guido-syseng / Hassio-Addons

Apache License 2.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

Home Assistant Add-ons: The repository of guido-syseng (Guido Gardini)

Master build GitHub commit activity Licence

My repository with Add-ons for the Home Assistant (former system

Add-ons provided by this repository

More about the Add-ons can be found in their folders.


To install those add-ons, add this repository to the Home Assistant Add-ons Store, like this: Supervisor> Add-on Store> ... DX> Repository> Manage Add-ons Repository Then type the URL: Now you need to hit the ADD button and then follow the steps: Supervisor> Add-ons Store > ... DX> Refresh


Got questions?

You have a way to get them answered:

In case you've found a bug, please open an issue on our GitHub.


The licence of the repository is inherited by the plugins, if not stated different.