guibacellar / DNCI

DNCI - Dot Net Code Injector
GNU General Public License v3.0
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DNCI - Dot Net Code Injector

DNCI allows the injection of .Net code (.exe or .dll) remotely in unmanaged processes in windows.

1. Project Structure

The project is structured in:

2. Documentation and Usage:

2.1. Command Line Utility Documentation


Inject Classic .Net Console Application into Notepad++

This example used the InjectDemo.Console.ClassicNet .exe file. DNCI.Injector.Runner.exe --assemblyFile "\InjectDemo.Console.ClassicNet.exe" --className InjectDemo.Console.ClassicNet.Program --methodName EntryPoint --targetMode=processName --processName notepad++ --argument "OK BOY"

Inject Classic .Net Console Application into Process with ID 66

This example used the InjectDemo.Console.ClassicNet .exe file. DNCI.Injector.Runner.exe --assemblyFile "\InjectDemo.Console.ClassicNet.exe" --className InjectDemo.Console.ClassicNet.Program --methodName EntryPoint --targetMode=PID --pid 66 --argument "OK BOY"

Try to Inject Classic .Net Console Application into any Running Process

This example used the InjectDemo.Console.ClassicNet .exe file. DNCI.Injector.Runner.exe --assemblyFile "\InjectDemo.Console.ClassicNet.exe" --className InjectDemo.Console.ClassicNet.Program --methodName EntryPoint --targetMode=BruteForce --argument "OK BOY"

2.2. Injection Library Documentation

The injection library was designed to be used by any .Net program. In fact, the DNCI Command Line Utility do uses the DNCI Library it self.

Building Parameters

Inject Classic .Net Console Application into Remote Process

Injector.Library.InjectorConfiguration config = Injector.Library.InjectorConfigurationBuilder
    .WithArguments("OK - It Works Baby")
    .InjectOnProcess("cmd") // Try to Inject on cmd process
    .InjectOnProcess("chrome") // Try to Inject on chrome process
    .InjectOnProcess("cmd.exe") // Try to Inject on cmd.exe process
    .InjectOnProcess("calc") // Try to Inject on calc process
    .InjectOnProcess("notepad++")  // Try to Inject on notepad++ process

Brute Force to Inject Classic .Net DLL Application into Any Available Process

Injector.Library.InjectorConfiguration config = Injector.Library.InjectorConfigurationBuilder
   .WithArguments("OK - It Works Baby")

Running the Injector

// Create Injector Instance
DNCI.Injector.Library.Injector injector = new Library.Injector(configBuilderconfig);

// Execute the Injection
List<InjectorResult> result = injector.Run();

// Print Injection Result on Console
foreach (InjectorResult res in result)