guenchi / Raven

Raven is a Package Manager for Chez Scheme
MIT License
120 stars 13 forks source link
chez chez-scheme library module package-manager r6rs raven scheme


Raven is a Package Manager for Chez Scheme

Web Site


Packages List

package description only for Chez r6rs common pure Scheme C lib depenced

library darkart|foreign library call|X|||X srfi | srfi || X | X | sufage | srfi || X | X | core | small procedures || X | X | slib ||| X | X | scheme-lib || X ||| X web igropyr | http server | X ||| X ballista | web framwork | X || X | X catapult | web framwork | X || X | X libra | web framwork || X | X | json | Json parser || X | X | chez-json | Json parser || X | X | anb-json | Json parser || X | X | jwt | Json Web Token | X || X | X liber | HTML parser || X | X | system socket || X ||| X libc || X ||| X database mysql|| X ||| X hash base64 | BASE64 || X | X | csha256 | SHA256 hash | X |||X crypo chs256 | HMAC-SHA256 | X |||X compiler nanopass|compiler framwork||X|X| lalr | LALR(1) parser || X | X | statistics chez-stats|statistics||X|X|

the Raven libraries generally work fine on the R6RS implementation, except for some built on the c library which dependent on Chez Scheme's FFI.

Running project:

$ raven run

if you will run a project compiled:

$ export CHEZSCHEMELIBDIRS=.:lib:/usr/local/lib 
$ export
$ scheme

The project Raven is supported by

The principal developers are: guenchi, chclock

Nota Bene: We recommend that the libraries for Raven files use .sc for distinguishing the libraries of r5rs / r7rs small.