- Several media queries work, just check if there are any that still do not work :D
- Foldable menu for mobile
- Make the mailing list subscription form work
- Add a Google captcha for the mailing list subscription form
Static, simple and following the material design guidelines as much as possible (taking into account we are engineers, not designers).
In each folder there is a README.md file with a bit of information about its contents, TODO notes, and other stuff.
You can see a preview of the page here. Note that it is updated along with the master branch of this repo.
Each class is a solid block: No space between the name of the class and its attributes, nor between attributes and comments. Individual classes are divided by one blank line, and the bracket position is always the same. Here are some examples:
header {
/*Background color*/
background-color: red;
background-size: cover;
/*Set the width to half*/
width: 50%;
column-2 {
text-size: big;
text-align: center;
Big sections are divided by big banners which have a top margin of 2 lines and bottom margin of one line, like this:
/*Header with a width of 100%...*/
header {
background-color: red;
/*Second column of the lateral div...*/
column-2 {
text-size: big;
One liners are allowed although only for setting one attribute:
/*Deactivate underscoring on all links*/
a {text-decoration: none;}
The official GUL UC3M font for the logo and most of the printing is done with Lato, and this page is no exception.
This is the color palette used in the whole page. You can find the hexadecimal values of each one at the beginning of style.css. There are several of them which are workgroup specific and should not be used on other pages.
Almost everything in the page is based on cards. They are a simple way of ordering information in blocks and keeping everything tidy. For now there are three types of cards:
Thanks to Samuel Thornton, the author of this Codepen for the CSS shadow code which really adds for the Material Design experience.