gujiguj / CSC4700_SEProject2022_Somnia

Repo for CSC 4700 Software Engineering Project Prototype of the game Somnia.
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Somnia: A College Life Simulator

Repo for CSC 4700 Software Engineering Project Prototype of the game Somnia. Experience the wonders of time, energy, and sleep management during college life.

Prototype Download

Built With

Getting Started


Download the Godot Game Engine here. Somnia was built in Godot v3.4.4, so if you would like to download that instead of the latest, check it out here.


  1. Clone the repo.
  2. Open Godot.
  3. Select the Import button to open the "Import Existing Project" popup.
  4. Navigate to the project directory and select the file project.godot.
  5. Open the project and you're set!


  1. Files ending with .tscn are scene files that are editable in the Godot GUI. Files ending with .gd are GDScript files associated with a scene of the same name that hold the code associated with scenes. You can navigate to the script attached to a scene by clicking the scroll icon next to a scene name when it is opened in the top-left Scene navigation menu.
  2. Global variables (i.e. player health) are stored in
  3. The Tutorial Nighttime Rhythm Game that runs at the start of the game is editable in Tutorial.tscn and
  4. The Daytime Visual Novel Section that runs after the tutorial rhythm game is editable in Daytime.tscn and Associated scenes (e.g. Library, DiningHall, etc.) are all accessible this way.
  5. The Nighttime Example Night Terror Rhythm Game that runs after the Daytime is editable in NightTerror.tscn and


See the wiki for full credits.