new AdWordsUser(NULL, NULL, NULL, $developerToken, $applicationToken, $userAgent, NULL, NULL, NULL, $oauth2Info);

How do I start?

Depending on your PHP setup, you will need to extract this library into a directory on your system which is secure and has read/execute permissions to the user executing this library.

There is no need to worry about accessing the WSDLs for the web services; the classes in the client library do it for you. Demo programs in "examples/" directory can be used to get started writing your own client. They should work out of the box if you provide the right credentials; the default behavior is to use credentials from "../auth.ini" relative to the AdWordsUser.php file's directory.

To write a program that accesses AdWords and DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer accounts using the client library, do the following:

1) Set the include path and the require the folowing PHP file:

 // You can set the include path to src directory or reference
 // AdWordsUser.php directly via require_once.
 // $path = '/path/to/pda_api_php_lib/src';
 $path = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../src';
 set_include_path(get_include_path() . PATH_SEPARATOR . $path);

 require_once 'Google/Api/Ads/AdWordsUser/Lib/AdWordsUser.php';

2) Create an AdWordsUser instance, specifying the credentials at creation time. Or, you can use the default constructor after completing the INI file as described above.

 $user = new AdWordsUser(NULL, NULL, NULL, $developerToken,
     $applicationToken, $userAgent, $clientCustomerId, NULL, NULL,

3) Optionally, enable logging to capture the content of the requests and responses. This example sends the information to a file:


4) Instantiate the desired service class by calling the getXService method on the AdWordsUser instance. Getting the service will "require" the proper PHP file, so that all classes needed for that service will be loaded.

 $campaignService =
     $user->getCampaignService('v201302', '');


 // Defaults to parameters above.
 $campaignService = $user->GetCampaignService();

5) Create data objects and invoke methods on the service class instance. The data objects and methods map directly to the data objects and requests for the corresponding web service.

 // Create new campaign structure.
 $campaign = new Campaign();
 $campaign->name = 'Campaign #' . time();
 $campaign->status = 'ACTIVE';
 $campaign->biddingStrategyConfiguration =
     new BiddingStrategyConfiguration();
 $campaign->biddingStrategyConfiguration->biddingStrategyType =
 $campaign->budget = new Budget('DAILY', new Money(50000000), 'STANDARD');

 $operation = new CampaignOperation();
 $operation->operand = $campaign;
 $operation->operator = 'ADD';
 $operations[] = $operation;

 // Add campaign.
 $campaignReturnValue = $campaignService->mutate($operations);

Running the examples

Examples can be run by executing the following on command line from a sub-directory of the "examples/" directory,

$ php Example.php

Using test accounts for development

It is recommended that during development of your library, you use AdWords Test Accounts, to find more information about these type of account visit:

Authentication Options

Authentication in the client library is handled by the AdWordsUser object, which has the following options. OAuth 2 is recommended. ClientLogin is less secure and has been deprecated. See this link for more information:

How do I enable logging?

The client library uses a custom class for all logging purposes and is exposed through the Logger.php file. There are two loggers within this class described below.

Logging can be enabled using the following methods.

You can use the methods of the Logger class directly for even more control over how requests are logged.

Encoding special characters

The AdWords and DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer API requires that all requests are UTF-8 encoded. Because UTF-8 is backwards compatible with ASCII, alphanumeric and punctuation characters from other ASCII based encodings (such as ISO 8859-1 or Windows-1252) are compatible and don't request any conversion. However, many special characters are not compatible between encodings and need to be manually converted before being passed in to the client library. This can be done using the PHP function iconv().

For example, to convert a Windows-1252 encoded string containing the euro sign to UTF-8 you could use the following code:

$price = iconv('WINDOWS-1252', 'UTF-8', '€40');

Alternatively you can choose to represent the special characters as XML character entities. For example, the euro sign (€) is represented as the XML entity "€". The format of the XML entity is "&#x" followed by the Unicode hex code point for the character. You can look up the code point for a given character using the charts on (

The PHP SoapClient class, and hence the PHP client library, assumes that the values passed in to the services are unescaped and will automatically escape them. For XML entities like the one above this can have the unintended consequence of escaping the ampersand, breaking the entity. To work around this issue we recommend that you use the PHP function html_entity_decode() to to unescape these entities before passing them in to the client library.

For example, to unescape a string containing the XML character entity for the euro sign to a UTF-8 string you could use the following code:

$price = html_entity_decode('€40', ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');

Error messages about Timezones

If you are getting warnings about setting your default timezone, you will need to do so in your php.ini file setting the field:


More information is available here:

Already defined classes

Since PHP 5.2 does not have namespaces, there is the possibility that one of the automatically generated classes used by the API has the same name as an existing class in your environment. Classes that were found to conflict with PHP native classes have already been renamed:

'DateTime' => 'AdWordsDateTime' 'Target' => 'AdWordsTarget'

If you find that there are additional conflicts in your environment you have the following options:

1) Rename the class in the corresponding Service.php file and update the mapping in Service::$classmap to reference the new class name. Be aware that the same type can be defined in multiple services.

2) Rename the conflicting class in your system. This will likely not be possible if the class is part of another library.

3) Regenerate the classes from the WSDLs using pseudo-namespace support. See the section "Pseudo-namespace support" for more information.

Pseudo-namespace support

Pseudo-namespaces can be used to help avoid class or function name conflicts due to PHP 5.2's lack of native namespace support. This involves prepending all class names with a unique string. When generating classes from the WSDLs you have the option to enable pseudo-namespaces, so for example the type "Campaign" would produce a class called "GoogleApiAdsAdWords_Campaign".

For the sake of backwards compatibility this feature is not enabled by default. It can be enabled by setting wsdl2php.enablePseudoNamespaces to "true" in the file and running the "generate" target in build.xml. This requires the source build of the library.

Enabling pseudo-namespaces for an existing application make cause your code to break, as class names have changed. To avoid this you should use the following practices when writing your application:

PHP Suhosin Patch

With some PHP installations, it has been found that the Suhosin patch prevents correct usage of the AdWords and DoubleClick Ad Exchange Buyer API PHP Client Library. It is believed that the patch is catching memory leaks caused by an underlying library, but we are still investigating the root cause. Errors caught by the Suhosin patch may look like the following:

ALERT - canary mismatch on efree() - heap overflow detected (attacker 'REMOTE_ADDR not set', file '...', line ...)

At this time we recommend using versions of PHP that do not have the Suhosin patch applied. More information about the Suhosin patch can be found here:

Note: this patch is applied by default to many standard distributions, including the current Ubuntu distribution - 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.7.

PHP Compatiblity

The PHP client library supports most 5.2.x - 5.4.x distributions. If you find the library is not compatible with your setup, please let us know here:

External dependencies

Run environment:

Build environment:

Where do I submit bug reports and feature requests?

Bug reports and feature requests can be submitted at

Questions can be posted to the AdWords API forum:

Authors: Vincent Tsao Paul Matthews Adam Rogal Eric Koleda

Maintainers: Vincent Tsao Paul Matthews