guoyang9 / NFM-pyorch

A pytorch implementation for He et al. Neural Factorization Machines for Sparse Predictive Analytics on SIGIR 2017.
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deep-learning neural-factorization-machines nfm pytorch


A pytorch implementation for Neural Factorization Machine (NFM) at SIGIR 2017. The original tensorflow implementation can be found at Xiangnan's repo.

Please download the dataset from here.

Performance Comparison

I run the model for 100 epochs and compare the performance shown in Table 3 of the original paper and keep all the settings identical with the original implementation (i.e., one hiddent layer, relu as the activation function, lr is 0.05 (should be), batch_size is 128 for frappe, 4096 for movielens).

Models Frappe-128 Frappe-256 MovieLens-128 MovieLens-256
NFM-tf 0.313 0.310 0.456 0.444
NFM-pytorch 0.310 0.310 0.456 0.446

The requirements are as follows:

* python==3.6
* numpy==1.16.2
* pytorch==1.0.1
* tensorboardX==1.6 (mainly useful when you want to visulize the loss, see

Example to Run:

python --batch_size=128 --lr=0.05 --hidden_factor=128