This is a ruby wrapper for the Spotify Web API.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rspotify'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rspotify
RSpotify was designed with usability as its primary goal, so that you can forget the API and intuitively interact with your playlists, favorite artists, users and so on.
You can write things like my_playlist.tracks.sort_by(&:popularity).last.album
without having to think which API calls must be done. RSpotify fills the gaps for you.
Below are some basic usage examples. Check the documentation for the complete reference.
require 'rspotify'
artists ='Arctic Monkeys')
arctic_monkeys = artists.first
arctic_monkeys.popularity #=> 74
arctic_monkeys.genres #=> ["Alternative Pop/Rock", "Indie", ...]
arctic_monkeys.top_tracks(:US) #=> (Track array)
albums = arctic_monkeys.albums #=> "AM"
am = albums.first
am.release_date #=> "2013-09-10"
am.images #=> (Image array)
am.available_markets #=> ["AR", "BO", "BR", ...]
tracks = am.tracks #=> "Do I Wanna Know?"
do_i_wanna_know = tracks.first
do_i_wanna_know.duration_ms #=> 272386
do_i_wanna_know.track_number #=> 1
do_i_wanna_know.preview_url #=> "<id>"
playlists ='Indie') #=> "The Indie Mix"
# You can search within other types too
albums ='The Wall')
tracks ='Thriller')
Find by id:
arctic_monkeys = RSpotify::Artist.find('7Ln80lUS6He07XvHI8qqHH')
arctic_monkeys.related_artists #=> (Artist array)
am = RSpotify::Album.find('41vPD50kQ7JeamkxQW7Vuy')
am.album_type #=> "single"
do_i_wanna_know = RSpotify::Track.find('2UzMpPKPhbcC8RbsmuURAZ')
do_i_wanna_know.album #=> (Album object)
me = RSpotify::User.find('guilhermesad')
me.uri #=> "spotify:user:guilhermesad"
# Or find several objects at once:
ids = %w(2UzMpPKPhbcC8RbsmuURAZ 7Jzsc04YpkRwB1zeyM39wE)
my_tracks = RSpotify::Track.find(ids)
my_tracks.size #=> 2
Some data require authentication to be accessed, such as playlists' details. You can easily get your credentials here.
Then just copy and paste them like so:
RSpotify.authenticate("<your_client_id>", "<your_client_secret>")
# Now you can access playlists in detail, browse featured content and more
me = RSpotify::User.find('guilhermesad')
me.playlists #=> (Playlist array)
# Find by id
playlist = RSpotify::Playlist.find('guilhermesad', '1Xi8mgiuHHPLQYOw2Q16xv') #=> "d33p"
playlist.description #=> "d33p h0uz"
playlist.followers['total'] #=> 1
playlist.tracks #=> (Track array)
# Search by category
party = RSpotify::Category.find('party')
party.playlists #=> (Playlist array)
categories = RSpotify::Category.list # See all available categories
# Access featured content from Spotify's Browse tab
featured_playlists = RSpotify::Playlist.browse_featured(country: 'US')
new_releases = RSpotify::Album.new_releases(country: 'ES')
# Access tracks' audio features
sorry ="Sorry").first
sorry.audio_features.danceability #=> 0.605 #=> 0.768
sorry.audio_features.tempo #=> 100.209
# Get recommendations
recommendations = RSpotify::Recommendations.generate(seed_genres: ['blues', 'country'])
recommendations = RSpotify::Recommendations.generate(seed_tracks:
recommendations = RSpotify::Recommendations.generate(seed_artists:
recommendations.tracks #=> (Track array)
You might want your application to access a user's Spotify account.
For instance, suppose you want your app to create playlists for the user based on their taste, or to add a feature that syncs user's playlists with some external app.
If so, add the following to your application (Remember to get your credentials)
# config/application.rb
RSpotify::authenticate("<your_client_id>", "<your_client_secret>")
# config/initializers/omniauth.rb
require 'rspotify/oauth'
Rails.application.config.middleware.use OmniAuth::Builder do
provider :spotify, "<your_client_id>", "<your_client_secret>", scope: 'user-read-email playlist-modify-public user-library-read user-library-modify'
OmniAuth.config.allowed_request_methods = [:post, :get]
You should replace the scope values for the ones your own app will require from the user. You can see the list of available scopes in here.
Next, make a link so the user can log in with his Spotify account:
<%= link_to 'Sign in with Spotify', '/auth/spotify', method: :post %>
And create a route to receive the callback:
# config/routes.rb
get '/auth/spotify/callback', to: 'users#spotify'
Remember you need to tell Spotify this address is white-listed. You can do this by adding it to the Redirect URIs list in your application page. An example of Redirect URI would be http://localhost:3000/auth/spotify/callback.
Finally, create a new RSpotify User with the response received:
class UsersController < ApplicationController
def spotify
spotify_user =['omniauth.auth'])
# Now you can access user's private data, create playlists and much more
# Access private data #=> "US" #=> ""
# Create playlist in user's Spotify account
playlist = spotify_user.create_playlist!('my-awesome-playlist')
# Add tracks to a playlist in user's Spotify account
tracks ='Know')
playlist.add_tracks!(tracks) #=> "Somebody That I Used To Know"
# Access and modify user's music library
spotify_user.saved_tracks.size #=> 20
albums ='launeddas')
spotify_user.saved_albums.size #=> 10
# Use Spotify Follow features
# Get user's top played artists and tracks
spotify_user.top_artists #=> (Artist array)
spotify_user.top_tracks(time_range: 'short_term') #=> (Track array)
# Check doc for more
The user's access token is automatically refreshed by RSpotify when needed. This is especially useful if you persist the user data on a database. This way, the user only need log in to Spotify once during the use of the application.
Additionally, you can store a proc that is invoked when a new access token is generated. This give you the opportunity to persist the new access token for future use. The proc will be invoked with two arguments: the new access token and the lifetime of the token in seconds. For example, if lifetime value returned from Spotify is 3600, you know that the token will be good for one hour.
In the sample code below, the credentials have been retrieved from some persistent store such as AWS SecretsManager.
callback_proc = { |new_access_token, token_lifetime |
now = # seconds since 1/1/1970, midnight UTC
deadline = now+token_lifetime
#puts("new access token will expire at #{}")
spotify_user =
'credentials' => {
"token" => self.credentials["access_token"],
"refresh_token" => self.credentials["refresh_token"],
"access_refresh_callback" => callback_proc
} ,
'id' => self.credentials["user_id"]
RSpotify provides a way to facilitate persistence:
hash = spotify_user.to_hash
# hash containing all user attributes, including access tokens
# Use the hash to persist the data the way you prefer...
# Then recover the Spotify user whenever you like
spotify_user =
spotify_user.create_playlist!('my_awesome_playlist') # automatically refreshes token
To get the raw response from Spotify API requests, just toggle the raw_response
RSpotify.raw_response = true'Cher') #=> (String with raw json response)
If you'd like to use OAuth outside rails, have a look here for the requests that need to be made. You should be able to pass the response to just as well, and from there easily create playlists and more for your user.
git checkout -b my-new-feature
)bundle exec rspec
)git commit -am 'Add some feature'
)git push origin my-new-feature