gunske / geolistic

Enjoy millions of searchable locations in your app
MIT License
2 stars 1 forks source link
big-data bigdata elastic elasticsearch geo geolocation javascript javascript-library node nodejs nodejs-modules


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Import Geoname data to Elastic and enjoy millions of searchable locations in your app.

Geoname is the most comprehensive open source geo location data source with more than 11 million location points. Each location comes with a wealth of information and can be searched in both English and local languages.

Elastic is the leading open source search engine.

Geolistic connects these powers together and geo-enables your app without api restrictions.



$ npm install geolistic

Add schema to elastic

$ curl -XPUT -d @data/schema.json


Using the command line tool

Use the included command line tool to download all data files

$ node geolistic-cli -downloadall

then add all files to elastic

$ node geolistic-cli -addall

You can also download and add individual countries, e.g. for Austria

$ node geolistic-cli -download AT

and add it

$ node geolistic-cli -add AT


After adding data, you can try searching:

$ node geolistic-cli -search Wien

Sample query you can use in your own project:

GET /geonames/geoname/_search
  "query" : {
      "constant_score" : {
         "filter" : {
            "bool" : {
              "must" : [
                {"query_string": {
                    "query": "Wien",
                    "fields": ["name", "asciiName", "alternateNames"]}
                { "range": { "population": {"gt": 0}}},
                { "term": { "featureClass": "P" }}
   "sort": [ {"population": {"order": "desc"}}]

Using the library

Use as library or command line tool. Init the library like this:

const geolistic = require('geolistic');
geolistic.getGeoNameCountries({allColoumns: true}, function (err, countries) {
   // ...

See the api documentation here


No configuration is necessary if elastic runs on localhost port 9200 and you're fine with using geonames/geoname as index/type in elastic.

Otherwise you can edit data/cli-config.json or use environment variables:

$ export ELASTIC_URL="localhost:9200"
$ export ELASTIC_PATH="geonames/geoname"
$ export DATAPATH="/tmp/"
$ node geolistic-cli.js -download AT


The MIT License

Copyright (c) 2017 Gunnar Skeid